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What kind of new mounts would you like to see added to the game?


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Moa mount - A quest which makes you follow a trail of an "Alpha" moa which is a lot bigger (to scale with your character) and it would have a sprint functionality. Skill could be headbutt/talon related.

Hypnoss mount - Could be weird implementation but I'd like slithering around on a tamed/pacified one. Skill could be an aoe poison/torment field where you dismount.

Brown bear - Always need a bear. Skill could be ground stomp which stuns enemies.

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I'd be fine with them making new skins for the existing mounts while maintaining functionality (like say a giant bird for the raptor with the same jump ability) but I'd rather not see them turn this into "Gimmicky Mounts, the game" or switching mounts for whatever obstacle they force you to work around is going to get old fast.

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I'm still getting used to the current mounts, so I think its far too soon to worry about new ones.Instead, I'd like to see skins for the existing mounts:

  • 4 Dye channels instead of 1
  • Different 'armor'
  • Variations on a theme: similar to how the HoM's Rainbow Jellyfish is identical to the open world's Blue Jellyfish, we might have Hyena vs Jackal, BunnyRoo instead of the current KangaBun (unless that's vice versa), and so on.
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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I'm still getting used to the current mounts, so I think its far too soon to worry about new ones.Instead, I'd like to see skins for the existing mounts:

  • 4 Dye channels instead of 1
  • Different 'armor'
  • Variations on a theme: similar to how the HoM's Rainbow Jellyfish is identical to the open world's Blue Jellyfish, we might have Hyena vs Jackal, BunnyRoo instead of the current KangaBun (unless that's vice versa), and so on.

New skins are on the way, I hope. Because:

Flying Broom skin for Skimmer. WANT PLEASE. The Charr and Asura animations for it would be an instant buy for me. :3Someone else mentioned Mistfire Wolf for Jackal. That would probably feel pretty awesome.Charr bike for Raptor! (But I loves my raptorpuppy, so that'd be a hard choice.)

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@Zaltys.7649 said:

@Devata.6589 said:Mounts that I can catch in the open world, or breed, or create with a craft.So basically similar to Chocobo breeding from FF7? Catch and breed raptors to create mounts with unusual colors, etc?

...that's actually a brilliant idea.

Well yes? (Never played FF7) also, I suggested a system like that months / years ago already. (Can’t remember when I last talked about that). However it’s already possible to dye your mounts. That is awesome and at the same time not so a good decision imo.

The idea that you can color mounts is great, however by the way it’s implemented now it’s just an UI thingy. When they implemented a breading-system where you can ‘create’ your own colors by breeding mounts of different colors (also throw some randomizer in it, and make it dynamic, so not a set of predefined colors) you add a complete new game-play element to the game.

This is the type of stuff that keeps many people busy when they finished most of the story of the expansion. Especially if you could then trade / sell mounts.

Anyway, we now already have the UI possibility that does make breeding for colors a little less interesting. Still it could be implemented for other colors.But in addition you could also catch new mounts ‘skins’ in the open world and breed with those.

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I'm perfectly fine with the movement mechanics of the existing mounts and don't think we really need more. I'd like to see skins for those movement motifs. For example:

Raptor:Charr and Pact style motorbikes, with wheelies and flames when you boostHorsesMaybe some kind of big cat for people that like that sort of thing.

Springer:LEAP-R Golem, all the existing golems generally enter or leave with vertical rocket boosters. Just give me one that carries me around or that I can ride on.Spider, You know, the one they cancelled because of arachnophobes despite the game being full of giant spiders that are ACTUALLY trying to kill you. Or use a more appropriate wolf spider/tarantula styleBig Cats - They're known for pouncing after all

Skimmer (not really a lot of room for additional animals here, it's pretty unique):Magical platforms (Asura Style)Hoverboats (Charr Style)Giant rotor backpack (Human Watchwork Style)Mother Tree Seed pod (Sylvari Stlye)

Jackal:More Asura PlatformsSkelk (They like the stealth, which is visually similar to teleportation)Ball of shadow/fire/insert your favorite magical effect

Griffon:Wyvern (obviously)Giant Moas (Springer style "upright saddle")Giant flying squirrelMini Charrcopter with legs?

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