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Why the range increase to Infil Sig and not Swipe?


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@"Exitus.3297" said:

Based on the new Life Siphon effects in Shadow Arts, it looks like they want D/P Thieves to be picking up Shadow Arts instead.

Do u rly Think that they want us something to play instead of "idk wtf I'm doing, I will change something in SA" ... why they should change their mindless braindead balance strategy...

Community: we have a balance issueAnet: yo, we know we take care

Balance patch incomming

Community: wtf, nooooo, pls stop itAnet: whut?... not happy (Who the fuck is this balance lad where they r talking about)

Same thing 3 month Later...

Community: we have a issue with botsAnet: we knowCommunity: what u will doAnet: nothing, pls report them ... (with no impact)

Community: matchmaking sucksAnet: we knowCommunity: what u want to doAnet: ... to less people play pvp ... not our fault ...

Community: more gamemodesAnet: silence...

I still luv this game ?

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Because swipe is meant to be a worst steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge, it will never get more range just accept it already. If daredevil is to be buffed it needs to be through traits and staff skills.Something simple as un-nerfing endurance thief to give 50 endurance in all modes would make swipe fine. Buffing the dodge traits would make swipe fine, something as simple as making the dodge specific buffs last 6 seconds, or reducing the damage nerf of bound in pvp/wvw (doesn't even have to be a full de-nerf) or reducing the duration of exhaustion on dash (or removing exhaustion from cleansing cripple).For staff making skill 2 more reliable against non stationary targets would be a good start, reworking skill 3 to be a forward rushing evade & strike (similarly how flanking strike moves you towards the target) since staff's major downfall is that it's easy to kite due to it lacking any good gap closer (vault doesn't count as it is to expensive).

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@"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

Do u rly Think that they want us something to play instead of "idk kitten I'm doing, I will change something in SA" ... why they should change their mindless braindead balance strategy...

Well in this case yes. Before Heart of Thorns was even released that is what D/P played: Deadly Arts, Shadow Arts and Trickery. It was pretty fun at the time. Seeing all of the new healing/life siphon on Shadowsteps, Blinds and Stealth attacks, which D/P has quite a few of, it stands to benefit from all of it even from a non-support standpoint. I don't think it's a complete accident.

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@foste.3098 said:Because swipe is meant to be a worst steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge, it will never get more range just accept it already. If daredevil is to be buffed it needs to be through traits and staff skills.Something simple as un-nerfing endurance thief to give 50 endurance in all modes would make swipe fine. Buffing the dodge traits would make swipe fine, something as simple as making the dodge specific buffs last 6 seconds, or reducing the damage nerf of bound in pvp/wvw (doesn't even have to be a full de-nerf) or reducing the duration of exhaustion on dash (or removing exhaustion from cleansing cripple).

Yup, I think un-nerfing dodge passives would be a good move.

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@foste.3098 said:Because swipe is meant to be a worst steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge, it will never get more range just accept it already. If daredevil is to be buffed it needs to be through traits and staff skills.Something simple as un-nerfing endurance thief to give 50 endurance in all modes would make swipe fine. Buffing the dodge traits would make swipe fine, something as simple as making the dodge specific buffs last 6 seconds, or reducing the damage nerf of bound in pvp/wvw (doesn't even have to be a full de-nerf) or reducing the duration of exhaustion on dash (or removing exhaustion from cleansing cripple).For staff making skill 2 more reliable against non stationary targets would be a good start, reworking skill 3 to be a forward rushing evade & strike (similarly how flanking strike moves you towards the target) since staff's major downfall is that it's easy to kite due to it lacking any good gap closer (vault doesn't count as it is to expensive).

The problem is, that makes no sense. The third dodge isnt a Daredevil mechanic, the unique dodges are. The third dodge is just an additional effect in the traitline that, incidentally, used to be an Acrobatic minor trait. The actual mechanic, the dodges, already have inherent downsides. It wasnt meant to be a worse steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge. It was meant to be a worse steal for no reason other than to be a worse steal. Their own justification has so many holes its like a swiss cheese.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@foste.3098 said:Because swipe is meant to be a worst steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge, it will never get more range just accept it already. If daredevil is to be buffed it needs to be through traits and staff skills.Something simple as un-nerfing endurance thief to give 50 endurance in all modes would make swipe fine. Buffing the dodge traits would make swipe fine, something as simple as making the dodge specific buffs last 6 seconds, or reducing the damage nerf of bound in pvp/wvw (doesn't even have to be a full de-nerf) or reducing the duration of exhaustion on dash (or removing exhaustion from cleansing cripple).For staff making skill 2 more reliable against non stationary targets would be a good start, reworking skill 3 to be a forward rushing evade & strike (similarly how flanking strike moves you towards the target) since staff's major downfall is that it's easy to kite due to it lacking any good gap closer (vault doesn't count as it is to expensive).

The problem is, that makes no sense. The third dodge isnt a Daredevil mechanic, the unique dodges are. The third dodge is just an additional effect in the traitline that, incidentally, used to be an Acrobatic minor trait. The actual mechanic, the dodges, already have inherent downsides. It wasnt meant to be a worse steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge. It was meant to be a worse steal for no reason other than to be a worse steal. Their own justification has so many holes its like a swiss cheese.

The third dodge isn't a reason to take the spec either, honestly. I've been playing DE with S/D and rifle with adventurer runes and energy sigils on both sets, if you dump malice on tactical strike you'll basically never run out of endurance. The uniqueness of the dodges and staff is the selling point for daredevil.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@foste.3098 said:Because swipe is meant to be a worst steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge, it will never get more range just accept it already. If daredevil is to be buffed it needs to be through traits and staff skills.Something simple as un-nerfing endurance thief to give 50 endurance in all modes would make swipe fine. Buffing the dodge traits would make swipe fine, something as simple as making the dodge specific buffs last 6 seconds, or reducing the damage nerf of bound in pvp/wvw (doesn't even have to be a full de-nerf) or reducing the duration of exhaustion on dash (or removing exhaustion from cleansing cripple).For staff making skill 2 more reliable against non stationary targets would be a good start, reworking skill 3 to be a forward rushing evade & strike (similarly how flanking strike moves you towards the target) since staff's major downfall is that it's easy to kite due to it lacking any good gap closer (vault doesn't count as it is to expensive).

The problem is, that makes no sense. The third dodge isnt a Daredevil mechanic, the unique dodges are. The third dodge is just an additional effect in the traitline that, incidentally, used to be an Acrobatic minor trait. The actual mechanic, the dodges, already have inherent downsides. It wasnt meant to be a worse steal in exchange for a 3rd dodge. It was meant to be a worse steal for no reason other than to be a worse steal. Their own justification has so many holes its like a swiss cheese.

This ^

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@omgdracula.6345 said:To me this is a change that is more or less pointless. Buffing the range on a skill that is not used in any build in PvP since shadowstep exists. Most thieves would and do take shadowstep over signet for the condi clear. Just add 300 range to swipe. If I am not seeing something that makes this change a better option than shadowstep please enlighten me.

I don't like the 600 range swipe at all but wouldnt it be weird to increase the range on swipe after they just nerfed it

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@necromaniac.7629 said:

@omgdracula.6345 said:To me this is a change that is more or less pointless. Buffing the range on a skill that is not used in any build in PvP since shadowstep exists. Most thieves would and do take shadowstep over signet for the condi clear. Just add 300 range to swipe. If I am not seeing something that makes this change a better option than shadowstep please enlighten me.

I don't like the 600 range swipe at all but wouldnt it be weird to increase the range on swipe after they just nerfed it

Not really. Only because it was a change that was met with a lot of backlash not only from the general thief population but high tier players as well saying that it was pointless as the unblockable adds nothing, on top of the dodges already having inherent downsides.

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I wouldnt even mind if core D/P was a viable option but its not. And no these SA changes are NOT GOING TO CHANGE THAT.

As of now, if you want to play D/P you have to go for DrD and that just got a massive nerf for no fucking reason at all. I mean it wasn't even the strongest conquest build before the swipe change. All they have accomplished is less build diversity and i have no idea why they went for it. Makes no sense at all. Anet has no clue what they're doing it feels like they're just randomly changing stuff for the sake of changing stuff.

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@Sizzle Hint.1820 said:I wouldnt even mind if core D/P was a viable option but its not. And no these SA changes are NOT GOING TO CHANGE THAT.

As of now, if you want to play D/P you have to go for DrD and that just got a massive nerf for no kitten reason at all. I mean it wasn't even the strongest conquest build before the swipe change. All they have accomplished is less build diversity and i have no idea why they went for it. Makes no sense at all. Anet has no clue what they're doing it feels like they're just randomly changing stuff for the sake of changing stuff.

That is the biggest issue right? Not just with thief as I have seen other classes have the same issue. Anet doesn't consult the forums or even high tier players. They just go oh WE think this so we are going to change that. No one complained about D/P thief at high levels. The build I can most recently remember being broken was Engi. Mesmer clone spam was annoying but you could counter it.

I see now why Overwatch and other games balance for highest tier play because the casual community just ruins the game.

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