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Warrior weapon skills incredibly inconsistent at hitting


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Ive just started playing warrior in pvp and wvw, and so far i have found many weapon skills that are incredibly inconsistent when they actually hit. Sword 2 and 3 seems to be the worst, however ive also noticed it with shield 4, gs 3, 4, and 5. It seems like if the target is moving side to side at all, these skills rarely hit even if im within 130 range. With sword 2, i can literally be beside someone who is just strafing and i will leap towards them and the hit doesn't even register. I dont think ive ever landed a sword 3 on someone who isnt standing still. I don't know if warrior skills just have smaller hitboxes, or if its just my latency (usually 60-100) and the relatively slow skill animations. If someone is kiting me, i cant seem to land a single attack on them, even without them using dodges/evades. This doesn't seem to be an out of range or obstructed issue, the only other thing i can think of is I just need to get used to the slow animation and positioning of using some skills.

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Welcome to the warrior class, the only class that Anet does not care about.These problems have been there since launch of GW2, the other classes have seen significant upgrades and remodeling of their skills except warrior.We have had a few upgrades just to appease the few warriors that play in their game, but nothing big or extraordinary has or will ever hit warrior.

Just so you know, it took them 5 years to fix the skill "Rush" on great sword to be about 80% efficient. (And still it is not a reliable skill)Back in the day, the skill used to missed about 95% of the time; if something as bad as Rush took them to fix 5 years, then minor bugs on warrior will never get fixed.

It is well know, that warrior leaps and close gap skills are the most buggy skills in the game. Everyone knows this except Anet of course.

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@"Hitman.5829" said:Welcome to the warrior class, the only class that Anet does not care about.These problems have been there since launch of GW2, the other classes have seen significant upgrades and remodeling of their skills except warrior.We have had a few upgrades just to appease the few warriors that play in their game, but nothing big or extraordinary has or will ever hit warrior.

Just so you know, it took them 5 years to fix the skill "Rush" on great sword to be about 80% efficient. (And still it is not a reliable skill)Back in the day, the skill used to missed about 95% of the time; if something as bad as Rush took them to fix 5 years, then minor bugs on warrior will never get fixed.

It is well know, that warrior leaps and close gap skills are the most buggy skills in the game. Everyone knows this except Anet of course.

Good to know, at least I know that im not completely incompetent. I guess ill just have to get used to it.

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@Bort.8647 said:Ive just started playing warrior in pvp and wvw, and so far i have found many weapon skills that are incredibly inconsistent when they actually hit. Sword 2 and 3 seems to be the worst, however ive also noticed it with shield 4, gs 3, 4, and 5. It seems like if the target is moving side to side at all, these skills rarely hit even if im within 130 range. With sword 2, i can literally be beside someone who is just strafing and i will leap towards them and the hit doesn't even register. I dont think ive ever landed a sword 3 on someone who isnt standing still. I don't know if warrior skills just have smaller hitboxes, or if its just my latency (usually 60-100) and the relatively slow skill animations. If someone is kiting me, i cant seem to land a single attack on them, even without them using dodges/evades. This doesn't seem to be an out of range or obstructed issue, the only other thing i can think of is I just need to get used to the slow animation and positioning of using some skills.

It's actually quite bad for me if I have an unstable ping - trying to get any sort of leap skill to connect 100% misses (and you can definitely see this happen with gs5 as the character will do some weird zigzag instead of straight line), but I'm not sure about in your case since your ping is low enough, but it could also be unstable. It kind of sucks because even if you test on ambient creatures and are right in front of them, a bull's charge that doesn't connect just makes you shake your head.

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Great sword 5 (Rush) on a static target at 240 ping = Overshoots LIKE... HOW?Bulls Charge on static target at 240 ping = Stops mid way to the target and just "hits" but so far off you might as well shoot a rifle to chainSword Leap on static target at 240 ping = Hits, Passes thru, then turns around but stayed on the same spot.

Warriors Movement Hitting (?) Skills in my General Experience

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Aaa but there is no difference between the elite spec and core one removes boons the other hits harder and sustains better still better to run mes, ranger or holo. Also for necro you have power damage teamfight with reaper or condi teamfight boonstrip with scourge so don't complain that core necro doesn't work. Also don't forget that core necro will beat up berserker cause that dumpster fire of a elite works only in pve with alacrity.

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