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Why isn't Zerg-Busting a thing?


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I've found it more difficult for awhile now to instinctively move in or move out with other floaters. Sometimes I'm asking myself, why did you guys bail already? Other times I'm asking myself, really you guys are going to run right into that? And all throughout, the larger the group gets, the more reactionary we are instead of playing a few steps ahead and being more elastic in our movement. Even though my guildies I run around with after work are mostly just messing around and rarely on voice comms, it's a lot easier to peel in and out without getting pulled apart which some squads are just really good at doing. Most of our servers casual players are only casual in that they're going to mostly not be in squad but they can work out what you're up to and will want some of that and your small tighter group will snowball pretty quickly and it will end up a zerg vs zerg fight anyway.

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It doesn't happen so often, because many players wised up and the game introduced Elites with mechanics; which make it harder to sustain as a smaller group, against a larger group with a good squad composition.

A long time ago, people used to play want they wanted, we even had all sorts of classes (medium classes esp) tagging up aswell and no squad system, but now you have some communities of players coming to an understanding, what classes and builds are needed in an organized large scale group.

Otherwise, even if you aren't as coordinated as those groups on voice comms , you should be able to cloud groups with more numbers and slowly whittle them down. P.S It is probably better to cloud, than follow a bad commander class, like a druid or reaper. Also you have the tower/keep buffs and banners.

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I think it has to do with an absence of real power moves. From the Ele in particular, we've seen quite a few nerfs. The lightning field now has an ICD that makes it useless against a zerg. Ice bow has had its target capped changed from 5 to 3 and had its damage reduced... I'm sure there's many more, but I can't remember them at the moment. The point is that all of these skills used to scale up or scale really well with large numbers. But now, with all of the ICDs and target cap changes, they don't.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:I think it has to do with an absence of real power moves.Yet at the same time you see new videos posted of solo guards judging into groups of 10 and downing everybody, eles tping into zergs downing people with 20k+ nukes, mesmers shattering 5 people at once, reapers spinning ftw and killing 5 people, etc and so on.

It's kind of weird.

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I think things changed in wvw when the 50 man squad utility was introduced to game. It makes it much easier to run a map queue zerg with one tag. In the day when five man groups followed a tag it wasn't quite so easy. I would like to see squad sizes reduced for wvw to a max of 25 or something else introduced to discourage the map q zerg. Map q zerg can blindly run over most groups with sheer numbers no matter how much skill a clever small group has.

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Meta has greatly changed since then. In the past, in order to have meaningful team heal, we have to blast water for that. Now, everything is base on individual skill therefore lesser group coordination required. In such a meta where team sustain is easily provided through individual skill than group coordination, trying to have a small team beating a big team is not that simple. Let's not forget the power creep and more access to boonstrip.

Edit:In the past, commanders means something because of all the coordination we need a a group thus need a good timing to perform those. Now, it is all about good players.

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because nowadays if u eat enough from back line the commander will eventually turn around and chase u off and people will start doing it constantly and since power nowadays is over the top with retarded new guardians just having to mindless spam their tomes to heal a group is far superior nowadays compare to a well played group.

basically the skill needed to play has been lowered over all. not that needed any skill in wvw but for example water fields arent even needed anymore nowadays like back in the days.

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