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Dont want to talk about OPness, but some builds that are not fun to play against at least


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Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

Ever stop to think how silly it must seem for someone to throw a tantrum about how a skill has some remote attempt at being fairly telegraphed (despite still being relatively easy to land and giving its user a free damage negation period)? It speaks a lot about how damaged the GW2 playerbase is at this stage of the game's lifespan.Yes, you are the perfect example to illustrate your statement.
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@Ganathar.4956 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either. The only class that has passive evades is thief.

There is no alternative, but that does not mean that the weaver play style is healthy. Weaver as a spec is actually terribly designed for PvP and WvW and I really hope that the devs design the next ele spec with competitive play in mind. Weaver would be terrible for competitive play if it was good because it is a spec that relies on rotations. You cannot stop that without completely reworking the spec. This is because the 4 sec delay on getting to your 4 and 5 skills makes it incredibly difficult to properly react to your opponent's plays. You are also encouraged to swap attunements as soon as possible to get to your other skills, which means rotational play instead of saving skills and using them at the correct time. Basically the entire spec is a mess that will never be satisfying for both the one playing it nor the opponent. It also doesn't help that ele skills tend to be pretty bad across the board. Dual skills are especially guilty of not being good enough, since they are almost purely offensive skills with no other variety. Basically filler skills that trap you into a rotation even more.

Now you make a lot more sense. Your definition of 'healthy' makes sense.

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@Alatar.7364 said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?

Whats your problem? D/D Daredevil spam dodge and dagger 3, all evades while does dmg. For Staff its staff 5 and dodge.What you look so surprised? Also you need to understand, I am not saying they are OP, they are just annoying.

I said it once already but I'll say it again: Also didn't say its OP, but considering those "annoying" suggests trouble dealing with, which I find very hard to believe, especially in the case of Staff DD.I can for the sake of compromise agree that D/D Daredevil is annoying even without being hard to deal with, but Staff DD? No way.

Who said I find staff DD hard to fight against? Its just one example of the builds that does dmg while evading, and I think that mechanic in general is not fun, hence annoying. For the Staff DD in particular, I dont enjoy fighting it, even when I can win most of the matchup.. But hey again, you can read what I wrote whatever you want~~

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@Ganathar.4956 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either. The only class that has passive evades is thief.

There is no alternative, but that does not mean that the weaver play style is healthy. Weaver as a spec is actually terribly designed for PvP and WvW and I really hope that the devs design the next ele spec with competitive play in mind. Weaver would be terrible for competitive play if it was good because it is a spec that relies on rotations. You cannot stop that without completely reworking the spec. This is because the 4 sec delay on getting to your 4 and 5 skills makes it incredibly difficult to properly react to your opponent's plays. You are also encouraged to swap attunements as soon as possible to get to your other skills, which means rotational play instead of saving skills and using them at the correct time. Basically the entire spec is a mess that will never be satisfying for both the one playing it nor the opponent. It also doesn't help that ele skills tend to be pretty bad across the board. Dual skills are especially guilty of not being good enough, since they are almost purely offensive skills with no other variety. Basically filler skills that trap you into a rotation even more.

Finally someone who understand what I want to convey... We all want the PvP to be great again arent we, otherwise I would have spend my limited time in the PvE forums or other more meaning activities~

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@Crozame.4098 said:Emphasize again. I am not discussing whether the builds / classes are OP or not, I simply think they are not fun, and should be adjusted.

dagger/dagger condi daredevil; or staff daredevil to a lesser extent. Just spam evasions and do dmg. Pistol Whip (spam 3 to evade and do dmg, its also a stun right?) similar.

Various oneshot soulbeast builds (long bow, GS, Axe etc.) Long bow 4 2 from 1200+ ranges, most classes wont survive this single burst. Also GS2 does ton of dmg. Combine these with unblockable trait and pet F2 F3, basically if not careful you are dead.The semi random pet cc, is really nice.and forget to add: as a full zerker build have access to 2-3 stealth. long leaps. invuls, very nice and very balanced (OPPs)

Weaver: too many evades & Stab gained from stances

Rev: sword 5 has no animation...

Rampage: it makes war vs. war duels not fun. Also some engi builds.

Mirage: the scepter (sword)/pistol staff build is pure stupid. It literally requires no skill at all. To give more details: staff 2, staff 5 random cc and Agis, scepter 2 like 6 second cd? And of course, the trait that generate clones when you dodge and yes, without internal CD. With only 2-3 games of game play, I can actually 1v1 very good players. This should not be the case in any case.

Scrapper and FB: Imagine the other team has a FB and scrapper. They are unkillable in 1v1s, which is justifiable. But the issue is that they survive way too long in 1v2s.

The condi version of the FB: I find it very hard to figure out what skills they are using from the animation. But maybe its just me.

Match making: you are making complex algorithms trying to balance teams, in most cases its fine. But a core guard against a Support Fireband puts the former team into disadvantage. And yes, class switching before start sort of partly ruin your effort to make balance games. Recently GM replied to a post saying the benefit of allowing class switch outweights its downsides. But maybe a solution is to allow switching for most classes/builds, but do not allow switching to support FB or ELE etc, and maybe ban switching to healing amulet/sigils. At least in this way, most players can do their PvE stuff while waiting for the game to start.

PS: It's soo hilarious of how people defend their classes. I am simply saying its not fun and need some adjustments, which means nerf, buff or completely rework, and this offend people..

What are your thoughts on Necro? Don't see you say anything about this class

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Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

Ever stop to think how silly it must seem for someone to throw a tantrum about how a skill has some remote attempt at being fairly telegraphed (despite still being relatively easy to land and giving its user a free damage negation period)? It speaks a lot about how damaged the GW2 playerbase is at this stage of the game's lifespan.Yes, you are the perfect example to illustrate your statement.

Spurning the guy arguing against instant skills, passive defenses and predictable playstyles while constantly crying for "more balanced PvP" does seem like the attribute of a pretty damaged playerbase.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. .

lol, wat?

weaver has no any passive evasion, all skill based

considering their HP and armor, what you taking about? do u want to kill them in one shot more often than usual?

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either.
The only class that has passive evades is thief.

Um. . . no? We (teefs) have exactly 1 passive evade triggered by hp drop, and it's on a 40 second CD for 2 seconds of evasion. Every other dodge requires spending INI, using a utility, or using endurance.

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@JonnyForgotten.4276 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either.
The only class that has passive evades is thief.

Um. . . no? We (teefs) have exactly 1 passive evade triggered by hp drop, and it's on a 40 second CD for 2 seconds of evasion. Every other dodge requires spending INI, using a utility, or using endurance.

It is actually 90 sec cd.

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@AlexPlay.8436 said:

Weaver: too many evades & Stab gained from stances

lol, stab from stances does not work already long time on weaver... look to bugs forum,I may consider that you just want to find a reason to to complain?

I would say suggestions, but whatever mate It's a circle., I think some builds / traits not fun, I post it, and you think I am an idiot. Man, there must be cases that you think some other builds are not fun, but in that case you are absolutely and people who defend are idiots~~ God like logic styles.

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@"Swagg.9236" said:Spurning the guy arguing against instant skills, passive defenses and predictable playstyles while constantly crying for "more balanced PvP" does seem like the attribute of a pretty damaged playerbase.

I think nerfing passive traits is what has lead us to the current state of the game.Having the passives as a preventative to ward against one-shot builds was what made this game competitive in the past.Heralds, Mantra Mirages and Soulbeasts wouldn't be nearly as prevalent or obnoxious if the passives were still a viable pick.This is an unpopular opinion but I think it's the truth. Whether the game is better or worse off for it I won't speculate on.

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@ discussions about evade weaver:The evades are annoying as hell, even though I'm glad eles have a build with some sustain once again. I just wish that sustain was built around other defensive abilities rather than just dancing around in evade frames.

@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

It's spammable as hell and the thief toolbox has so many stun breaks and other defensive tools like blinds and blocks from Bandits defense that it just becomes obnoxious when it's used with a defensive amulet, which is where the real problem with this build stems from.

When thieves run glassy, hard hitting amulets, they're a fun, engaging fight. Without this, catching them between evade frames just isn't enough to deal with them in any meaningful way. All the things you state about it may be true, but it's still heavily spammable, which negates any counterplay when the thief won't suffer much from being countered a couple times.

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@Dahkeus.8243 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam? Thief main got triggered because he feels his class is in danger?Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING(not OP) and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault twice before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this "its not true for X but is true for Thief" BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.

Btw: I am "imposing" facts, not opinions. Are you telling me you'd not laugh your ass off if someone was like "Core ele is annoying!!"? Because that's the case here, about the same impossibility of it.

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this
"its not true for X but is true for Thief"
BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.What blue glow? wtf? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.This calculations were when vigor was unnerfed and MC was 1s. It was between weaver, s/d thief and mirage (idk what weapons he had it was kinda long ago). He didnt count or tried to do it for staff daredevil. Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime. So you are totally wrong and you dont even understand this :joy:Why wouldnt I bring this? Mirage is way behind what its ever used to be.Btw: I am "imposing" facts, not opinions. Are you telling me you'd not laugh your kitten off if someone was like "Core ele is annoying!!"? Because that's the case here, about the same impossibility of it.Cant you stop being ridiculous? Your opinion will never become a fact, doesnt matter how hard you believe in it.If I would say mesmer is not annoying to fight against, because I have fought countless amount of mesmers, that will not make it less annoying for any other player, simple as that. Annoying things are annoying. Especially when its something that you cant hit . Get over it
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this
"its not true for X but is true for Thief"
BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.What blue glow? kitten? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.

So you don't even know Vault has massive blue aura glowing around Thief to indicate when to interrupt it and a different animation on top of that?Cool now I see why you think its annoying since you dont even know wtf is going on.

@praqtos.9035 said:.Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime.

Of course not, because why count in something that 70% of the time recharges skills that are not even on Thief's toolbar.Not to mention that person didn't include Distortion for Mirage which is up to 4 sec invul which even spawns Mirage Mirrors on use so even moar evade that was not considered.

Anyway, I am not gonna drag Mirage in to it any longer as there's plenty threads for that, too much off topic.

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this
"its not true for X but is true for Thief"
BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.What blue glow? kitten? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.

So you don't even know Vault has massive blue aura glowing around Thief to indicate when to interrupt it and a different animation on top of that?Cool now I see why you think its annoying since you dont even know kitten is going on.Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. LOL. I just log in on thief to spam vault and to figure out what MASSIVE BLUE AURA GLOWING AROUND THIEF to found...NONE.... Even asked people in mapchat and few thief players.... They thought im crazy LOL. So thats you who talking some high quality BS ...Are you struggle to read? Its more about evade uptime rather than just VAULT.

@praqtos.9035 said:.Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime.

Of course not, because why count in something that 70% of the time recharges skills that are not even on Thief's toolbar.Not to mention that person didn't include Distortion for Mirage which is up to 4 sec invul which even spawns Mirage Mirrors on use so even moar evade that was not considered.Trick. Trick. Deception.Signet.Trick = 70% chance to recharge something that is not on thief utility bar??????? There only TRAPS/VENOMS that not on thief bar, what happened to your math boy?Anyway, I am not gonna drag Mirage in to it any longer as there's plenty threads for that, too much off topic.Yes, enough threads of pure bs and exaggeration and random complaints that doesnt hit the root of the issue(and just people hate towards clones lol). Then you shouldnt bring an example from the ancient times :)
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Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this
"its not true for X but is true for Thief"
BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.What blue glow? kitten? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.

So you don't even know Vault has massive blue aura glowing around Thief to indicate when to interrupt it and a different animation on top of that?Cool now I see why you think its annoying since you dont even know kitten is going on.Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. Even if it would be there, there wasnt too many vault thieves in my life :joy:Are you struggle to read? Its more about evade uptime rather than just VAULT.

@praqtos.9035 said:.Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime.

Of course not, because why count in something that 70% of the time recharges skills that are not even on Thief's toolbar.Not to mention that person didn't include Distortion for Mirage which is up to 4 sec invul which even spawns Mirage Mirrors on use so even moar evade that was not considered.Trick. Trick. Deception.Signet.Trick = 70% chance to recharge something that is not on thief utility bar??????? There only TRAPS/VENOMS that not on thief bar, what happened to your math boy?

In case you don't know (which you dont because you don't know absolutely anything about Thief) DrD adds another line option but you definitely didn't manage to figure that out, you'd know that if you ever touched thief. But then again, those are pure facts and not baseless opinions so you wouldn't know that.

It is funny as hell that there is massive blue aura around Thief when using Vault which is a pure damn fact that you can super easily check your self, but your argument is "i didn't see it so there is none" instead of double checking that so you'd finally learn, which caused one of the greatest lols I've ever had on Forums, using your own ignorance as an argument, jesus, not gonna bother any further with this.

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Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault
before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this
"its not true for X but is true for Thief"
BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.What blue glow? kitten? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.

So you don't even know Vault has massive blue aura glowing around Thief to indicate when to interrupt it and a different animation on top of that?Cool now I see why you think its annoying since you dont even know kitten is going on.Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. Even if it would be there, there wasnt too many vault thieves in my life :joy:Are you struggle to read? Its more about evade uptime rather than just VAULT.

@praqtos.9035 said:.Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime.

Of course not, because why count in something that 70% of the time recharges skills that are not even on Thief's toolbar.Not to mention that person didn't include Distortion for Mirage which is up to 4 sec invul which even spawns Mirage Mirrors on use so even moar evade that was not considered.Trick. Trick. Deception.Signet.Trick = 70% chance to recharge something that is not on thief utility bar??????? There only TRAPS/VENOMS that not on thief bar, what happened to your math boy?

In case you don't know
(which you dont because you don't know absolutely anything about Thief)
DrD adds another line option but you definitely didn't manage to figure that out, you'd know that if you ever touched thief. But then again, those are pure facts and not baseless opinions so you wouldn't know that.

It is funny as hell that there is massive blue aura around Thief when using Vault which is
a pure kitten fact
that you can super easily check your self, but your argument is
"i didn't see it so there is none"
instead of double checking that so you'd finally learn, which caused one of the greatest lols I've ever had on Forums, using your own ignorance as an argument, jesus, not gonna bother any further with this.You brought up s/d thief which doesnt have any addition traitlines(your math is still terrible, even with 6 skill types its going to be 3/6 aka 50%, even if I would take DRD and replace trick utility with bandit defense its going to be 4/6 aka 66.6% to recharge something), your facts are baseless bs (that blue glow LOL) and you accuse me in another BS... No words :joy:I edited my post but sure I will copy it for you once more :Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. LOL. I just log in on thief to spam vault and to figure out what MASSIVE BLUE AURA GLOWING AROUND THIEF to found...NONE.... Even asked people in mapchat and few thief players.... They thought im crazy LOL. So thats you who talking some high quality BS ...
I never said I personally struggle with daredevil but its highly annoying. S/d thief is like 10 times more annoying to me... I think I have deja vu ...Ignorance? Having a conversation with biased triggered thief mains = pure ignorance :D
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