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If Impossible Odds has to be nerfed that badly...


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Reduce the upkeep it consumes by at least one point, if not make it exactly like all the other core upkeep.

Losing Quickness for extra hits was justified, nerfing some of it's damage multiple times was kinda doubtful after Incensed Response, Roiling Mists and Sword auto nerf, but after taking away Superspeed for what seems to feel like less than 50% speed boost for some reasons.

The Upkeep cost is too high for what it does now.

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Impossible Odds now cost too much for just a simple raw damage skill.

Either lower upkeep cost, add a different utility, or rework it all together.

-1 Upkeep wouls be fine.


Increase attack speed by 15% during IO to put a little edge back into it due to loss of Superspeed which made Rev stick to targets very well.


Rework Impossible Odds and Jade Winds at the same time.

Make Impossible Odds a 30 Energy Condition Cleanse, converting up to 5 Conditions into Quickness and the next 5 strikes from the Revenant will be double strikes and deals slightly more damage.

Make Jade Winds an Upkeep skill which can be toggled on to apply Vulnerability in an AoE up to 5 targets, and when toggled off, will stun and damage targets, with stun duration increasing based on Vulnerability stacks.

1 - 8 Vuln = 1 second stun9 - 15 Vuln = 2 second stun16 and more = 3 second stun

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I like the idea of an upkeep giving you either an aditional hit while active or maybe giving you more att.speed what i think they should do with rev is :

  1. Make 1 more utility skill for each legendI know ,i know we already have 10 utilities when others have just 5 . But the problem is that once we choose a legend were stuck with its default habilities ,for example take raids : a revenant with shiro will only use Impossible odds for dps ,and maybe the heal or the evade if theres a problem ,but you will only use one skill ,i know in pvp its different but thats what i mean each other class can take diferent skills in each game mode and make diferent buids but for us revs when we choose legends or even a build (power or condi ) we have to use certain skills and certain weapons because we cant choose otherwise, im fine with havin little options in weapons and legends but at least make 1 skill more for each legend so we can focus a bit more in our game mode.2.Please look at the energy cost of the skills i dont think a skill like phase traversal needs an energy cost of 35 in pve, yes it gives you more dmg ,unblocable and a gap closer with dmg but i think if you split the skill : one skill that is a gap closer with dmg for 20 energy and other skill that gives you 5%more dmg and unblocable for 5 sec for 25 energy and a cooldown . That would give the pvp other gap closer (even when revs dont realy need it as we already have 2 or 3) and we win a skill that gives dmg and unblockable this way in pvp you would have to choose and in raid for ex you can take more dmg but using a skill with energy cost so youll have to manage energy.3.look at trait lines revenant has a lot of awesome traitlines but the problem is that some traits (in my opinion)need to be moved or taken out for ex:In the devastation line you have in the first column vicious lacerations and ferocious strikes , both of them give dmg (the first a %dmg increase per stack ,(a stack that is too easy to get so maybe just make it stack with crit hits and make stacks increase to 4~5?, )an ferocious strikes gives 150 ferocity that is less dmg than a 9% dmg with all stacks so why not move ferocious strikes to invocation for exand change it for rapid flow for example?With this you make devastation have other survival choice and invo have other dmg option (or maybe rapid flow where now is feroc strikes ,feroc striker where now is assasin presence and assasin presence where now is rapid flow)

And one last thing :Im talking about revenant but that doesn mean other classes are not in a similar place

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:Rev is getting necro treatment slowly... we nerf this but give you this -patch later we take you this either. Im ok with lowering dps in pvp or slowing the class, but give something back please.

Be careful what yu wish for.

Next patch : Phase Traversal no longer gives Unblockable, damage boost or Quickness, but we reworked it to instead pull the target towards yu.

Also it's a slow projectile now but it has awesome 2000 range!Oh and it costs 40 Energy.I hate Shiro, Rev players die.


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Honestly, it starts to feel like Revenant begins to be lacking choice. It seemed like it was made to be the ultimate hybrid, but it's not.

Revenant's design gives a feeling of being designed with a lot of PvP in mind. Then, devs started adjusting things so they could work in PvE as well.

These are the adjustments:

  • Shiro doesn't feel quick (just because it has shadowstep doesn't make him feel fast)
  • Shiro's and Mallyx mechanic's been split into Traits. So now we have Traits that remove stability when you have quickness (?).
  • Herald's Shield left untouched, just like the most precious gem on this planet. But we have a Trait for it, right?
  • MH-Sword nerf => Quickness deleted => Laceration damage stacking made easier => MH-Sword nerf
  • OH-Sword is, idk what it is. It doesn't feel like a skill. 4 could be renamed to Damage: 1,200 (x8), and 5 to Damage: 400, 800.
  • Shiro got 8213x Might stacking and doesn't have its place in PvE. It just doesn't fit there, no matter the changes to IO. One skill won't fix 1 legend

I literally loved Shiro when the Revenant came out. I loved Mallyx when it was the way it was on HoT-launch.Right now Revenant's design is becoming a rather clunky version of what it could and used to be.

As for the Impossible Odds. This has to be designed from the ground up. It' again - a great concept - poorly managed by updates.I want this skill to give me speed, it doesn't have to be a damage tool, move it to Elite.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vengeful Hammers are basically more cost effective in every way compared Impossible Odds now, it's sad. This buff really needs to happen soon, pairing True Nature with Impossible Odds on paper is far from OP either, it's technically possible to do already with a preview of what it holds and it's more like another potent mix up than a crutch.

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@Shao.7236 said:Vengeful Hammers are basically more cost effective in every way compared Impossible Odds now, it's sad. This buff really needs to happen soon, pairing True Nature with Impossible Odds on paper is far from OP either, it's technically possible to do already with a preview of what it holds and it's more like another potent mix up than a crutch.

Additionally, I think that Facet of Nature should be reduced to 2 upkeep in PvP. If I ever hear complaints about Herald's F2, it is specifically regarding Shiro's True Nature, not the facet itself. Feels shitty to be forced to pop True Nature when in Shiro if you want to even be able to access IO. This could also be partially solved by automatically deactivating FoN when swapping legends. I brought this up back when the Herald rework patch hit, but Mallyx's FoN functions very differently from the other legends' in that it can cause harm via the condition absorption, whereas all other FoN effects are 100% positive to the Rev. Draconic Echo gives it an awkward synergy/anti-synergy too.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:Shiro is to squishy and to expensive...

Imo shiro needs to have more sustain, jade winds curse cost is way to much due how squishy and one pony trick shiro was ment to be.

Jade effect is shiro curse not really his skills xd.

Jade winds is op af. But no, you cannot just spam it and hope everything works out ok in the end.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@Shao.7236 said:Vengeful Hammers are basically more cost effective in every way compared Impossible Odds now, it's sad. This buff really needs to happen soon, pairing True Nature with Impossible Odds on paper is far from OP either, it's technically possible to do already with a preview of what it holds and it's more like another potent mix up than a crutch.

Additionally, I think that Facet of Nature should be reduced to 2 upkeep in PvP. If I ever hear complaints about Herald's F2, it is
regarding Shiro's True Nature, not the facet itself. Feels kitten to be forced to pop True Nature when in Shiro if you want to even be able to access IO. This could also be partially solved by automatically deactivating FoN when swapping legends. I brought this up back when the Herald rework patch hit, but Mallyx's FoN functions very differently from the other legends' in that it can cause harm via the condition absorption, whereas all other FoN effects are 100% positive to the Rev. Draconic Echo gives it an awkward synergy/anti-synergy too.

All of Facet of Nature variants need to be 2 upkeep, agree'd. For Mallyx it can be clunky if played with a normal mindset, but that's the nature of the legend, you want conditions on yourself before doing certain things like Healing or Legend Swap which after it's whichever legend you currently have that will pulse next and if you have any conditions before the swap, you will transfer/cleanse em anyway.

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