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Targeted by other players

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@"Algreg.3629" said:apparently someone who can dish out, but cannot take it. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40989/trolls-cave/p1 ... not that i would consider being attacked in pvp trolling or griefing though. That is a rather weird perception.

To be fair, the OP asks there about a "troll cave," a folder where trolls could segregate themselves. The PvP equivalent would be a private arena called, "Griefer's Corner."

As to the OP's idea: that's not griefing. You're in a PvP free-for-all and people are free shotting you. Free-for-all areas are among the worst to practice builds. It's like trying to learn PvE build by trying to solo a world boss.

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@Eater of Peeps.9062 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:There are two meanings. One can be considered a form of bullying. Here is the thing though: pick a different build. The goal of one or two of the builds is to shut down positions of the other team. You likely are playing one of those roles. The goal IS to kill you. If that isn’t what you want, get a private arena and work with someone else to complete your dailies.

i am talking pvp arena at the lobby. Where ppl can come and fight. And why would i pay for my own personal arena when there is free arena where duels and fighting each other should be posible w/o ppl like this ruining it for everyone?

Also EDIThow do you practice your class if you simply have to pick another one or a new build to adjust to every bully you meet?

That is a free-for-all arena. There are no rules. No etiquette. Every player that sets foot in that arena is consenting to being attacked by any other player present. Enter at your own risk.

You're asking that everyone else play by your rules. Why should they? You don't own that arena and have no right to make demands of anyone playing in it. You have options if you'd like to duel privately. Use them, or not. That's up to you. But nobody is wronging you by killing you in a free-for-all arena. You were fair game the moment you entered.

Edit: I also wanted to add that by attempting to use the free-for-all arena this way you actually get in the way of other players who are using it as intended. When I go to the free-for-all arena I'm looking for a no-rules fight, with people attacking me from every side. Duels are great (and I engage in them on custom servers with other players who are there to practice duel), but that isn't how it goes in a PvP match, is it? You have to be able to deal with the +1 and outnumbered fights.

Maybe you want to practice your private dueling. Me? I want an all out brawl. And I can't exactly do that if the whole arena is full of overly sensitive pairs demanding that I stand aside for their duels. When it gets too annoying? I just kill all of you. Don't like it? Why don't you and your friends try and stop me? Then you'll be using that arena the way it was meant to be used. Sounds like fun to me!

No one pvps anymore.

Well, I'm not going to deny that the population could be bigger, especially at the high end where we can clearly see the top 250 spread across 3 rating tiers. But this thread got me to pop by the free-for-all arena for awhile yesterday and today. There were plenty of players there of all ranks. It's a fun place to waste some time and practice different builds.

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  • 1 year later...

I think I get what you mean OP. You mean that players go after you specifically. This does happen, so you might not be imagining it. But it's also possible confirmation bias and you are imagining it.

If you're playing a class that's stereotypically a support class, you never ever want to be alone. I would say the same applies if you only do PVP occasionally (think dailies - when all the other dailies are too much effort) because occasional PVP = less experience = not good = be alone = easy target

Players grief easy targets. Heck ironically they will even zerge easy targets just to kinda get you outta the way asap. Could probably defeat you 1 v 1 but time is precious. The more kills and caps the more points. They're even more likely to grief you if you're a class capable of high end support. They don't want you anywhere near your allies.

l2p is a long term goal. But don't be alone is something you can do right now. Also if you find yourself consistently zerged, you can support your allies by staying alive for as long as possible. Seriously, if the whole team is zerging you when you're alone, they're ignoring your allies to take you down. Your allies can cap while the enemy focus on you. Go bunker, play full defensive. Every defence ability in your arsenal. If they're going to do bad team organization by ignoring all other enemy players, then keep them on you for as long as possible. Don't even have to kill any of them.

The weakness of all enemy players wanting to kill you and not caring about anyone else, can be used as a strength. Unfortunately you won't be seen as an awesome fighter. That's how many people in PVP want to be seen as, but your team will appreciate you acting as a distraction. If they're half decent at PVP they will wise up sooner or later, and put less pressure on you and go after other players too, if they are ignorant about the logistical processes behind winning a game they won't wise up and you can keep distracting them.

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