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best class to carry rankend?


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hey ive been playing for about a month now and ive been placed in gold ive won some lost some and i find alot of times is when im losing its because my teams not caping objectives or they rather not listen and fight off points and as a gaudian my limited mobilty prevents me from takeing other objectives 70 percent of the time

now im not saying im perfect ive made some mistakes too fought at the wrong place wrong time, get out played etc happens to everyone how ever i hate it when i get a full team that doesnt communicate or plan out doesn't listen which results in us losing

not to mention i seem be getting rekt by necromancers alot lately

any way on to my main point i feel as thou theif would be best because of their high mobilty and stealth being able to zoom right by and cap objectives undetected but idk. what do you guys think? and tips or advice would also be appreciated too

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Thief has a ton of mobility (not DeadEye) but often gives up the ability to fight 1v1 because of that. Thieves job (not DeadEye) is to rotate around and cap undefended points and to +1 (see a 2v2 and jump in to quickly down someone then run on). They are all about skirmishing tactics, always moving across the map and in & out of combat. Catching someone unawares and bursting them down, then running away to decide whether they want to burst again or target someone else or go rotate a point.

As a Guardian, you are probably used to standing toe-to-toe with anyone and being able to get in the thick of things and come out alive on the other side. Not something you want to do as a thief. Thief would be a dramatic change of playstyle. But it would give you that mobility you are looking for and a great thief can carry a team even if that team is losing team fights because it keeps the enemy from getting capped points.

I don't know much about Necro but seems right now they are pretty strong anti-melee. My Radiant Hammer build gets roughed up pretty badly if I try to stay in melee too long. Which means combat vs a Necro for me mostly consists of throwing out my big burst and hoping he's downed or close to. If not, I have to do my best to gtfo of the fire and run in circles while I wait for some of my abilities to come off CD so I can try to burst again.

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@Omcrazy.4756 said:Thief has a ton of mobility (not DeadEye) but often gives up the ability to fight 1v1 because of that. Thieves job (not DeadEye) is to rotate around and cap undefended points and to +1 (see a 2v2 and jump in to quickly down someone then run on). They are all about skirmishing tactics, always moving across the map and in & out of combat. Catching someone unawares and bursting them down, then running away to decide whether they want to burst again or target someone else or go rotate a point.

As a Guardian, you are probably used to standing toe-to-toe with anyone and being able to get in the thick of things and come out alive on the other side. Not something you want to do as a thief. Thief would be a dramatic change of playstyle. But it would give you that mobility you are looking for and a great thief can carry a team even if that team is losing team fights because it keeps the enemy from getting capped points.

I don't know much about Necro but seems right now they are pretty strong anti-melee. My Radiant Hammer build gets roughed up pretty badly if I try to stay in melee too long. Which means combat vs a Necro for me mostly consists of throwing out my big burst and hoping he's downed or close to. If not, I have to do my best to gtfo of the fire and run in circles while I wait for some of my abilities to come off CD so I can try to burst again.

even thou deadeye doesnt have faster mobility then that of bow would it still be viable because of its damage? it does have a escape that is pretty good at leaast in my opinion

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@potatocity.6470 said:

@chibbi.3706 said:Spellbreakers, tons of mobility, very hard to take down, king of 1v1, good damage, decent teamfighting capability. They pretty much do it all and they do it very well.

really? i heard warriors always get nerfed pretty quickly and thrown into a bad spot.

Meh, take those complaints with a grain of salt. Anyone who has their favorite class nerfed will fuss about how their class is never allowed to be any good. I do tend to think warriors when in a pretty bad spot before PoF. But they had their fair share of time in the sun as well. Balancing tends to work like that, classes raise and fall in the meta.

No way of knowing where the nerf bat will hit. SB & Scourge are currently the most complained about classes in pvp. Meaning they will likely experience some nerfing. But will it be so much that they become unviable or will it just tone them down somewhat? Who knows.

As far as your complaints go about teamwork and communication. Yeah, that will happen in PuGs. No class will solve that problem. But also keep in mind some of these strict rules that people have for conquest aren't always accurate.

Lets take fighting off points, its such a common one. Some people will say you must fight on point, literally in the circle. This habit is why necro is so strong right now, because people just sit in their nastiness and die. Fight on point when it makes sense but fight off point (but FOR the point) when that makes sense. The goal is to have your team standing and their team dead so you can cap without worry. Trying to cap mid fight sometimes works, but mostly it doesn't and can seriously hurt your team (bell kinda the exception here).

In addition, I see people get yelled at for fighting off in the middle of nowhere. And I agree, your goal shouldn't be to pick a fight in the middle of nowhere, fight over the points so you can support your team. However, sometimes you are traveling from one point to another and you get caught by an enemy. If you have some mobility/escape skills then maybe you use them and continue on your way or ambush the enemy at another point. But some classes don't have much access to escaping. Those classes would be foolish to ignore the enemy just because they aren't on a point. Then a teammate yells at them for fighting off point because they glanced at a minimap but have no actual idea what went down.

I've seen 3 traveling from one point and one of them gets jumped by 2. Instead of all three turning and fighting the other two not attacked just keep going. Ok, what just happened? You gave up 5 points because you let them kill a teammate 2v1. Then you changed what could have been a 3v2 into a 2v2 possibly losing or taking longer than it needed to. And you have a player respawning which means somewhere else the enemy is out numbering you.

Moral: Fight FOR points but not necessarily ON points. And don't ignore enemies that attack you just because you happen to not be on a point at that time.

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The best classes I've had luck with on carrying is Marauder Symbolic Dragonhunter and Mender's Shoutbow Druid. Both provide a decent mix of team support and burst damage. The Druid will give you better escape and mobility while the Dragonhunter is better at fighting on the point.

I mostly go with my Druid as my main choice when I need to carry, simply because of the superior disengage and mobility. When a big team fight has clearly been lost, I can dip out and capture an open point, then rotate back as needed while the enemy is dividing their forces.

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Personally to get through all of the low to mid ranks just getting good a build that really wins mid fights is the way to go, even if all 5 players on your team know how to do good rotations, there still ins't enough communication with randoms in soloque to execute it properly. Builds with good aoe damage or team support will win you most mid fights. A single scrapper or Tempest support makes it very difficult to kill anybody on your team. Reapers have great pressure against down bodies and Dragon Hunters have insane on point damage. Also mesmer can carry just because it has portal and more outplay potential than any other class, but it is way harder to use than any of the other meta builds i just listed.

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tbh, i feel it depends on how good you are at the class.

say, for the sake of argument that the best carry classes are Druid, Daredevil & Chrono. even if that’s the case, it’s actually awful to suggest i play them to carry games. this is because i only play warrior, guardian & engineer (i do dabble in other classes, but rarely), so my skill level on anything but these three classes is very low. so i’m going to be pretty trash on anything but my two mains (warrior & engi) or my off-main (guardian).

so like sure, there are certain things that make classes better at carrying- but that’s of little relevance if you can’t play them well. so often the class you’re best at will be what you carry best with.

like, sage chrono is unequivocally a better carry class than gunflame. but i’m a terrible mesmer (what even is setting up a shatter lol. what even does f3 do?), & i play a ton of berserker (been playing warrior and engi since gw2 beta) so i’m going to carry with gunflame so much better than i ever will with mesmer.

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@choovanski.5462 said:tbh, i feel it depends on how good you are at the class.

say, for the sake of argument that the best carry classes are Druid, Daredevil & Chrono. even if that’s the case, it’s actually awful to suggest i play them to carry games. this is because i only play warrior, guardian & engineer (i do dabble in other classes, but rarely), so my skill level on anything but these three classes is very low. so i’m going to be pretty trash on anything but my two mains (warrior & engi) or my off-main (guardian).

so like sure, there are certain things that make classes better at carrying- but that’s of little relevance if you can’t play them well. so often the class you’re best at will be what you carry best with.

like, sage chrono is unequivocally a better carry class than gunflame. but i’m a terrible mesmer (what even is setting up a shatter lol. what even does f3 do?), & i play a ton of berserker (been playing warrior and engi since gw2 beta) so i’m going to carry with gunflame so much better than i ever will with mesmer.

another thing im noticing is i cant fucking fight necromancers dude i get raped then they talk mad shit and its really getting old before pof i never had any problems really but now i seem to get fuked everytime they get the the objective it seems their entire aoe covers the objectives, they have insane sustain , and burst damage and high condition daamge , and only way to counter them is range

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@Omcrazy.4756 said:Thief has a ton of mobility (not DeadEye) but often gives up the ability to fight 1v1 because of that. Thieves job (not DeadEye) is to rotate around and cap undefended points and to +1 (see a 2v2 and jump in to quickly down someone then run on). They are all about skirmishing tactics, always moving across the map and in & out of combat. Catching someone unawares and bursting them down, then running away to decide whether they want to burst again or target someone else or go rotate a point.

As a Guardian, you are probably used to standing toe-to-toe with anyone and being able to get in the thick of things and come out alive on the other side. Not something you want to do as a thief. Thief would be a dramatic change of playstyle. But it would give you that mobility you are looking for and a great thief can carry a team even if that team is losing team fights because it keeps the enemy from getting capped points.

I don't know much about Necro but seems right now they are pretty strong anti-melee. My Radiant Hammer build gets roughed up pretty badly if I try to stay in melee too long. Which means combat vs a Necro for me mostly consists of throwing out my big burst and hoping he's downed or close to. If not, I have to do my best to gtfo of the fire and run in circles while I wait for some of my abilities to come off CD so I can try to burst again.

The thief doesn't -have- to do just that. That is one play style. Though yes, the thief is a strong skirmisher, and ganker. And if you're not following the +1 meta for the profession, can actually be a pretty fucking scary 1v1er. When I PvP, I tend to play Thief like a jungler in league of legends. Which is fuck over the enemy team and provide your team a very strong advantage. The play style revolves around roaming still, but it encourages 1v1ing players you can kill easily, and being an opportunist. Making plays is a very important part of this play style, as back capping doesn't accomplish much if you can't provide a number advantage.

Basically this means that when a team fight starts, you sneak up and dive the hardest hitting or squishiest player and take them out of the picture fast. Give your team a number advantage and stay for another kill. If your team got it after that, go ahead and leave to go cap an area while those two are under respawn timers.

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@potatocity.6470 said:another thing im noticing is i cant kitten fight necromancers dude i get kitten then they talk mad kitten and its really getting old before pof i never had any problems really but now i seem to get kitten everytime they get the the objective it seems their entire aoe covers the objectives, they have insane sustain , and burst damage and high condition daamge , and only way to counter them is range

scourge has insane AOE damage, but the sustain of a wet tissue. they are a free kill for ranged damage builds, but you can beat them in melee. you just have to manage your condi clears and be really aggressive from the outset.

necro already had issues with sustain before PoF, and scourge is necro with 20k less HP. outside of their dodge rolls and a blind or two they have to facetank all damage. any big power burst mixed with some cc will dumpster them. god help them if you catch them rotating between points, they may as well be afk.

big doink burst and moving off point to regain cooldowns are the way to go. ranger, guardian, engineer and thief (warrior does too I guess, but I play gunflame for fun not because it's great- it's not) all have builds with ranged damage, so that's almost half of the classes in the game that can free kill scourge if they run a build with range. the only thing scourge can do against something like shoutbow druid or DH is pray a support player rotates over to save their ass.

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@potatocity.6470 said:another thing im noticing is i cant kitten fight necromancers dude i get kitten then they talk mad kitten and its really getting old before pof i never had any problems really but now i seem to get kitten everytime they get the the objective it seems their entire aoe covers the objectives, they have insane sustain , and burst damage and high condition daamge , and only way to counter them is range

scourge has insane AOE damage, but the sustain of a wet tissue. they are a free kill for ranged damage builds, but you can beat them in melee. you just have to manage your condi clears and be really aggressive from the outset.

necro already had issues with sustain before PoF, and scourge is necro with 20k less HP. outside of their dodge rolls and a blind or two they have to facetank all damage. any big power burst mixed with some cc will dumpster them. god help them if you catch them rotating between points, they may as well be afk.

big doink burst and moving off point to regain cooldowns are the way to go. ranger, guardian, engineer and thief (warrior does too I guess, but I play gunflame for fun not because it's great- it's not) all have builds with ranged damage, so that's almost half of the classes in the game that can free kill scourge if they run a build with range. the only thing scourge can do against something like shoutbow druid or DH is pray a support player rotates over to save their kitten.it changed the word F U K . AND R E K ...T to KITTEN thats kinda stupid how is R.E.K.t offensive when im using it to describe a situation

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The two best carry classes are DareDevil Thief and Chronomancerr Mesmer. With an edge more towards DareDevil dagger/pistol setup. DareDevil mobility, damage, and stealth make them the kings of conquest, to the point where its like, if your setup/ class can't kill or keep up with a thief, you will be deemed unviable in a meta top tier team.

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@Dragon.8762 said:The two best carry classes are DareDevil Thief and Chronomancerr Mesmer. With an edge more towards DareDevil dagger/pistol setup. DareDevil mobility, damage, and stealth make them the kings of conquest, to the point where its like, if your setup/ class can't kill or keep up with a thief, you will be deemed unviable in a meta top tier team.

I agree but i'd add Mirage to the 2 ... if well set it can be really really strong and with an absurde mobility , much more than chrono so i'd not throw away mirage. To carry for me means that if a fight is wiped i am able to survive and go elsewhere to do somethingelse and in this mirage is reallly good

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  • 11 months later...

@Omcrazy.4756 said:

@potatocity.6470 said:

@chibbi.3706 said:Spellbreakers, tons of mobility, very hard to take down, king of 1v1, good damage, decent teamfighting capability. They pretty much do it all and they do it very well.

really? i heard warriors always get nerfed pretty quickly and thrown into a bad spot.

Meh, take those complaints with a grain of salt. Anyone who has their favorite class nerfed will fuss about how their class is never allowed to be any good. I do tend to think warriors when in a pretty bad spot before PoF. But they had their fair share of time in the sun as well. Balancing tends to work like that, classes raise and fall in the meta.

No way of knowing where the nerf bat will hit. SB & Scourge are currently the most complained about classes in pvp. Meaning they will likely experience some nerfing. But will it be so much that they become unviable or will it just tone them down somewhat? Who knows.

As far as your complaints go about teamwork and communication. Yeah, that will happen in PuGs. No class will solve that problem. But also keep in mind some of these strict rules that people have for conquest aren't always accurate.

Lets take fighting off points, its such a common one. Some people will say you must fight on point, literally in the circle. This habit is why necro is so strong right now, because people just sit in their nastiness and die. Fight on point when it makes sense but fight off point (but FOR the point) when that makes sense. The goal is to have your team standing and their team dead so you can cap without worry. Trying to cap mid fight sometimes works, but mostly it doesn't and can seriously hurt your team (bell kinda the exception here).

In addition, I see people get yelled at for fighting off in the middle of nowhere. And I agree, your goal shouldn't be to pick a fight in the middle of nowhere, fight over the points so you can support your team. However, sometimes you are traveling from one point to another and you get caught by an enemy. If you have some mobility/escape skills then maybe you use them and continue on your way or ambush the enemy at another point. But some classes don't have much access to escaping. Those classes would be foolish to ignore the enemy just because they aren't on a point. Then a teammate yells at them for fighting off point because they glanced at a minimap but have no actual idea what went down.

I've seen 3 traveling from one point and one of them gets jumped by 2. Instead of all three turning and fighting the other two not attacked just keep going. Ok, what just happened? You gave up 5 points because you let them kill a teammate 2v1. Then you changed what could have been a 3v2 into a 2v2 possibly losing or taking longer than it needed to. And you have a player respawning which means somewhere else the enemy is out numbering you.

Moral: Fight FOR points but not necessarily ON points. And don't ignore enemies that attack you just because you happen to not be on a point at that time.

Best comment I read in this forum. I play thief and often some guy will click and Target me at the beginning of the game n say u need to decap... Well yeah. .

Then at some point a few mins later they flame me and say why is it not decapped after seeing it on mini map.

Well it's not capped because I went there and these a necro and guardian. I am not about to fight a 2v1 because one I can't do that. Two. It means there's 1 less at mid so I should +1 at mid.

But that doesn't matter to these people thief should be able to decap no matter what. Lol

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