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Guardian Greatsword Rework


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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:If you say so ... lots of people disagree with that. It's not a fact that GS don't work ... GS works just like everything else.

GS dont work

Based on what? The fact that it can be countered? That's nonsense.

If that's your criteria for what doesn't work ... then nothing works. That doesn't make sense. People wouldn't play a game where nothing works.

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A fairly obvious outdated part of Guardian Greatsword would be the rooting on skill 4. Need I remind everyone that Reaper Greatsword 4 also had this same rooting animation during HoT beta, but anet changed it to the current mobile animation. They could do the same for Guardian.

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@Lahmia.2193 said:A fairly obvious outdated part of Guardian Greatsword would be the rooting on skill 4. Need I remind everyone that Reaper Greatsword 4 also had this same rooting animation during HoT beta, but anet changed it to the current mobile animation. They could do the same for Guardian.

they need to make GS 2 instant nothing else

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Ok as much as find this entertaining you are wasting your time and everybody else's if you had any legitimate argument you might have a few more people defending your viewpoint as it is pretty much nobody is, I have and still do use GS in PvE , PvP , WvW , etc and while it isn't always my go to weapon it is still VERY useful in many situations . LOOK at Snowcrows guide for raids etc they use GS on many of the different RAID build for both DH and FB, LOOK at Metabattle there are many builds for PvP , PvE, and WvW that use GS if you refuse to even look or listen to anyone else who have been playing the class in ALL of these different game modes and has been doing it successfully ergo you are not using it properly or you are missing something critical in how you play. I do not claim to be an expert but I will check out other players that are playing my preferred class better than I am to possibly learn how to improve if you refuse to even consider the possibility that you are mistaken or that you can learn from these other people than there is absolutely "No Way That You Are Going To Get Anyone To Respect Or Listen To Your Viewpoint!" because all I'm seeing coming from you is unfounded circular logic to defend your opinion( because you haven't posted ANY facts just your opinion) and when that fails you fall back to "Your wrong I'm Right and that they are annoying you." If this is an example of explaining "your viewpoint" and defending "your opinion" it has failed profoundly and you really haven't swayed anybody . Please go look at those resources and check out some other streamers online that play Guardians in the different game modes they are out there and while the Guardian doesn't dominate right now we aren't dead in the water either and I am certain that you will see players using the GS successfully.

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Diviora.9548 said:Because its outdated spell and everyone (PVP) can see the animation and dodge it thats why

Actually core guard rely on this specific skill and god knows it works super well. You just don't know how to play GS effectively (no offense)

i know how it works i play with core guard in plat 2 and it sux "wokrs super well" in silver and gold but in plat vs better players its not good this is the change that core guards need to be able to be competitive in high rate games !

GS 2 has no issues at all in any game. And GS in general does not either. Guardian has significant issues, but GS is not an issue.

Before RI nerf core guardian with GS was performing well.

Gs second ability is outdated and need to be change the other abilitys are good i will give you example in league of legends old champions cant beat newer champs same thing here old spec cant beat newer elite specs and need changes to be up to date with everyone instan damage from second Gs spell is needed ! sorry for my bad english

Sorry but isnt scrapper very good in pvp now?

Also interesting fact: in game skt vs liquid jungle matchup was lee sin vs Jarvan. Both very old champions.Karthus jungle was dominant pick whole split in europe. Karthus is very old champion.Jayce top is not that old but he was the 100th champion and was go to pick toplane last worlds.This versions of sejuany and gragas are also quite old but were meta last year...I cold go on but I guess I made my point

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@"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:Ok as much as find this entertaining you are wasting your time and everybody else's if you had any legitimate argument you might have a few more people defending your viewpoint as it is pretty much nobody is, I have and still do use GS in PvE , PvP , WvW , etc and while it isn't always my go to weapon it is still VERY useful in many situations . LOOK at Snowcrows guide for raids etc they use GS on many of the different RAID build for both DH and FB, LOOK at Metabattle there are many builds for PvP , PvE, and WvW that use GS if you refuse to even look or listen to anyone else who have been playing the class in ALL of these different game modes and has been doing it successfully ergo you are not using it properly or you are missing something critical in how you play. I do not claim to be an expert but I will check out other players that are playing my preferred class better than I am to possibly learn how to improve if you refuse to even consider the possibility that you are mistaken or that you can learn from these other people than there is absolutely "No Way That You Are Going To Get Anyone To Respect Or Listen To Your Viewpoint!" because all I'm seeing coming from you is unfounded circular logic to defend your opinion( because you haven't posted ANY facts just your opinion) and when that fails you fall back to "Your wrong I'm Right and that they are annoying you." If this is an example of explaining "your viewpoint" and defending "your opinion" it has failed profoundly and you really haven't swayed anybody . Please go look at those resources and check out some other streamers online that play Guardians in the different game modes they are out there and while the Guardian doesn't dominate right now we aren't dead in the water either and I am certain that you will see players using the GS successfully.

if i want to play PVE i will go and play the witcher 3 but here go 1 fact for you guard GS dont work in plat 2 and above you guys clearly dont play plat 2 and above and you are comparing PVE stuff and low elo PVP this is 2012 weapon design and its bad and not working in new meta pvp bc new meta pvp get updatet you guys just dont like changes and get angry on one small change from spin to instant WHAt ? stay in gold and think the weapon is good bc you one shot someone :D if you think that 3 ppl told me GS is perfec you are WRONG gs in very bad in high elo PVP games

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:GS2 will not be insta, ever. We can see from the skill design that it's not inline with how the devs intend for it to work. There are lots of skills that apply damage in this manner, so it's not a flukeHow many times i need to tell you to go and spam on someone else post ur toxic

No, I'm not toxic because I disagree with you ... though I could say you are toxic for acting out the way you are against the people that disagree with you. Forums are a place of discussion. You post your idea here so people can discuss what's good and what's bad about it. If you can't handle that criticism in a more mature manner, you shouldn't post your ideas.

The fact is that the reasoning you are presenting for your idea is faulty ... almost every weapon skill works as you describe, allowing players to counter the damage. Nothing about GS should lead anyone to think its exceptional in any way to make it so it's skills can't be countered either. It's a completely nonsensical way to think about ANY skill for PVP ... a skill needs to be very special to be really hard to counter ... and that's the situation we have in GW2. There aren't many skills that are really difficult to counter and there is good reason for it.

Until you understand this, your idea doesn't make sense for the reason you present. GS2 shouldn't be insta cast just because you don't like the idea that people can counter it in PVP. It's irrelevant where it works or doesn't for you. You are clearly not the ultimate authority on this, nor do you seem even qualified to speak about it for the majority of players. The whole idea is absurd and even when challenged to think of ANY reason to make GS2 insta ... there are none.

If you don't like how GS works in PVP ... don't use it. There are other choices. The reason you can't take it farther than plat 2 isn't because of the weapon, it's because of you as a player.

GS dont work end of story

for you
it doesn't work. If it didn't work for everyone, you wouldn't be the only person making these posts. That means it's a player skill issue, not a problem with how GS is designed.

I doubt Anet is going to make an IWIN button just for you ... but if you think poorly reasoned forum posts can change that, I would LOVE to see how that works out.

Tell me how great GS is ? the fact that we dont see player in plat 2 and above is bc i dont have skill ? or just the weapon have terrible design and dont work this is a fact GS sux and ppl pref to play something that work FB EGIS etc even if GOD OF PVP player take Guard and master with GS will never go high rating GS dont work if you think it does you are WRONG and you are the one who cant take the facts not me

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:GS2 will not be insta, ever. We can see from the skill design that it's not inline with how the devs intend for it to work. There are lots of skills that apply damage in this manner, so it's not a flukeHow many times i need to tell you to go and spam on someone else post ur toxic

No, I'm not toxic because I disagree with you ... though I could say you are toxic for acting out the way you are against the people that disagree with you. Forums are a place of discussion. You post your idea here so people can discuss what's good and what's bad about it. If you can't handle that criticism in a more mature manner, you shouldn't post your ideas.

The fact is that the reasoning you are presenting for your idea is faulty ... almost every weapon skill works as you describe, allowing players to counter the damage. Nothing about GS should lead anyone to think its exceptional in any way to make it so it's skills can't be countered either. It's a completely nonsensical way to think about ANY skill for PVP ... a skill needs to be very special to be really hard to counter ... and that's the situation we have in GW2. There aren't many skills that are really difficult to counter and there is good reason for it.

Until you understand this, your idea doesn't make sense for the reason you present. GS2 shouldn't be insta cast just because you don't like the idea that people can counter it in PVP. It's irrelevant where it works or doesn't for you. You are clearly not the ultimate authority on this, nor do you seem even qualified to speak about it for the majority of players. The whole idea is absurd and even when challenged to think of ANY reason to make GS2 insta ... there are none.

If you don't like how GS works in PVP ... don't use it. There are other choices. The reason you can't take it farther than plat 2 isn't because of the weapon, it's because of you as a player.

GS dont work end of story

for you
it doesn't work. If it didn't work for everyone, you wouldn't be the only person making these posts. That means it's a player skill issue, not a problem with how GS is designed.

I doubt Anet is going to make an IWIN button just for you ... but if you think poorly reasoned forum posts can change that, I would LOVE to see how that works out.

Tell me how great GS is ? the fact that we dont see player in plat 2 and above is bc i dont have skill ? or just the weapon have terrible design and dont work this is a fact GS sux and ppl pref to play something that work FB EGIS etc even if GOD OF PVP player take Guard and master with GS will never go high rating GS dont work if you think it does you are WRONG and you are the one who cant take the facts not me

So it's your hypothesis there are no guardians past plat 2 because GS2 isn't instacast? Clearly you don't realize how ridiculous that sounds, or how unrealistic it would be for Anet to change it just to address something that isn't a problem in the first place. That's right ... it's not a problem if there are no guardians past plat 2 in PVP and it's highly debatable that GS2 insta would fix that.

The fact is that GS2 insta isn't going to happen just because there are no guardians past plat 2. That's simply not something that needs to be fixed because it's not a problem.

GS doesn't have terrible design ... it's NOT exceptional in how it works. Many weapons work just like it. You've simply come to some very bad conclusions.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:GS2 will not be insta, ever. We can see from the skill design that it's not inline with how the devs intend for it to work. There are lots of skills that apply damage in this manner, so it's not a flukeHow many times i need to tell you to go and spam on someone else post ur toxic

No, I'm not toxic because I disagree with you ... though I could say you are toxic for acting out the way you are against the people that disagree with you. Forums are a place of discussion. You post your idea here so people can discuss what's good and what's bad about it. If you can't handle that criticism in a more mature manner, you shouldn't post your ideas.

The fact is that the reasoning you are presenting for your idea is faulty ... almost every weapon skill works as you describe, allowing players to counter the damage. Nothing about GS should lead anyone to think its exceptional in any way to make it so it's skills can't be countered either. It's a completely nonsensical way to think about ANY skill for PVP ... a skill needs to be very special to be really hard to counter ... and that's the situation we have in GW2. There aren't many skills that are really difficult to counter and there is good reason for it.

Until you understand this, your idea doesn't make sense for the reason you present. GS2 shouldn't be insta cast just because you don't like the idea that people can counter it in PVP. It's irrelevant where it works or doesn't for you. You are clearly not the ultimate authority on this, nor do you seem even qualified to speak about it for the majority of players. The whole idea is absurd and even when challenged to think of ANY reason to make GS2 insta ... there are none.

If you don't like how GS works in PVP ... don't use it. There are other choices. The reason you can't take it farther than plat 2 isn't because of the weapon, it's because of you as a player.

GS dont work end of story

for you
it doesn't work. If it didn't work for everyone, you wouldn't be the only person making these posts. That means it's a player skill issue, not a problem with how GS is designed.

I doubt Anet is going to make an IWIN button just for you ... but if you think poorly reasoned forum posts can change that, I would LOVE to see how that works out.

Tell me how great GS is ? the fact that we dont see player in plat 2 and above is bc i dont have skill ? or just the weapon have terrible design and dont work this is a fact GS sux and ppl pref to play something that work FB EGIS etc even if GOD OF PVP player take Guard and master with GS will never go high rating GS dont work if you think it does you are WRONG and you are the one who cant take the facts not me

So it's your hypothesis there are no guardians past plat 2 because GS2 isn't instacast? Clearly you don't realize how ridiculous that sounds, or how unrealistic it would be for Anet to change it just to address something that isn't a problem in the first place. That's right ... it's not a problem if there are no guardians past plat 2 in PVP and it's highly debatable that GS2 insta would fix that.

The fact is that GS2 insta isn't going to happen just because there are no guardians past plat 2. That's simply not something that needs to be fixed because it's not a problem.

The weapons doesn't have terrible design ... it's NOT exceptional in how it works.

So you are gold and you get rekt by spin version and you dont want instan version got it

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:GS2 will not be insta, ever. We can see from the skill design that it's not inline with how the devs intend for it to work. There are lots of skills that apply damage in this manner, so it's not a flukeHow many times i need to tell you to go and spam on someone else post ur toxic

No, I'm not toxic because I disagree with you ... though I could say you are toxic for acting out the way you are against the people that disagree with you. Forums are a place of discussion. You post your idea here so people can discuss what's good and what's bad about it. If you can't handle that criticism in a more mature manner, you shouldn't post your ideas.

The fact is that the reasoning you are presenting for your idea is faulty ... almost every weapon skill works as you describe, allowing players to counter the damage. Nothing about GS should lead anyone to think its exceptional in any way to make it so it's skills can't be countered either. It's a completely nonsensical way to think about ANY skill for PVP ... a skill needs to be very special to be really hard to counter ... and that's the situation we have in GW2. There aren't many skills that are really difficult to counter and there is good reason for it.

Until you understand this, your idea doesn't make sense for the reason you present. GS2 shouldn't be insta cast just because you don't like the idea that people can counter it in PVP. It's irrelevant where it works or doesn't for you. You are clearly not the ultimate authority on this, nor do you seem even qualified to speak about it for the majority of players. The whole idea is absurd and even when challenged to think of ANY reason to make GS2 insta ... there are none.

If you don't like how GS works in PVP ... don't use it. There are other choices. The reason you can't take it farther than plat 2 isn't because of the weapon, it's because of you as a player.

GS dont work end of story

for you
it doesn't work. If it didn't work for everyone, you wouldn't be the only person making these posts. That means it's a player skill issue, not a problem with how GS is designed.

I doubt Anet is going to make an IWIN button just for you ... but if you think poorly reasoned forum posts can change that, I would LOVE to see how that works out.

Tell me how great GS is ? the fact that we dont see player in plat 2 and above is bc i dont have skill ? or just the weapon have terrible design and dont work this is a fact GS sux and ppl pref to play something that work FB EGIS etc even if GOD OF PVP player take Guard and master with GS will never go high rating GS dont work if you think it does you are WRONG and you are the one who cant take the facts not me

So it's your hypothesis there are no guardians past plat 2 because GS2 isn't instacast? Clearly you don't realize how ridiculous that sounds, or how unrealistic it would be for Anet to change it just to address something that isn't a problem in the first place. That's right ... it's not a problem if there are no guardians past plat 2 in PVP and it's highly debatable that GS2 insta would fix that.

The fact is that GS2 insta isn't going to happen just because there are no guardians past plat 2. That's simply not something that needs to be fixed because it's not a problem.

The weapons doesn't have terrible design ... it's NOT exceptional in how it works.

So you are gold and you get rekt by spin version and you dont want instan version got it

That doesn't make sense or change what I said ... there could be LOTS of reasons there are no guardians past plat 2 (I'm not even sure that's true to be honest) but I'm pretty certain we won't be getting an IWIN button on GS because of it. That reasoning is absolutely absurd.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:GS2 will not be insta, ever. We can see from the skill design that it's not inline with how the devs intend for it to work. There are lots of skills that apply damage in this manner, so it's not a flukeHow many times i need to tell you to go and spam on someone else post ur toxic

No, I'm not toxic because I disagree with you ... though I could say you are toxic for acting out the way you are against the people that disagree with you. Forums are a place of discussion. You post your idea here so people can discuss what's good and what's bad about it. If you can't handle that criticism in a more mature manner, you shouldn't post your ideas.

The fact is that the reasoning you are presenting for your idea is faulty ... almost every weapon skill works as you describe, allowing players to counter the damage. Nothing about GS should lead anyone to think its exceptional in any way to make it so it's skills can't be countered either. It's a completely nonsensical way to think about ANY skill for PVP ... a skill needs to be very special to be really hard to counter ... and that's the situation we have in GW2. There aren't many skills that are really difficult to counter and there is good reason for it.

Until you understand this, your idea doesn't make sense for the reason you present. GS2 shouldn't be insta cast just because you don't like the idea that people can counter it in PVP. It's irrelevant where it works or doesn't for you. You are clearly not the ultimate authority on this, nor do you seem even qualified to speak about it for the majority of players. The whole idea is absurd and even when challenged to think of ANY reason to make GS2 insta ... there are none.

If you don't like how GS works in PVP ... don't use it. There are other choices. The reason you can't take it farther than plat 2 isn't because of the weapon, it's because of you as a player.

GS dont work end of story

for you
it doesn't work. If it didn't work for everyone, you wouldn't be the only person making these posts. That means it's a player skill issue, not a problem with how GS is designed.

I doubt Anet is going to make an IWIN button just for you ... but if you think poorly reasoned forum posts can change that, I would LOVE to see how that works out.

Tell me how great GS is ? the fact that we dont see player in plat 2 and above is bc i dont have skill ? or just the weapon have terrible design and dont work this is a fact GS sux and ppl pref to play something that work FB EGIS etc even if GOD OF PVP player take Guard and master with GS will never go high rating GS dont work if you think it does you are WRONG and you are the one who cant take the facts not me

So it's your hypothesis there are no guardians past plat 2 because GS2 isn't instacast? Clearly you don't realize how ridiculous that sounds, or how unrealistic it would be for Anet to change it just to address something that isn't a problem in the first place. That's right ... it's not a problem if there are no guardians past plat 2 in PVP and it's highly debatable that GS2 insta would fix that.

The fact is that GS2 insta isn't going to happen just because there are no guardians past plat 2. That's simply not something that needs to be fixed because it's not a problem.

The weapons doesn't have terrible design ... it's NOT exceptional in how it works.

So you are gold and you get rekt by spin version and you dont want instan version got it

That doesn't make sense or change what I said ... there could be LOTS of reasons there are no guardians past plat 2 (I'm not even sure that's true to be honest) but I'm pretty certain we won't be getting an IWIN button on GS because of it. That reasoning is absolutely absurd.

You couldn't know if there are no core guards in plat 2 bc you are gold i told tell me how GS is perfect and what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp :D and im not demanding that Anet need to change it to instan bc i said so but bc will be better and more competitive faster gameplay and you will be able to atleast try to counter some other spec but you clearly dont know how pvp works you are spending your time in the forums just to be on top of ppl

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Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

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@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how

No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue.

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how

No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how

No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue.

So you cant tell me what are the all benefits from all 5 skills bc they suck :D the disign is terrible

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@Diviora.9548 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how

No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue.

So you cant tell me what are the all benefits from all 5 skills bc they suck :D the disign is terrible

GS is one of the better designed weapon on guardian. All skills are useful in a way or an other.But I won't try to explain it to you, because I have the feeling you'll ignore all I could say and just reply "GS don't work"

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:Um, you told me there weren't any guardians above plat 2 (so basically you're lying to us now?) ... but it's irrelevant anyways. A minor deflection from what's meaningful.

GS2 doesn't need to be insta to give more competitive or faster gameplay nor is it needed counter other specs (whatever that means) ... those aren't problems that need to be solved and GS2 being insta doesn't necessarily solve them, or do it in the best way.

I told you tell me what are the benefits from all 5 spells in pvp and how they are working perfectly fine and how all 5 spells can beat any other spec give me examples and facts

My analysis of GS isn't relevant to your suggestion.

im telling you that gs dont work you are telling me that it is working tell me how

No, I'm telling you it doesn't work for you. For lots of other people it works just fine. That's a player skill issue, not a weapon design issue.

So you cant tell me what are the all benefits from all 5 skills bc they suck :D the disign is terrible

GS is one of the better designed weapon on guardian. All skills are useful in a way or an other.But I won't try to explain it to you, because I have the feeling you'll ignore all I could say and just reply "GS don't work"

You cant tell me how they are useful bc they are not only 3 is useful and maybe 5 the other spells are stupid who the hell will stay in ur 4 or in order to use 2 you need gap close ability if you are chasing someone and do 2 they just need to walk away no even dodge this is how stupid gs 2 is and need to be if its not prove me wrong and tell me how good it is and what are the benefits from all 5 skills :)

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These are irrelevant points. Anet isn't going to make GS2 insta because people don't meet your expectations for explaining how all 5 GS skills are useful. If the argument is so weak that you have to attack people's background and perception of the game to justify your idea ... it's not going to go very far. Likewise if the best argument you can provide is based on your own perceptions and not not reflective of player's experience with the game overall.

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