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Mallyx, Dark Field and Dark Aura


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Hey there!

So, devs put out the notes of future patch that is going to introduce the new type of Aura - Dark Aura

Dark Aura: This new effect reduces incoming condition damage by 20% and inflicts 2 seconds of torment when you are struck (1-second cooldown per attacker).

When in Legendary Demon Stance Revenants can use a skill called "Unyielding Anguish"What does it do?

Leap (NO ACTUAL LEAP) toward the targeted area, creating a demonic field that torments and chills foes.

Damage: 160 (0.6)?Chilled (1s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement SpeedTorment (6s): 132 Damage, 191 Damage if MovingNumber of Targets: 5Pulses: 4Duration: 4sRadius: 240Combo Field: DarkRange: 600

That's an in-game description

Revenant doesn't have access to leap combo finisher which leaves the overall theme pretty useless as it seems the Dark Aura effects was inspired by Mallyx. This whole Aura effect could be actually a whole legend mechanic, not a thing that works for every class except Revenants.This could be implemented with "Demonic Resistance" , mix it, so Revenant can benefit from this.

Would you want a Leap combo finisher with Unyielding Anguish or other skills in order to make this aura work for Revenant?

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unyielding anguish actually IS a leap, you can use it instead of jumping in jumping puzzles... its just not a leap FINISHER.

regarding mallyx/condi gameplay on rev some way to access the new aura would be awesome, i agree. what i would do is to change echoing eruption (mace 3) so that it becomes a leap finisher, for balancing perhaps remove the blast finishers on it. that way you would have access to new dark aura (leap in unyielding anguish) or to fire aura (leap in searing fissure). you could therefore decide for yourself: do i want to deal more dmg with burning or do i need less dmg but more defense against condi? but then again, you have so much access to resistance on mallyx i am not sure if devs would want this.

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They should make Blasts on Dark fields grant Dark Aura rather than Blindness, just like Frost Aura on Ice Fields with Blasts.

The whole concept of Blindness around a Dark Field has little to no use and is barely ever considered. Even when you try to imply it's use as a Revenant. There was only mere occasions where I blasted a downed player with Renewing Wave or Echoing Eruption as they were CC'ing, in fights the chances of having it being remotely useful or possible to achieve as the energy cost of Renewing Wave is unlikely or Echoing Eruption applying Weakness which in practice, you would rather make use of Weakness first rather than blindness.

Dark fields beside Mallyx are also pretty rare next to Necromancer, the fact that most combo out of it are pretty underwhelming doesn't help it being anymore interesting, it's also a fact that both users that can actually spawn those fields can't even make use of that either. What's the point? I'm serious, check the leaps. Revenant and Necromancer cannot leap. New potent additions that are going to be rarely used, just like Light Aura that could be granted on blasts rather than Area condition cleanse, Guardian is the only one that can generated them ever so often with Virtue Of Justice.

Although I gotta say that Anet is pretty inconsistent with their aura's and combo fields, I really wish it was all the same rather than just different all the time, say Leaping into a Electric Field for Shock Aura should is just as logical than some useless very very very situational Dazing Strike. Aura's are just so rare already, it would be nice to see them being used more.

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Core revenant has some animations that look like Leaps but are actually Blast finishers or combo fields, and their gap closers are shadowsteps rather than leaps.

One possibility to give them more leaps without losing blasts and fields could be counting some of their shadowsteps as leaps, but that would not be visually consistent with other shadowsteps and leaps.

Another (and I think better) possibility is giving them a new core weapon.
Because core revenant was going to be a no-swap proffesion, they didn't get many weapons, so they could use 1 or two more.They didn't get a second underwater weapon until recently, the cool trident with very cool trident skills.

Because of that, core revenant is lacking a few things:

  • A ranged 1h weapon.
  • A second condition weapon.

We could solve this issue along the lack of leaps, by giving core revenant a second 1h ranged weapon with condition damage and a leap.
For example, a throwing axe melee/range hybrid weapon. Something like this:

  • Skill 1.
    • 3-skill autoattack chain.
    • Each attack in the chain will attempt to do a melee strike, then:
      • Throw 1, 2 or 4 mist axes if no enemy is hit in melee. Thrown mist axes in skills 2 and 3 would move in a circle. They'll go to the sides, cross at the target and return in a circle back to the revenant.
      • Hit 1, 2 and 4 extra enemies around the target if an enemy is hit in melee range.
      • Attacks 1 and 2 deal bleeding on each strike and with each axe projectile. Attack 3 deals torment plus 1 extra stack of torment for every 5 stacks of bleeding on the enemy, up to 5.
      • Melee attacks will have longer conditions and deal a bit more damage. Something like a difference between 4sbleeding and 400 damage as ranged vs 500 base damage and 6s bleeding when melee.
  • Skill 2.
    • Ammo skill with max 5 charges and 1s recharge between uses. Charges are regained at the same time every 20 seconds.
    • Ground targeted.
    • Throws an axe at target location, dealing poison in a tiny 60 radius. The axe then spins mid-air in place for 1s, and darts away to chase target enemy (or nearest when no enemy is targeted) for 3s. The axe explodes if it hits, dealing small damage and another stack of poison in a 180 radius.
  • Skill 3. Leaps to enemy and deals damage, blind and burning, 10s recharge.
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