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Weaver build post patch


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Okay one of my favs to really feel invincible:

Plagedoctor stats, balthasar runes.Fire, Arcane/Water, Weaver.

You double attune to fire and the switch to whatever you need and switch back to fire. Works best with sword/focus, but also works with scepter and dagger, and also limited with staff.

If you need more heal you can take the water traitline and have strong on demand heals with lasting hots. But I prefer arcane as it gives arcane shield, boons on demand and a skill on dodge (change to water middodge and you get a heal in the end).

Its okayish dmg, but with water it has great aoe heal when needed and an insaaane health pool considered you are an ele.

What also works good is trailblazer fire/earth/weaver, very strong and solid with any weapon set.

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IMO, run tempest for open world.

Air 3/2/2 (Fresh Air)Water 2/3/1 (bonus dmg and cleanse on regen)Tempest (3/3/3) (auras and aura heal)Dagger/Warhorn - Ether renewal - Flash freeze - fire signet - aftershockSomething like this, editor not up to date

This gives you a lot of dmg, good cleave, good defense for open world, healing and cleanses.Start in fire, gather mobs with your raptor, use fire #5 for fire field -> fire #3 for leap (fire aura) -> swap to earth -> earth #3 for another fire aura and imob -> earth #5 for blinds -> swap to air -> if mobs are moving, go with air #4 for gathering them, #2 then overload -> air #5, swap to water for a nice heal and use water #4 to CC mobs again and cleanse anything. Rinse and repeat if anything still alive.On harder fights you can use earth overload for blinds and cripple and water overload for more heal and cleanse.

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@"lLobo.7960" said:IMO, run tempest for open world.

Air 3/2/2 (Fresh Air)Water 2/3/1 (bonus dmg and cleanse on regen)Tempest (3/3/3) (auras and aura heal)Dagger/Warhorn - Ether renewal - Flash freeze - fire signet - aftershockSomething like this, editor not up to date

This gives you a lot of dmg, good cleave, good defense for open world, healing and cleanses.Start in fire, gather mobs with your raptor, use fire #5 for fire field -> fire #3 for leap (fire aura) -> swap to earth -> earth #3 for another fire aura and imob -> earth #5 for blinds -> swap to air -> if mobs are moving, go with air #4 for gathering them, #2 then overload -> air #5, swap to water for a nice heal and use water #4 to CC mobs again and cleanse anything. Rinse and repeat if anything still alive.On harder fights you can use earth overload for blinds and cripple and water overload for more heal and cleanse.

Earth overload doesn't blind, but storm glypg does. Flash freeze is rather useless compared to it.

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@steki.1478 said:

@"lLobo.7960" said:IMO, run tempest for open world.

Air 3/2/2 (Fresh Air)Water 2/3/1 (bonus dmg and cleanse on regen)Tempest (3/3/3) (auras and aura heal)Dagger/Warhorn - Ether renewal - Flash freeze - fire signet - aftershock

This gives you a lot of dmg, good cleave, good defense for open world, healing and cleanses.Start in fire, gather mobs with your raptor, use fire #5 for fire field -> fire #3 for leap (fire aura) -> swap to earth -> earth #3 for another fire aura and imob -> earth #5 for blinds -> swap to air -> if mobs are moving, go with air #4 for gathering them, #2 then overload -> air #5, swap to water for a nice heal and use water #4 to CC mobs again and cleanse anything. Rinse and repeat if anything still alive.On harder fights you can use earth overload for blinds and cripple and water overload for more heal and cleanse.

Earth overload doesn't blind, but storm glypg does. Flash freeze is rather useless compared to it.

Flash freeze is for the dmg reduction, heal (frost aura), and condi cleanse (regen).You can swap to glyph of storms, but I think the blind from warhorn and all the CC and dmg are more than enough for anything that can be blinded.

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@lLobo.7960 said:

@lLobo.7960 said:IMO, run tempest for open world.

Air 3/2/2 (Fresh Air)Water 2/3/1 (bonus dmg and cleanse on regen)Tempest (3/3/3) (auras and aura heal)Dagger/Warhorn - Ether renewal - Flash freeze - fire signet - aftershock

This gives you a lot of dmg, good cleave, good defense for open world, healing and cleanses.Start in fire, gather mobs with your raptor, use fire #5 for fire field -> fire #3 for leap (fire aura) -> swap to earth -> earth #3 for another fire aura and imob -> earth #5 for blinds -> swap to air -> if mobs are moving, go with air #4 for gathering them, #2 then overload -> air #5, swap to water for a nice heal and use water #4 to CC mobs again and cleanse anything. Rinse and repeat if anything still alive.On harder fights you can use earth overload for blinds and cripple and water overload for more heal and cleanse.

Earth overload doesn't blind, but storm glypg does. Flash freeze is rather useless compared to it.

Flash freeze is for the dmg reduction, heal (frost aura), and condi cleanse (regen).You can swap to glyph of storms, but I think the blind from warhorn and all the CC and dmg are more than enough for anything that can be blinded.

You are already using ether renewal which makes every condi cleanse redundant (even ether renewal is weak and not needed most of the time). 10% damage reduction is worse than aoe blind field which reduces all damage. Regen in full zerk isnt even impactful.

Damage would be enough if you started with air OL instead of finishing with one (vuln increases your damage a lot). With that rotation you're wasting utility skills because mobs would be dead by the time you actually need those utilities. Not to mention a waste of piercing shards since you barely apply vuln yo begin with.

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I run Air/Fire/Tempest and focus a bit on Might and condi clearing on auras. Nothing special, works well for open world. You can take "Arcane Shield" instead of "Feel the Burn", Arcane instead of Fire, "Ether Renewal" or "Wash the Pain Away" instead of the Glyph heal, and "Rebound" or Elemental as elite. Can run Scholar, Pack, Strength, Eagle. Can run Force+Accuracy/Impact/Battle/Strength.


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Ive also been searching for a good solo PVE weaver build, I don't really enjoy the rhythm of playing Tempest nearly as much as weaver so I wanted to see if I could make it work. I also don't love condi builds for open world play, so the goal was a power weaver build that a) wouldn't take forever to kill stuff, and b) wouldn't fold like paper. here's what I came up with and am using at the moment:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYnUMAlNgNNA+4C0RgFBALIAMBKiCbgLwR8+VPr31A-jxRBABXp8DP9AA8AAMTJ4N7PQxJAgS1fAA-e

it's similar to the sword weaver raiding builds, but with some different traits chosen for more defense. with "smothering auras" you can cleanse a condition when attuning to fire - took me a while to get used to that! "blinding ashes" is a powerful defensive trait since you'll be passively applying burning so much. and I picked "lightning rod" to give Air 2 a little more oomph and apply weakness while running around battling normal mobs. "master's fortitude" and "invigorating strikes" give you a little more beef from the weaver trait line as well as giving good vigor uptime.

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@"Sandcaster.9648" said:Ive also been searching for a good solo PVE weaver build, I don't really enjoy the rhythm of playing Tempest nearly as much as weaver so I wanted to see if I could make it work. I also don't love condi builds for open world play, so the goal was a power weaver build that a) wouldn't take forever to kill stuff, and b) wouldn't fold like paper. here's what I came up with and am using at the moment:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYnUMAlNgNNA+4C0RgFBALIAMBKiCbgLwR8+VPr31A-jxRBABXp8DP9AA8AAMTJ4N7PQxJAgS1fAA-e

it's similar to the sword weaver raiding builds, but with some different traits chosen for more defense. with "smothering auras" you can cleanse a condition when attuning to fire - took me a while to get used to that! "blinding ashes" is a powerful defensive trait since you'll be passively applying burning so much. and I picked "lightning rod" to give Air 2 a little more oomph and apply weakness while running around battling normal mobs. "master's fortitude" and "invigorating strikes" give you a little more beef from the weaver trait line as well as giving good vigor uptime.

Some of your traits seem redundant.

Blinding ashes isnt needed because you can blind with sandstorm. Persisting flames give you fury and a great rally tool, especially with downed skill 5.

With fury from persisting flames and air minor, zephyr's boon in air becomes worthless and you can simply take superspeed for more defense or extra 10% crit damage.

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@steki.1478 said:

@Sir Alric.5078 said:Guys, what kind of stats would you recommend for a condi weaver?

Viper in pve, marshall+celestial in wvw.

With elementalist runes you usually have some items that are not vipers, as you overcap condi duration by some %.For these items I would NOT recommend going the condi/power/prec route but the condi/vita/x. Also, in the first weaver line take vitality, not critchance.You will lose some single digit dmg, but you get to 15k+hp, which helps a lot.

You can also take 20% burning isntead of 10% condiduration on your sigil. Then you have another some thousand hp and lose on some % bleed.

If you are a speedclearer and go minmax dps you don't need this thread anyways.

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@Zunki.3916 said:

@Sir Alric.5078 said:Guys, what kind of stats would you recommend for a condi weaver?

Viper in pve, marshall+celestial in wvw.

With elementalist runes you usually have some items that are not vipers, as you overcap condi duration by some %.For these items I would NOT recommend going the condi/power/prec route but the condi/vita/x. Also, in the first weaver line take vitality, not critchance.You will lose some single digit dmg, but you get to 15k+hp, which helps a lot.

You can also take 20% burning isntead of 10% condiduration on your sigil. Then you have another some thousand hp and lose on some % bleed.

If you are a speedclearer and go minmax dps you don't need this thread anyways.

Right now i'm using a full carrion set (I'm afraid i'm not good enough to play with more offensive stats like Viper on my ele. Not with melee weapons at least) with elementalist runes and sigil of bursting (+5% condition damage) + sigil of smoldering (+20% buring duration) on a sword/dagger set. So i have almost 25k HP (thanks to master's fortitude) and decent damage. I play open world PvE (mostly) so i don't need some super efficient build. Still, being a solo player, i have trouble when i get swarmed by multiple mobs at once (expecially the ranged ones. Thanks a lot for that increased aggro range Anet >.<), so i was wondering if there was some way to make my character even tankier. But maybe i should just get good, since i admittedly suck at playing Weaver (i've always ever played power staff tempest with my ele) XDD

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If you mix Viper + Celestial and then take Sword you can get a nearly 3k health bonus using the Weaver sword trait (adept tier). That'll put you around 18k without any special runes (like Balthazar). You really want to take Fire to get the burns on crit, increased burn duration, +condi dmg and sunspot burn, plus might when using a fire skill. That'll give you very consistent burns which is a heavy hitting condition. Toss in Primordial Stance and you'll spam even more burns.

For the last trait line, I take water for the additional heals and dmg output (thx to most recent patch).

Here's what I'm running (build editor is a bit out of date, but the position of the traits are correct):


For sustain, the healing glyph is one of the biggest healing skills for Elementalist and it also grants a boon. The cooldown is insane at just 20s. After that, you just need to memorize a few skill patterns that give healing:

  1. Switching into water will grant a 1.4k heal and renew the 10s Soothing Mist health ticks (100/sec)
  2. Water #2 is a nice heal and creates a water field which you can blast with any of the million blast skills on Sword/Dagger (earth #4, earth #5, earth #2,
  3. You can also leap out of Water #2 to heal as well using fire #2,
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@juno.1840 said:A tanky condi-tempest would also be interesting because of the sun-spot traits in Fire, along with the healing/vigor on auras from tempest... so many choices.

trailblazer fire/arcane/tempest with scepter/warhorn will do nice and easy in open world pve... likely can solo some nasty hero champions and stuff.

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@lLobo.7960 said:

@juno.1840 said:A tanky condi-tempest would also be interesting because of the sun-spot traits in Fire, along with the healing/vigor on auras from tempest... so many choices.

trailblazer fire/arcane/tempest with scepter/warhorn will do nice and easy in open world pve... likely can solo some nasty hero champions and stuff.

Carrion or Dire with Balthazar runes seems like the proper choice if you want tanky and burn only. Gives you less toughness but far more hp and more condi.If there would only be condi/vita/expertise or stuff like that...

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