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Thank you ANet

Heng Rai.4826

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Like seriously thank you for inventing this class.I’ve been playing warrior pretty much since game launch. After so many years of boring game play I finally decided to take a long break. When I first came back to this game I was like “meh” the game still just as boring as where I left it. Then I thought why not try a different class - elementalist (weaver in particular) and boom! I am in love with this game again. I mean I died like 100 times over the last two weeks in pve but I totally enjoyed it. I like how fragile it is and how you need to think a few steps ahead before you engage the mobs. I still suck at attunement rotations but then again I enjoy how terrible I am at pressing those buttons. I only needed to press gs skill 2 and 3 to win most of the fights when I play warrior. The class has definitely made this game more challenging and more fun for me. So thank you ANet and please keep up with all the good works.

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@Heng Rai.4826 said:Like seriously thank you for inventing this class.I’ve been playing warrior pretty much since game launch. After so many years of boring game play I finally decided to take a long break. When I first came back to this game I was like “meh” the game still just as boring as where I left it. Then I thought why not try a different class - elementalist (weaver in particular) and boom! I am in love with this game again. I mean I died like 100 times over the last two weeks in pve but I totally enjoyed it. I like how fragile it is and how you need to think a few steps ahead before you engage the mobs. I still suck at attunement rotations but then again I enjoy how terrible I am at pressing those buttons. I only needed to press gs skill 2 and 3 to win most of the fights when I play warrior. The class has definitely made this game more challenging and more fun for me. So thank you ANet and please keep up with all the good works.

Is this sarcasm? LolOr I supposed you really enjoy getting killed instead of killing mobs. Well, have fun while it lasts.

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@Heng Rai.4826 said:Like seriously thank you for inventing this class.I’ve been playing warrior pretty much since game launch. After so many years of boring game play I finally decided to take a long break. When I first came back to this game I was like “meh” the game still just as boring as where I left it. Then I thought why not try a different class - elementalist (weaver in particular) and boom! I am in love with this game again. I mean I died like 100 times over the last two weeks in pve but I totally enjoyed it. I like how fragile it is and how you need to think a few steps ahead before you engage the mobs. I still suck at attunement rotations but then again I enjoy how terrible I am at pressing those buttons. I only needed to press gs skill 2 and 3 to win most of the fights when I play warrior. The class has definitely made this game more challenging and more fun for me. So thank you ANet and please keep up with all the good works.

If you are indeed enjoying it, you should also give other classes and builds a go too! I always tell people to multiclass and try every weaponset, build etc. It also keeps things fresh and gives you a different perspective. You will also feel the sting from nerfs a little lesser that way as well.

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@Mil.3562 said:

Is this sarcasm? LolOr I supposed you really enjoy getting killed instead of killing mobs. Well, have fun while it lasts.

Well no it’s not. I just felt the game was challenging again when I was getting killed by playing a class I am not familiar with.

@DemonSeed.3528 said:

If you are indeed enjoying it, you should also give other classes and builds a go too! I always tell people to multiclass and try every weaponset, build etc. It also keeps things fresh and gives you a different perspective. You will also feel the sting from nerfs a little lesser that way as well.

I suppose you are right. But for now I just want to enjoy weaver lol. I am a bit stubborn and that’s probably why I was stuck with warrior for a long time.

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Ele is hard mood in all game types. But if you turly want to feel what it means to be an ele try it in spvp or wvw it will eat away at you when you see other classes doing soo much more BUT if you do land that one good hit or beat some one the feeling of wining with a gimp class is something else.

@Heng Rai.4826 Here a good tell of what realty going on with the ele class take your war build gear mostly and put it on your ele and just see how it plays out for you.

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@Jski.6180 said:Ele is hard mood in all game types. But if you turly want to feel what it means to be an ele try it in spvp or wvw it will eat away at you when you see other classes doing soo much more BUT if you do land that one good hit or beat some one the feeling of wining with a kitten class is something else.

@Heng Rai.4826 Here a good tell of what realty going on with the ele class take your war build gear mostly and put it on your ele and just see how it plays out for you.

Well I have been thinking to fully equip my ele with ascended gear these days but I haven’t decided what stats to give him. From what I can see so far I should use zerker in open world and marauder in WvW. I don’t think I’ll have time and the resource for second set so any suggestion?

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@Heng Rai.4826 said:Well I have been thinking to fully equip my ele with ascended gear these days but I haven’t decided what stats to give him. From what I can see so far I should use zerker in open world and marauder in WvW. I don’t think I’ll have time and the resource for second set so any suggestion?

Go Marauder. It does like 5~15% less damage than pure berserker, but gives a few thousand extra health points, which really help elementalist (since it's a low HP pool profession).

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@Heng Rai.4826 said:

@Jski.6180 said:Ele is hard mood in all game types. But if you turly want to feel what it means to be an ele try it in spvp or wvw it will eat away at you when you see other classes doing soo much more BUT if you do land that one good hit or beat some one the feeling of wining with a kitten class is something else.

@Heng Rai.4826 Here a good tell of what realty going on with the ele class take your war build gear mostly and put it on your ele and just see how it plays out for you.

Well I have been thinking to fully equip my ele with ascended gear these days but I haven’t decided what stats to give him. From what I can see so far I should use zerker in open world and marauder in WvW. I don’t think I’ll have time and the resource for second set so any suggestion?

You will find it one of the more frustrating classes to build in the game the lack of high hp is a real damper for build divisively. For you in wvw full marauders but you will not be doing that high of dmg say what a rev can pull off.

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Thanks guys I guess I will go for berserker and maybe tweak it with some different stats trinkets for open world and maybe (if I really want to) save up for another set for WvW in the future. I am slowly getting better at weaver, so happy xD

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Beserker is a raider thing, outside raids it's weak in pvp, wvw, Solo meta events etc, it also obviously has no condy dmg if you are going for that (e.g hybrid or burn weave). You will get a lot more flexibility and gameplay control by mixing in some vitality and then dmg and a spash of heal. Your also not locked into a s ingle gameplay style.

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In any game type where the mobs are more then mindless benchmarks aoe you need a good bit of def. Ele just dealing with a handly caps of -700 vit and -300 armor. So if any thing comes after you with real intent of killing you, you will die or kill that target first (with the way that anet handed out take 0 dmg or evasion to the high hp classes your not going to be able to kill your target fast enofe to live).

Its a very sad balancing anet has came up with.

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@Jski.6180 said:In any game type where the mobs are more then mindless benchmarks aoe you need a good bit of def. Ele just dealing with a handly caps of -700 vit and -300 armor. So if any thing comes after you with real intent of killing you, you will die or kill that target first (with the way that anet handed out take 0 dmg or evasion to the high hp classes your not going to be able to kill your target fast enofe to live).

Its a very sad balancing anet has came up with.

Well, in PvE things work a bit differently. The OP example of warrior, berserker SB is not that survivable in PvE. I find that only Weaver has sustain issues in PvE among all low HP pool builds. Tempest doesn't. Neither does most thief builds (presuming you take the right heals and traits). Guardian dps is even more survivable than warrior in PvE. I think the issue with weaver is healing. Most healing skills are weak. If you lose much HP, you will have to camp water and deal close to no damage.

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Thanks for all your advices. Apparently weaver condi is also viable and quite strong. I remember seeing a video of someone soloing the champion bounty with it.

My SB actually is full berserker and he’s “very” survivable in pve. A bit too easy to be honest and hence giving me this “boring” game play feel. Still like it but really needed a change.

I do agree with some of you that weaver is way too squishy for berserker especially when facing certain fast-moving and powerful mob who downs you in 3-4 hits. Maybe it’s a ltp issue for me but so far I really have no clue how to beat these certain mobs without fully going into defensive traits.

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