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Most bland playable race


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Charr so pointless and cliche... Sylvari are so emo and continually go no where, not sure why these races were created and Dwarves with amazing stories and histories were removed..

For me even Bland Norn are better than those two races.. The issue with Norn is Anet never made their were aspects useful.. The whole werecreature part of norn is pointless because of the way the game mechanics restrict them..

Outside of the werecreature aspect norns are just fat humans..

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:What A-net should have done is make is you can pick whether or not you're in human form or beast form.

I disagree. I think what they should have done is make the racial skills on par with the professional skills so shape changing is a valid build option.

Anyway I chose Charr because PROUD WARRIOR RACE is done to death and not a personality type I find likable. (Don't get me wrong, Rytlock is mah bro but he grew past "For the legions!") Though you could apply this to the Norn in practice they are, as others have said, big drunken humans.

Only because A-net refuses to let them be anything else, They weren't that in guild wars 1. Clearly they don't understand what was the norn and that is how we got here... They are not a proud warrior race. They are shamanistic hunters who value individualism over group efforts (Outside of those born under wolf.) As for racial skills they might as well be removed because A-net won't let any of them outside of human (Hounds of balthazar) be any good. The bias clearly shows~

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@"crepuscular.9047" said:human... would really like to see a MMO that does not have human

Or one that give them an original twist by giving them defining traits so they can't be the average/blank canvas/jack-of-all-trades race.By making them the best at some things and the worst at other, they would move away from the middle.

For exemple, Humanity could be physically unable to use magic, but the Gods only care about humans so they shower them in blessings.Humans would be above average as warriors, thieves, and clerics, but unable to be wizards or sorcerers.

Also, having distinct cultures and countries for other races would alleviate the "humans are special" and "humans are anything".Like desert elves that have the classic beautiful faces of their race, but dark skinned with sand colored swirling tattoos and dreadlocks.

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@XYLO.7031 said:

Sidenote: Although an Asuran Engineer really fits the bill on paper, the engineer class in-game uses technology that is prevalent in the steampunk Charr city of the Black Citadel so it doesn't make sense from a game lore standpoint. Asura should have engineers with the standard tech of their race.

I would love to see an Asura ranger-engineer hybrid with a rifle and golem pet.

That said, I play an Asura Engineer. In lore, the College of Dynamics has a branch dedicated to studying foreign tech, particularly Charr tech, for ideas and use by the Asura. That's what my Engineer does. Also remember back in LS2 I think it was, Taimi went to a Charr engineer in Silverwastes to learn. So while the Asura are certainly the highest tech of all the races, they're also certainly not above learning from others too.

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Agreed with the general sentiment of the Norn being the most boring race. They remind me of the Barbarians of EverQuest 1; part Norse, part Celtic, and somehow their fundamental difference from humans got lost along the way. Now mind you, GW2 does a better job than EQ1 did; the more you pay attention to the lore, the more you start to realize that the Norn aren't human at all. They are GIANTS derived from some truly ancient culture in a now mostly lost period of Tyrian history, a much more primitive and animalistic and frightening time when might truly made right, and the Norn are the ones who survived. The Norn rightfully should be even darker and more terrifying than the Charr, but instead, they've ended up mostly being just big dumb humans with a drinking problem. And that's a damn shame.

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Humans have a lot of background in this franchise so while they are the default/norm I'd have to go with Norn as they are imo one of the least fleshed our races in the game and while they do have some really interesting lore concepts to build on.. I feel that overall they have been mostly ignored and the generic loud boorish ima break this with ma mighty strength kinda stigma has for the most part taken over their image.

They're a lot more than just drunken louts and I really hope that this upcoming Icebrood saga significantly expands on both the Norn and Charr races.The prologue and Rytlocks written monologue did a good job at brinding a different side of the Charr to light and i'm really excited to see where this goes, specially if we're going to expand the Norns lore too.

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@Jimbru.6014 said:

Kinda think they could of made the game human focused again and no one would of cared. I wouldn't of played but they could of

In case you've not noticed, Dragon's Watch is slowly becoming mostly humans. As human centric as the GW2 universe is, I highly doubt that's random.

Which is why I personally would love to just kill em all ~ I don't like humans in any setting. Lmfao

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