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Can you still make personal guilds?

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Someone told me that in order to make a personal guild you need 1000 gold, a bunch of favor, and at least 5 members. I am just looking for my own guild that i can use as kind of my player housing with a small bank fr spillover items, and just me in it. What would i need for that?

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@Tiviana.2650 said:Someone told me that in order to make a personal guild you need 1000 gold, a bunch of favor, and at least 5 members. I am just looking for my own guild that i can use as kind of my player housing with a small bank fr spillover items, and just me in it. What would i need for that?

Ranking up the guild solo can be tough. You will want to make sure to choose guild mission types that you can either do at the same time as other guilds and/or also don't have minimum numbers. Example there is a escort a dolyak in WvW mission, you can do it, but you need 3 guildmates for it to count. But things like races/bounties can be started and all guilds doing it can get rewards. To fully rank a guild hall, is a lot of stuff but can be fun over the long haul. In just currencies, and using gw2efficiency.com for the source of numbers, its 711,262 aetherium 57,281 favor and 11,495 gold plus materials to fully rank the hall, which you don't need to do for what you said was your goal.

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Got a personal guild as well (basically me and my friend do everything). To start a guild 1 person is needed only (this gives a guild house in LA). If you want a hall then you can ask at friends/other guilds/map/forum if they want to help you claim 1 of 3 guild halls available. Don't go with too many as mobs scale. I have done it with 5 people and claimed Gilded Hollow. Mounts help!!!

When it comes to upgrading a hall... This can be done solo. It costs time, patience, gold and materials. You can save lots of gold if you gather all materials yourself instead of buying. Friends helping come in handy. I set my guild to PVE missions as soon as possible. Trek (easy and medium) I can duo no problem (ask a friend to help that can rep your guild shortly). All you need is a location guide (wiki or Dulfy) and a char with world completion. Races you can do on Sundays (when I see most guilds do them). If you can complete it only once while other guilds run this, other guilds will help you complete the 15 laps automatically). This is the way I got my guild to, currently, lvl 10. Guild vault doesn't need that high level.

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Ah yeah, seems the confusion was over the difference between "creating a guild" and "claiming a guild hall" those are two different things.

Creating a guild: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild#Creation

Claiming Guild Hall: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_hall#Claiming_a_guild_hall

To get a Guild Bank is pretty easy, and you don't even need the GuildHall for that, just cost some gold and favor. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Vault:_Stash

But everything after the GuildHall tends to get costy and grindy. Especially if you're going to go for any kind of decorating. Check the prices and how much you need to work on, or how much you need to level Scribe or not, before starting. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_upgrade

It can be daunting, especially alone.

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