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Make EBG great again (apply gift of battle reward track to EoTm)


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@steki.1478 said:

@"ArchonWing.9480" said:A lot of self proclaimed wvw players also come in with useless builds and don't get on comms too..... Why single out GoB'ers that will be gone by the end of the night?

Heck, half the reason why mediocre guilds blob EB is that they know there will be tons of easy targets.

But if you add reward tracks to EotM you fix both problems and everyone happy, no?

Like I just said, the low skill pool is why EB farming is so lucrative for a lot of mediocre guilds and the reason why it's an excellent fighting map to begin with. That would greatly cut down on their opportunities. This simply boils down to wolves complaining about queues to eat the sheep. If you remove the sheep then.... well you get that bunch that doesn't fight without cannon fire.

Secondly, I do not even agree that it's because of people farming GoB. Only a minority of the user base actively does that because legendaries are time consuming on top of the time required in wvw being so little. If it seems large, that is probably because the actual WvW pop is tiny. Making it less is just going to make wvw even more dead.

And if they were filling the maps and were as terrible as you'd think, one wouldn't actually need a queue to fight them. And it isn't.

Finally, as I said, a lot of the queue clog is actually "actual wvwers" that are the dead weight which don't do anything, think they are better than everyone else so they don't get on comms but think they are being useful, because they are "scouting" the keep with like 10 people. If they are deluded as such, telling to go to EOTM doesn't do anything.

tl;dr Stop blaming pvers. It's your own kind (and the balance team, don't forget them) that's holding you back.

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@Arctisavange.7261 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Really? Back then, people were commenting that making EOTM more rewarding would make WvW way less populated.Now, you throwing random blame at players because you are losing fights?Elitism and self entitlement are at all time high now.

You have people on the map flipping guard posts and then going afk running against the wall at the random area of the map to get afk reward track progress.You have a truckload of people who you recognize not being in any WvW guild.You have a ton of people following tag with rangers or some weird kitten guardians running signets.You get masses and masses of those people ralling up enemies that the ones you and your squad got downed.You got a huge chunk of them who dont know even the very basics of builds, movements or even their class.

Its not elitism, its obvious fact that a HUGE part of people like those go EBG for gift of battle + for some pips. WvW should not be like that.

Now i would be fine if the population who does that would be small but if you have a 50-70 man queue and most of the map is hogged with AFK reward trackers, PVE players who follow you so you would flip a tower or two for their reward tracking and after a fight starts completely scatter away or rally enemies. kitten like that is not normal.

Why should people who care about WvWing suffer cause of PVE players who join EBG map for some gift of battle and pips?

I honestly dont give an kitten if i win or loose a fight. What i do care about is if theres an super massive queue on map then its a shameful if only 20% of the map is working with you to get the goals done. Those people who refuse to help you and your squad are mainly PVE players. Those who work with you are in discord and also are in WvW guilds often times.The extra other 20-30% who are willing to work with you are stuck in a kitten 60 man queue which moves slower then a granny.

And you saying other servers don't have similar issues?And is still random blaming. WvWers do afk, WvWers do play bad zerg class just for the lol. New WvWers do play badly. Etc.You don't care about losing or winning? If you don't care, why did you tried so hard to blame random people?I suggest you be honest of what you really want. You got two options here, figure out how the other servers deal with the issues or bandwagon like the many.

Regardless you like it or not, your suggestion is just quickening the already declining WvW. In other words, you are advocating to kill WvW.

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Honestly the best way to get "random casual farmers" off the map ? Make a fight guild, or what passes for such these day, a guild about killing pugs. That will empty out the queue in no time. Find a similar guild on opposing server, and then feed each others information on where there are pugs, so you can clean up for each others. Then you can have "skilled" fights between yourselves afterwards.

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@"joneirikb.7506" said:Honestly the best way to get "random casual farmers" off the map ? Make a fight guild, or what passes for such these day, a guild about killing pugs. That will empty out the queue in no time. Find a similar guild on opposing server, and then feed each others information on where there are pugs, so you can clean up for each others. Then you can have "skilled" fights between yourselves afterwards.

That's not how it works. Nobody stops people from following and leeching of better players. Winning against anyone just attracts more people on the map, it's wiping that results people to (rage) quit. There's also no "afterwards" because there's an infinite supply of plebs, whether you call them pve players or wvw ones.

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