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Idea for Build templates

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Since it was said that there will be build templates "eventually" I was wondering if it would be possible to have different keybinds per template.

This way you could set up special combos to simpler to reach keys, or have for example heal on mouse for some builds but not for others and so on.

Maybe it is still early enough in development that such a thing might be implemented without too much effort.


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@"Thundabolt.8541" said:Here's my idea for them:

Add them to the game.

Good news! They are being added to the game.

As for the main point:I've said in other threads raising this idea, part of playing a Roleplaying Game is forethought: choices, specialties, preparations for your adventures, choosing which strengths and weaknesses are important to you and learning how to play around them. But all of that goes out the window if you can just do all of it at once. Yes, it's convenient, but what meaningful choices can one make in their build if they can just have everything and flip it on as-needed? Do you build Condition Damage or raw Power? doesn't matter! bring them both! Do you focus on offense or defense? Doesn't matter! tank up to eat an attack, then switch back to glass cannon mode! Need a Heal? swap to max Healing Power, then back to DPS... You see what I'm getting at?

There comes a point where things become "too convenient". I think any game - not just Guild Wars - looses a LOT when they can swap entire builds at the touch of a button. Maybe some people can accept that, but I think it's just not worth the cost... and I hope ANet agrees with me.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"Thundabolt.8541" said:Here's my idea for them:

Add them to the game.

Good news! They
being added to the game.

As for the main point:I've said in other threads raising this idea, part of playing a Roleplaying Game is forethought: choices, specialties, preparations for your adventures, choosing which strengths and weaknesses are important to you and learning how to play around them. But all of that goes out the window if you can just do all of it at once. Yes, it's convenient, but what meaningful choices can one make in their build if they can just have everything and flip it on as-needed? Do you build Condition Damage or raw Power? doesn't matter! bring them both! Do you focus on offense or defense? Doesn't matter! tank up to eat an attack, then switch back to glass cannon mode! Need a Heal? swap to max Healing Power, then back to DPS... You see what I'm getting at?

There comes a point where things become "too convenient". I think any game - not just Guild Wars - looses a LOT when they can swap entire builds at the touch of a button. Maybe some people can accept that, but I think it's just not worth the cost... and I hope ANet agrees with me.

The cost is inventory space. If i had to switch between my builds manually - without a real sort function in my inventory (i.e. the 3 gear sets in my inventory are all mixed up), that'd take me minutes every time. Not to mention how annoying it is to switch Legendary item stats. I would honestly just not bother and just play one and the same build, get bored of the game and stop playing. Or make new alts for the other builds. Neither of which is a fun alternative.

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Many ways this could be thought about. I THINK the ideal version is:Save as many different keybind profiles as you want with different namesAll characters have access to all the profilesEach character saves its currently selected profile separately

This way you can have keybinds setup for non-combat activities as well like Dragon Ball and Instruments.

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@yusayu.3629 said:The cost is inventory space. If i had to switch between my builds manually - without a real sort function in my inventory (i.e. the 3 gear sets in my inventory are all mixed up), that'd take me minutes every time. Not to mention how annoying it is to switch Legendary item stats. I would honestly just not bother and just play one and the same build, get bored of the game and stop playing. Or make new alts for the other builds. Neither of which is a fun alternative.

Why sort when you can filter? If you click the item slot, it shows only the items that can be equipped there.

But then, if you're actively searching for a reason not to play, maybe it's time for a break...

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@Trise.2865 said:

@yusayu.3629 said:The cost is inventory space. If i had to switch between my builds manually - without a real sort function in my inventory (i.e. the 3 gear sets in my inventory are all mixed up), that'd take me minutes every time. Not to mention how annoying it is to switch Legendary item stats. I would honestly just not bother and just play one and the same build, get bored of the game and stop playing. Or make new alts for the other builds. Neither of which is a fun alternative.

Why sort when you can filter? If you click the item slot, it shows only the items that can be equipped there.

But then, if you're actively searching for a reason not to play, maybe it's time for a break...

That's even more annoying, because now I need to go through each slot seperately, instead of just a bunch of double-clicks in the intentory. Not to mention, again, that it's very annoying to select stats on legendary equipment every single time I want to change my build. Which might be after every boss in certain raid wings.

This doesn't even mention the fact, that with complete legendary gear, I'd have to keep the combination of assassin/berserker gear in mind for several different characters that don't get up to 100% crit rate with traits only (like Power Chrono, Weaver, Deadeye). Holy shit, that sounds even more annoying.

If you really wanna punish people for playing multiple builds on the same character, just make switching your traits/utility skills cost money like many other MMOs. I don't understand, why you'd want to punish those players, tho.

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