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Elite Fleshreaver with Restorer Ability is an OP healer!!


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This guy in the Sunspear Wisdom instance in the library was literally unkillable on my Druid! Spent an hour trying to bring him down with every skill, weapon and utility I could think of (before I realised there are far more elites than keys required, doh!) and my DPS would run out at about 20-30% health and in seconds he'd be back up to 60-70%, or more when I was exhausted and paused for breath!

He spawns more and more veteran healing coalescences as his heath drops, that are tanky as hell. No way I could kill those before they reached him. Couldn't kite him away from them because he would not leave a very small zone.

I know a more zerky character could probably nuke him down but, seriously, that new Restorer ability needs some work at least for small scale mobs. Maybe it works OK for the bounties??

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@Jong.5937 said:This guy in the Sunspear Wisdom instance in the library was literally unkillable on my Druid! Spent an hour trying to bring him down with every skill, weapon and utility I could think of (before I realised there are far more elites than keys required, doh!) and my DPS would run out at about 20-30% health and in seconds he'd be back up to 60-70%, or more when I was exhausted and paused for breath!

He spawns more and more veteran healing coalescences as his heath drops, that are tanky as hell. No way I could kill those before they reached him. Couldn't kite him away from them because he would not leave a very small zone.

I know a more zerky character could probably nuke him down but, seriously, that new Restorer ability needs some work at least for small scale mobs. Maybe it works OK for the bounties??

Like you said, slot some zerkier gear, bring a better build, and you will do it, it's a l2p issue not a mechanics issue.

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It's not ltp, really. This is not a raid or a legendary bounty :). It's small scale content intended for a single player.

No one should have to swap out their build (involving leaving an instance) to beat such a mob. Sure you may not be able to beat it by 1-1-1'ing it with a druid staff, but you should with different weapons, utilities AND food :smiley: . By the way, the old mordrem healers were fine - you could counter them, but these veteran coalescences (of which he spawns 6+ when his health gets low) are OP. Seriously, if you haven't fought him he is crazy tanky. He hits like a wet fish, but as a holder of an essential drop it's an issue.

As I said, it's not really such a big deal here, as it turns out there are other elites to kill, not one 'guard' per chest as I had assumed, although even Dulfy doesn't say that. But, if these new 'unstable magical abilities' proliferate in the open world I think this Restorer ability needs some thought. As I also said, in bounties and any other new high level group content it may well be fine.

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It's definitely a learn to play issue. The mount is not meant to be easily obtainable, and within the first few days thousands of players already had obtained it. I completely disagree that you should be able to beat the elite mobs in that instance by merely auto attacking. It's already very easy to get, just time consuming. Nothing needs to be nerfed.

I'd say try changing your build or watch some guide videos to inspire you to try something new on your Druid. If you need some build tips, you're welcome to PM me with questions or I can give you the build I like to run.

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Did this earlier today. Tried to do it with my hohosmith, which had done everything else in this griffonic quest up to this point. /e sigh. I managed to kill an elite aatxe, woo hoo, but the floaty blobby thing was a big funny ha ha, and the fallen arches ghost dude refused to fall again. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth and changing of builds, I switched to my insta-80 necro and lo, turned the tables -- until I ran into the 1337 fleshreaver. Jocularity! Jocularity! It couldn't kill me, but I couldn't kill it. So we danced. A light fandango. Turned some cartwheels on the floor. Eventually I began to feel a little seasick and determined that I was the one that, sooner or later, was going to get tired, or bored, or suffer a cramp, or the cat was going to get in the way, or Avon was going to call, or something equally heinous was going to happen and cause me to miss a step. So I glided to safety, tweaked the build, tried again, but still no wife, no horse, no mustache. Tabbed out, and googled 'omg this mission sucks' and discovered this thread and realized I didn't have to kill ALL the elites, just a certain number of the less "HAH ha!" ones. That was a relief. Shortly thereafter I was winging it over Lion's Arch, secure in the knowledge that I would never attempt this sort of thing ever again, even if the next expansion has flying submarines in outer space. Which would be cool.

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People may want to call it a learn to play issue but that specific Elite is significantly over-tuned compared to all of the other Elites inside the library. And you can't make the argument that the Fleshreaver provides a necessary challenge because it can be totally ignored in favor of Elites that are complete pushovers. But, since it can be totally ignored, it's not really an issue at all.

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@Tachenon.5270 said:Did this earlier today. Tried to do it with my hohosmith, which had done everything else in this griffonic quest up to this point. /e sigh. I managed to kill an elite aatxe, woo hoo, but the floaty blobby thing was a big funny ha ha, and the fallen arches ghost dude refused to fall again. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth and changing of builds, I switched to my insta-80 necro and lo, turned the tables -- until I ran into the 1337 fleshreaver. Jocularity! Jocularity! It couldn't kill me, but I couldn't kill it. So we danced. A light fandango. Turned some cartwheels on the floor. Eventually I began to feel a little seasick and determined that I was the one that, sooner or later, was going to get tired, or bored, or suffer a cramp, or the cat was going to get in the way, or Avon was going to call, or something equally heinous was going to happen and cause me to miss a step. So I glided to safety, tweaked the build, tried again, but still no wife, no horse, no mustache. Tabbed out, and googled 'omg this mission sucks' and discovered this thread and realized I didn't have to kill ALL the elites, just a certain number of the less "HAH ha!" ones. That was a relief. Shortly thereafter I was winging it over Lion's Arch, secure in the knowledge that I would never attempt this sort of thing ever again, even if the next expansion has flying submarines in outer space. Which would be cool.

If I was in any way talented at writing music, these would be the lyrics that I would choose.

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I tried this one after I read this thread. I did manage to kill it (on a dragonhunter), after 15 straight minutes of whacking at it and only dropping down the big damage (traps, every one of them) when more than a few healing coalescences showed up. When only one or 2 appeared, I took the healing in my stride, saving AoE spikes for big gatherings.

I did it on the only character I'd been playing in PoF so far and I consider myself lucky that I could pull it off with just a few minor build alterations that were useful against the other elites as well anyway. Some of my other characters would need to be rebuild from the ground up to pull off that kill. Pretty ridiculous.

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Took me about 8 min of tries to kill him. I was on my ranger I did go soul beast but I think with Druid would of been easier. Used entangle when those healing orbs came close by then used point blank shot to knock him back away from the orbs then saved 2nd point blank shot for when entangle ended and orbs got close to him again to knock him back again away from orbs.

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@Jong.5937 said:

No one should have to swap out their build (involving leaving an instance) to beat such a mob.

You have all the right to ignore a core mechanic of Guild Wars. You just have to deal with your decision, which mean being unable to do certain content or kill certain things.

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@Ankas.9023 said:Took me about 8 min of tries to kill him. I was on my ranger I did go soul beast but I think with Druid would of been easier. Used entangle when those healing orbs came close by then used point blank shot to knock him back away from the orbs then saved 2nd point blank shot for when entangle ended and orbs got close to him again to knock him back again away from orbs.Very interesting. That sounds like a plan. Don't know why I didn't think of that. I tried point blank shot a lot, but didn't think about ensnaring the blobs when they were on the fleshreaver. One of the challenges is he spawns blobs in all directions, so until they all arrive at him there is no clear direction to either kite him or knock him to. Of course, it's hard to know if my char would have had comparable damage to nuke him down even with that strategy. Nice idea though!

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@RapidSausage.4620 said:I had no problems with fleshreavers with my condi scourge.

Have you tried killing one that's on the walkway with water on both sides?, very easy to kill there.

You may have killed the same one, I did always say there would be builds that can do it. But, beware, not all fleshreavers have the same unstable magical abilities. It is the one with "Restore" that is the issue.

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I do agree this instance might be difficult on some class, my guild mate who were playing an ele asked for help in the instance because most elites in here are pretty annoying BUT i did test this myself 4 times on condi rev/renegade, condi druid/soulbeast, scourge, guardian and i have zero problem or whatsoever fighting the fleshweaver. Unless you run a support/healing specs for druid you then shouldn't have any problem killing the fleshweaver.

You were right this is not a learn to play issue because before you learn anything, learn to make a better decision for yourself, which in this case it seem you refused to swap out build and try to solo everything. Best advice, ask for help if you don't want to swap build.

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No one ever said he was unkillable with any build or even a fair few builds. The fact remains this one guy, and only this guy, not all the elites or many of them, is very unbalanced. And he is not some 'super boss' intended to test the metal of all but the elite, just an average jobsworth patrolling a dull empty library for a paycheck. (And again, be careful, there is more than one elite fleshreaver and they don't all have the same abilities.)

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What's interesting is "Restorer" seems to be one of the weaker of the new abilities in Bounties - not like the zerg wrecker "Ley-line buildup"! It's barely noticeable, in my experience, in group content. It just seems to scale down really badly.

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Had to deal with this collision of questionable design decisions last night. I'd manage things pretty well, he can't me, I get him down to 30ish%, then he spawns way too many veteran mobs. Had it been regular mobs, I had the AoE to burn them down. I had CC and knockback for days, but that is not enough to stop the inexorable march of the legion of healing. No access to poison, so it's not like that was an option.I ended up calling in a guildie to help. Her thief had poison and bonus dps, and it still took way more time than it rightfully should have.

It wasn't until later I figured out the elites eventually respawn. :\


  • Ignore this one if it rolls up in your instance. Kill the other elite respawns.
  • You can call in party members to help!
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@Jong.5937 said:What's interesting is "Restorer" seems to be one of the weaker of the new abilities in Bounties - not like the zerg wrecker "Ley-line buildup"! It's barely noticeable, in my experience, in group content. It just seems to scale down really badly.

Yeah, I expected Restorer to be something different when I read the tag on the enemy. I thought it summon healing fields, not veteran mobs that would die so quickly in zergs and be a PITA for solos without massive AoE damage. I was expecting to need a push/pull to remove it from fields to keep it from healing, not spawning 6+ vets with huge heal bombs. I was expecting a potent Regen to strip (yay Spellbreaker) or something a breakbar could handle. I thought I could at least interrupt the summoning, but it was automatic while it was in the middle of an attack.

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