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Not even 1 BOSS/Meta!


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Ok, im complite all maps, there is 0 METAs and Bosses. All posibly METAS (from reddit) fake its event like Orr tamples nothing more.

GW2 for me was always about cool METAs, Boss fights, crazy epic big events. PoF have nothing of this. IM REAALY hope for META Krakatorik in future. LVL of disspointment 10/10

Also MAPS have no meta, old players returned alreyde 2 HoT, Casuals also lost coze map a big and they cant do events solo and just give up. Desert are really desert now. bad jobe you really dont know how 2 balance and know only 1 option ALL MAPS META OR 0 MAPS METa..... pffff

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Good job on completing all maps.

If GW2 was always about metas for you, I have good news, HoT maps are still open. This expansion doesnt have map wide meta events. Maybe it will have some day, maybe devs decided to focus on something else this expansion just as they focused on metas in the previous.

And not sure what you mean about empty maps. I keep running into people doing events, though most are easy to solo as well.

Tl;dr: core - casuals, HoT - meta events, PoF - ???

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Here's what's going to happen, eventually That_Shaman will come up with a timer for the bounties which players and commanders will follow in champ trains, commanders will lead people in the small map metas when there are either crappy bounties or repeat bounties, every one will farm gold efficiently and no one will be held hostage by this map is full or draconian map timers.

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Frankly, I'm glad to not have another full meta map like Dragon's Stand. I didn't appreciate the fact that I had to schedule my time around server events just to be able to get things done on a map, or hoping it succeeds just to be able to get things that are locked behind the meta otherwise. Having big bosses and a huge meta event on a map, that isn't the sole purpose of the map? Totally fine with that (like the Octovine in Auric, or the VB night cycle leading to a series of boss fights).

I'm not sure where you're getting that the new maps are already deserted. I'm still going through the story, have made it to the Desolation, and I'm seeing tons of people around. I don't find the maps seeming or feeling at all dead and I don't believe that we need a meta in order to make a map feel alive. There are plenty of events to do, there's a large meta (not hugely epic by OP's standards) in Elon Riverlands around Augury Rock, and there's a ton of bounties. Plus whatever else is in the other maps I haven't gotten to yet. It isn't as if the maps are devoid of anything to do but no, they aren't as 'busy' as the HoT maps.

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There aren't map wide metas, but there are some events that can be considered World Bosses or something of the sort with a bunch of pre-events leading to them.

In Crystal Oasis there is the Casino Blitz leading to the Choya Pinata. (Apparently can drop an infusion)Elon Riverlands has the Augury Rock event chain to collect the magic around which will eventually spawn the doppelganger of a player in the area.The Desolation has the Maw of Torment, three lanes fighting a boss at the center.Vabbi has the Serpents' Ire, you have to slay 5 serpents (forgotten?) to spawn a boss, the Dps check of the first phase seemed a bit more on the tighter side, this event has only been completed a few times.

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@Maethor.2810 said:Frankly, I'm glad to not have another full meta map like Dragon's Stand. I didn't appreciate the fact that I had to schedule my time around server events just to be able to get things done on a map, or hoping it succeeds just to be able to get things that are locked behind the meta otherwise. Having big bosses and a huge meta event on a map, that isn't the sole purpose of the map? Totally fine with that (like the Octovine in Auric, or the VB night cycle leading to a series of boss fights).

This a thousand times.Adding to that, The bounty system is designed so that it actually promotes you joining groups to go and hunt for them, rather than jump to a full map and wonder off somewhere, even outside of a group.The map-meta's also become very boring after having done them numerous times, it is always the same, at least with bounties you have some variations.And all people did map-meta's for was to farm items/gold, well you earn just as much, if not more, by doing bounties, but you get a lot more action.

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@Skuzz.6580 said:

@Maethor.2810 said:Frankly, I'm glad to not have another full meta map like Dragon's Stand.
I didn't appreciate the fact that I had to schedule my time around server events just to be able to get things done on a map
, or hoping it succeeds just to be able to get things that are locked behind the meta otherwise. Having big bosses and a huge meta event on a map, that isn't the sole purpose of the map? Totally fine with that (like the Octovine in Auric, or the VB night cycle leading to a series of boss fights).

This a thousand times.Adding to that, The bounty system is designed so that it actually promotes you joining groups to go and hunt for them, rather than jump to a full map and wonder off somewhere, even outside of a group.The map-meta's also become very boring after having done them numerous times, it is always the same, at least with bounties you have some variations.And all people did map-meta's for was to farm items/gold, well you earn just as much, if not more, by doing bounties, but you get a lot more action.

Having to schedule my time around when a meta map was running in DS was about the worst part of HoT for me. Dragon Stand meta had me learning to hate the meta 'system' since if I couldn't get a good map since I had other, real life, things to do, then I couldn't get completion done, so I couldn't get my legendary, or I couldn't get the currency I needed for things.

Now I can choose a night to join a Bounty train when I have the time to commit to doing that, I can choose to go do completion, I can choose to just meander around in a group looking at what there is to see, I can choose to do the story, and nothing feels rushed. I don't feel like I don't know what's going on so much anymore either, or like I have to learn an entire map's mechanic in one fell swoop just to play the game.

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@Anhellbro.7210 said:Ok, im complite all maps, there is 0 METAs and Bosses. All posibly METAS (from reddit) fake its event like Orr tamples nothing more.

GW2 for me was always about cool METAs, Boss fights, crazy epic big events. PoF have nothing of this. IM REAALY hope for META Krakatorik in future. LVL of disspointment 10/10

Also MAPS have no meta, old players returned alreyde 2 HoT, Casuals also lost coze map a big and they cant do events solo and just give up. Desert are really desert now. bad jobe you really dont know how 2 balance and know only 1 option ALL MAPS META OR 0 MAPS METa..... pffff

I don't understand this desire for HoT-style meta events. The HoT metas WERE fun the first few times you did them. But after 20+ runs, they were just mind-numbing and long. It was unbelievably frustrating to deal with the issue of full maps (being allowed to join a group, but not participate). And God forbid you were trying to scare up enough people to do an event at 4 in the morning. I found it so embarrassing to bring friends to this game, and have to explain this kind of nonsense to them in zone after zone.

Then, there was the length. I don't think I could even do another Dragon's stand meta. Because it's endless and mind-numbing (an hour+ for bags and bags full of garbage loot). On the other hand, I do understand the argument that it feels like there's not much to do in PoF after you get your mounts... I just don't think meta events are the only answer to that.

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Dead? I am surrounded by zombies on the new maps! :)

Go to a place where you would expect to find a lot of people idling, like the lily of the elon. Now those are dead ..... because everyone else is doing content. Enjoy it while you can because places like that will not be so quiet once most people are not finding new content to explore.

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@Skuzz.6580 said:And all people did map-meta's for was to farm items/gold, well you earn just as much, if not more, by doing bounties, but you get a lot more action.

That's certainly not true. At least not all people. When I play a game, I want to do something special, something that's fun and interesting.The meta events in Silverwastes/HoT suprised me as I didn't see anything similar in their scale anywhere in other games. Some players tag up and split the players into groups to then command them and complete different tasks that lead to the completion of a huge event.

It's been something that made GW2's open world content special. If I wanted to have smaller solo tasks, I don't need to play GW2, there are surely other games which have more interesting quests than: Fix the leaks of the water pipes - Crystal Oasis.

If I want to get interesting boss fights, in other games I would play dungeons or raids - I don't need bounties that consist of: Enemy spawned, kill it. Where's the storytelling in those bounty events?

If I cared about farming items and gold I could play any other generic asian MMORPG.

So if there's nothing special in PoF apart from multiple easter eggs and nostalgia things, I might as well switch to other games and ignore PoF, no?

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Don't understand what the OP means when there are no "meta" events. There's a meta event to unlock Augury Rock, one to find and unlock Joko's harem (amazing by the way), one to assault the Maw of Torment in Desolation, and so on. It will feel like there are no full, map-wide events partly because the maps are a tad bit larger than the old zones.

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@Tekey.7946 said:

@Skuzz.6580 said:And all people did map-meta's for was to farm items/gold, well you earn just as much, if not more, by doing bounties, but you get a lot more action.

That's certainly not true. At least not
people. When I play a game, I want to do something special, something that's fun and interesting.The meta events in Silverwastes/HoT suprised me as I didn't see anything similar in their scale anywhere in other games. Some players tag up and split the players into groups to then command them and complete different tasks that lead to the completion of a huge event.

It's been something that made GW2's open world content special. If I wanted to have smaller solo tasks, I don't need to play GW2, there are surely other games which have more interesting quests than: Fix the leaks of the water pipes - Crystal Oasis.

If I want to get interesting boss fights, in other games I would play dungeons or raids - I don't need bounties that consist of: Enemy spawned, kill it. Where's the storytelling in those bounty events?

If I cared about farming items and gold I could play any other generic asian MMORPG.

So if there's nothing special in PoF apart from multiple easter eggs and nostalgia things, I might as well switch to other games and ignore PoF, no?

At first, sure, exploring the maps and the meta events was nice and all, but after a while that fades away, and then the main reason to do them, and why many did, was to farm items/gold.Perhaps the same is true for bounties, as in they became dull after a while, but at least if you feel like doing some you can just join a group and do them instead of having to wait for a map timer to line up with your schedule.

Think of it from another perspective as well, imagine these map having,map-meta events, how awkward would that be with people doing bounties simultaneously .. Maps are already nearly full if not full from people running bounties, what if a map-meta comes up and the bounty train does not want to divert to do that map-meta, then all the other people in that zone are just screwed. Not only that, but usually map-meta events from HoT switch up all other things happening in that zone.They would then have to account for all bounty spawn positions to not interfere with the map-meta to make it even remotely manageable, and this is why meta events (not map-meta events) are still present in PoF, because these do work in combination with bounties since you can manage that 1 meta zone, but you can't do that for a whole map.

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Explore the maps, I'm actually having fun just doing map completion and maxing out my PoF mastery points. It's great seeing things they threw in from gw1, and even seeing the extent of what we are responsible for from unleashing King Joko the benevolent on Elona. I spend almost 100% of my time in WvW and sPvP, but I must say this ex pack has given me a new reason to PvE and see the rest of the game and maybe even go back and actually Map complete HoT maps. (Only because of the mounts) The loot isn't all that bad either.

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@Anhellbro.7210 said:Ok, im complite all maps, there is 0 METAs and Bosses. All posibly METAS (from reddit) fake its event like Orr tamples nothing more.

GW2 for me was always about cool METAs, Boss fights, crazy epic big events. PoF have nothing of this. IM REAALY hope for META Krakatorik in future. LVL of disspointment 10/10

Also MAPS have no meta, old players returned alreyde 2 HoT, Casuals also lost coze map a big and they cant do events solo and just give up. Desert are really desert now. bad jobe you really dont know how 2 balance and know only 1 option ALL MAPS META OR 0 MAPS METa..... pffff

There's a bunch of metas in the PoF maps. They are just not map wide. They normally encompass one or two areas. The one that is almost map wide is the Devastation, where it's basically a god damn No Man's zone.

Players leaving has little to do with the meta events.

You have those who got what they wanted, which is a majority. They got the mounts, and specialization. They've probably crawled away to wait for the next set of Raids to come in. And you might not see them again till qTnyf or TnT says that something in the PoF content is suddenly meta. Then they will come crawling back in force.

And you have those who logged off after experiencing the content.

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Gw2 wasnt always all about Meta. HoT was. And while they were (still are) fun, having to do them a hundred times for one legendary was more grindy than anything.

And without the grind for legendaries / achievements there wouldnt still be so many people.

This extension has minimal grinding and that is a GREAT thing. Im sure next one will have meta but i feel that their bounty system, while perfectible, is definitely a step forward.

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@Anhellbro.7210 said:Ok, im complite all maps, there is 0 METAs and Bosses. All posibly METAS (from reddit) fake its event like Orr tamples nothing more.

GW2 for me was always about cool METAs, Boss fights, crazy epic big events. PoF have nothing of this. IM REAALY hope for META Krakatorik in future. LVL of disspointment 10/10

Also MAPS have no meta, old players returned alreyde 2 HoT, Casuals also lost coze map a big and they cant do events solo and just give up. Desert are really desert now. bad jobe you really dont know how 2 balance and know only 1 option ALL MAPS META OR 0 MAPS METa..... pffff

There's a bunch of metas in the PoF maps. They are just not map wide. They normally encompass one or two areas. The one that is almost map wide is the Devastation, where it's basically a god kitten No Man's zone.

The Devastation is just such a Grim harsh map. A lot of sulfur rivers that require mount swapping, which you a lot of times can't do because some random enemy is attacking you. It's just the most frustrating zone for me personally, and probably is for alot of other people aswell.

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@Skuzz.6580 said:

@Anhellbro.7210 said:Ok, im complite all maps, there is 0 METAs and Bosses. All posibly METAS (from reddit) fake its event like Orr tamples nothing more.

GW2 for me was always about cool METAs, Boss fights, crazy epic big events. PoF have nothing of this. IM REAALY hope for META Krakatorik in future. LVL of disspointment 10/10

Also MAPS have no meta, old players returned alreyde 2 HoT, Casuals also lost coze map a big and they cant do events solo and just give up. Desert are really desert now. bad jobe you really dont know how 2 balance and know only 1 option ALL MAPS META OR 0 MAPS METa..... pffff

There's a bunch of metas in the PoF maps. They are just not map wide. They normally encompass one or two areas. The one that is almost map wide is the Devastation, where it's basically a god kitten No Man's zone.

The Devastation is just such a Grim harsh map. A lot of sulfur rivers that require mount swapping, which you a lot of times can't do because some random enemy is attacking you. It's just the most frustrating zone for me personally, and probably is for alot of other people aswell.

Mount swapping is required if you don't have Skimmer at 3, and Jackal at 4. The Sulfuric rivers are pretty much the safest places to travel in.

Even then, it's not too terrible if you have your mounts keybinded, you can quickly swap in a few seconds after running behind a rock to block line of sight.

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@Anhellbro.7210 said:Ok, im complite all maps, there is 0 METAs and Bosses. All posibly METAS (from reddit) fake its event like Orr tamples nothing more.

GW2 for me was always about cool METAs, Boss fights, crazy epic big events. PoF have nothing of this. IM REAALY hope for META Krakatorik in future. LVL of disspointment 10/10

Also MAPS have no meta, old players returned alreyde 2 HoT, Casuals also lost coze map a big and they cant do events solo and just give up. Desert are really desert now. bad jobe you really dont know how 2 balance and know only 1 option ALL MAPS META OR 0 MAPS METa..... pffff

So... we have a whole set of expansion maps just for metas already. Why would you want yet another set? Why not have a counterpoint, so you can go to the HoT maps to do metas or to the PoF maps to just run around and spend time doing loose events?

@Oglaf.1074 said:And as a result, the HoT maps were far superior to old Tyria open world when it comes to immersion and the game world feeling "alive".

As evident by the endless stream of threads since PoF was hinted at urging ANet to please not do HoT maps again? You might enjoy them (as do I!), but clearly that is not a universal opinion.

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