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To the devs: What do you think will keep the players on PoF maps after the first 2 weeks?


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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Sure pof have content, but not worthwhile content to do. I currently see nothing worth doing now in pof. I think this problem ultimately bounds in that you can actually finish a character, unlike wow where theres always new upgrades possible to entice people to keep playing. I went back to auric basin to get the last 16 wins for saving the city of gold, which i finished today. Got most of them from grinding all the recipes and mats for finishing the auric weapons. But I am looking forward to see what ls4 comes up with.

You got fashion wars skins, Griffon Mounts, Recipes to collect, ingredients to farm because those new stats may end up becoming meta and suddenly in high demand. Achievement collections. Jumping puzzles to find and complete, etc. Seems like plenty of content to me while they work on new raids, dungeons, and LWS4

That's.. really shallow content. When you start to list farming ingredients you know there may be an issue lol.

In effect, all that's left is bounties and collection achievements. Which is fine if you're that type of player, I guess. But it's pretty shallow and really only gears toward a specific subset of the playerbase that enjoys that.

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Honestly? Metas. If they made a meta like one in auric basin in POF. More hearts in those maps. For some reason there's only a couple in each map. But in basic tyria there's atleast 10. But we have bigger maps and only 3? Another place like lions arch but Elona desert. I know you have the ticket but it be better if everyone can go in it who doesn't have one. I know that most people hated hot. But I loved the fact that they had specific masteries for objects in the game. The jumping mushrooms the nahuch thingies. Etc. Be nice if there were map things like that in desert.

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@Tekey.7946 said:

@TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:Maybe if people would stop trying to burn through all the content in a few days they would have stuff to do for more than two weeks?

After 1 week there were already 25.000 people who unlocked the hidden griffon mount. Did all of these people burn through the content or is it just that easy to get through the Path of Fire content? What do you think?

I think the griffon is just one of many, many things to do in PoF. I'll admit that this is another one of the things I burned through. I personally found the task of getting it to be a bit tedious but if you want a personal difficulty rating from me then I'd say 5 out of 10 (with 10 being the most difficult).

Whether or not it's easy is going to depend on the person trying to get it. This goes for any other collection and achievement in PoF. Are they doing the collections to get it (or anything else) solo or with groups? Do these people use LFG to help them or do they have a guild to help them out? How many hours a day did they spend on trying to get the griffon (or anything else)? All that number tells me is that that's how many people got it after one week. It doesn't say or imply it's easy or anything else for that matter unless someone wants to interpret the data that way. Likewise, my own interpretation of the data is just that: a personal interpretation. My personal interpretation of it is this: 25,000+ got the griffon in one week and we don't have enough information to infer the difficulty of the collection itself.

I'm certainly not going to question the 25,000+ people who got it in a week as to how easy/hard it was for them to get it in order to try to quantify the difficulty level of the collection. However, if someone else wants to do it then by all means do so. :V

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I'm a little confused as to why I get an infraction for a post addressed to the devs asking them about what they learned from elite specs during the demo saying that anything addressed "to the devs" was a distraction yet this post keeps going without any notice. It's not the only instance I've seen and I'm sure I'll get another infraction for just mentioning it. But whatever.

As to the actual post, from a player perspective, I've rushed through the mount masteries and story. But I still feel like there's quite a bit to do in terms of achievements and finding story pages or even little hidden areas I didn't see before. Pretty sure I haven't done half of the events either so there's still quite a bit to see. Also the adventures if I choose to do those, and the random treasure map hunting that's tedious and not a mechanic I wanted to see expanded upon but something to do in downtime at least.

On top of all that and build crafting it's enough to hold people over. The collection achievements in general are going to take quite awhile. Plus all the decorations I have to make for my new guild hall! (But please add more, please!)

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@kurfu.5623 said:

@AXEL.8362 said:After getting the masteries and all the mounts (which can be done in like 3 or 4 days playing casually) and doing the bounties at least once...

By casually, do you mean the 1-2 hours actual grown-ups can squeeze in each day? Because that ain't gonna happen that quickly.

Hi. "Actual grown-up" here. I work 75 hours per week, and was stone-cold done with PoF in 5 days.

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@Tekey.7946 said:

@TwilightSoul.9048 said:When I started playing GW2 no one gave a crap about metas because they weren't a thing, and we were having fun.

Core Tyria also offers several large world boss events, the Shatterer, Tequatl and the like.

And bounties are similar, except not on a timer.

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I feel like the Bounty system could really keep players coming back to the map, if (and this is a big IF) the rewards are improved beyond what they are now. Receiving a couple of blues and greens and some map currency for taking out some of the higher end bosses just won't be enough to keep a majority of the players interested once they've earned the initial achievements for doing them.

Considering how easy it is to accumulate yellow grade weapons/armor in Bitterfrost, I think that each bounty should drop a guaranteed rare plus 50 silver, some map currency and some unidentified gear. Legendary bounties should have a chance to drop something extremely rare (similar to the Queen bee infusion or invisible shoes)

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@TwilightSoul.9048 said:There's actually a lot to farm, there's tons of ori and ancient wood on these maps and just doing whatever events you can find offers decent loot as well - some people don't enjoy metas. I'm glad to have a reasonable place to be other than kitten repetitive hot metas. Stop acting like the entire playerbase plays gw2 for kitten meta events. When I started playing GW2 no one gave a crap about metas because they weren't a thing, and we were having fun.

Umm... Straits of Devastation, Malachor's Leap, and Cursed Shore are all Meta-driven maps, with each temple offering significant rewards.

There are also metas on several of the low-level maps that people used to rally to complete for rewards.

The big issue I have with PoF is the lack of rewards for repeating the few 'meta' events in the maps - they have 'one-and-done' collections, stuck on massive group events that give jack shit for rewards for people who've already done them (With the "Hunt and Kill the Branded Forgotten Zealots" being a bullshit crown on the bullshit cake frosted with even more bullshit just for good measure. I'm not sure I'll ever get my gloves, and if I do, I'll never do that damn 'event' again, screwing others out of the opportunity to get THEIR funerary gloves)

There is all of one sort of activity that is worthwhile to repeat in PoF - the Legendary Bounties. And that's only until people get full Funerary Weapons.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Tekey.7946 said:

@TwilightSoul.9048 said:When I started playing GW2 no one gave a crap about metas because they weren't a thing, and we were having fun.

Core Tyria also offers several large world boss events, the Shatterer, Tequatl and the like.

And bounties are similar, except not on a timer.

No they're not lol. These bounties are terribly scaled meat sacks that are impossble with small groups, and utterly trivial with a zerg.

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