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Any advice on a power mirage build, going from support chrono.


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I came in on release of HoT so i've been playing actively for a few years now.Chronomancer to me has always been my support class and my secondly character. Normally for helping in pve and raids.I'll often use it for world bosses, metas and porting people in pve for Hero points when i run the odd the Hero point train.

But over the past year or so I've watched a support class get gutted and striped of things, it in terms boon sharinig were a little OP but it's got to the point I can no longer play Chronomancer.At First I love getting all the boons and sharing them with my friends and allies, then SoI nerfed a bit can't remember how, Afterwards Bountiful Disillioment got nerfed no longer booning allies. That was a much larger blow but I still had things I use and do with it.Then SoI got nerfed a bit, no longer sharing your boons but only extending them. Which really Irked me. but I could still use it for raids and the Odd fractal.

After that recent patch, chrono has become rather unuseable for me, Its demotivated me to even look at my chrono. I been using my soulbeast as my 2nd character for a bit instead.I run a support chrono which means my condition cleanses come from shatters. I need to be able to use shatters to stay alive.I can't use them if I am not attacking now, As a support class being alive is important for groups.Distortion is gone meaning if i get knocked down or launched I can't use to stop damage done to me until my character gets up. For whatever "smart" reason they decided to bind both distortion and Continuum split together. Since I'm a support guess what skill gets used often. I shouldn't be using Continuum split for distortion to protect myself since firstly it screws up with rotations and secondly at times it can port me back to a bad spot and I could end up getting hurt more or killed.You can see where I'm coming from.

So I ask if there a decent Power Mirage with a Greatsword build out there.Since I am pretty much forced to turn my beautiful long time chrono into a mirage, if I want to use it.I've only used support chrono and it's wells I've not really touched on any other part of Mesmar except from using blink and the odd portal but if I going Mirage I can't use Well since its a Chrono only thing. So the type of skills i've been using for years is out the window. I dont even what skills offensively I should be using for mesmar since I've never played it that way, as I said above Chronomancer for me has always been support.I suffer from bad depth perception at times so I can only use mid-range or long range weapons. Support GS Chrono was prefect for me but with the nerfs I feel like I can no longer play it anymore.

Can you suggest some mirage builds? If Power mirage is even a thing?

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And the long answer :grin:!

Power mirage is ‘playable’ (I guess), but currently it’s nowhere near the meta of the meta (projected ~25k vs 40k). This means it’s its a definite must-NOT-bring to any non-casual high-end PvE - other than that, it’s okay to bring to open world or with friends who don’t mind.

In my most updated power mirage build, it runs GS & Sw/Sw and Domi 2-2-2, Duel 1-3-1 & Mirage 1-1-3 with an excessive amount of assassin gear (all assassin’s gear besides amulet and backpack, or any combination to reach ~67% crit chance). Uses Force & Air sigils, Scholar runes, and uses Signet of Ether, Mantra of Pain, Phantasmal Disenchanter, Crystal Shards and Jaunt. A noticeably weaker but more simplistic/ranged and openworld friendly build that camps GS would use Domi 2-2-1 and Mirage 1-2-1 instead (not to be used for any kind of serious dmg).

NOTE: This build is fairly difficult to play effectively, and is IMO more complicated than generic ele and engi builds. I actually and personally DO NOT recommend playing power mirage.

To start off, there are a ridiculous amount of things to pay attention to. They include:

  1. Dodge bar
  2. Clone counter
  3. Crystal Shards
  4. Mirrors (and F4 with Desert Distortion)
  5. Jaunt
  6. Signet of Ether
  7. Mantra of Pain

It’s actually a bit complicated than it seems (unless performance doesn’t matter):

  1. Dodge bar - dodging does dmg. To not dodge is to lose dmg, but then it also needs to be used defensively. ON TOP of that, if gaining cloak on sword, autoattack is not recommended until it ends, because that’s also another random dmg loss.
  2. Clone counter - always shatter (F1 or F2) on 3 clones, but this can fill up unpredictably. ‘Wasting’ clones by overwriting them is bad, unless shatters are on CD. Other mechanics rely on managing this resource.
  3. Crystal Shards - apart from doing dmg, this creates a clone IF other clones are out AND a mirror. Ideally used with clones out.
  4. Mirrors (and F4) - does dmg and gives you compulsory mirage cloak (which deals more dmg, but reminder: don’t press #1 on sword!) if you touch them, but they can expire. Distortion (w/ trait) turns your 3 clones into mirrors which you want to easily pick up to deal dmg, best done on sword w/ melee clones.
  5. Jaunt - same as Crystal Shards w/o the mirror.
  6. SoE - the phantasm spam combo common to all mes builds. Use sword #5 and Disenchanter, SoE and then cast them again (now while remembering to manage all the above)
  7. Mantra of Pain - simply use when it has two charges. The easiest component to manage.
  8. Other random basic things I’ve forgotten such as GS #2 in melee range.

It doesn’t get crazy until you try and play it in-game.

So unless playing casually, it’s best if you actively stay away from power mirage. Core mes and chrono are far better options, where I would actually recommend playing core in this case, or playing another spec such as rifle Deadeye if range dps is desired.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:My Power Mirage still seems viable and does its job in PvE and WvW. Idc about "meta" myself as the builds I main still do the job to my satisfaction

So what is this magic build?

It's called the "anything is viable in open world PvE if you go slow enough" build.

Actually it doesnt have a name. Involves DPS Axe/Torch and GS and some utilities that not many DPS Mirages use.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:My Power Mirage still seems viable and does its job in PvE and WvW. Idc about "meta" myself as the builds I main still do the job to my satisfaction

So what is this magic build?

It's called the "anything is viable in open world PvE if you go slow enough" build.

Actually it doesnt have a name. Involves DPS Axe/Torch and GS and some utilities that not many DPS Mirages use.And it does less dps than support chrono? xD
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:My Power Mirage still seems viable and does its job in PvE and WvW. Idc about "meta" myself as the builds I main still do the job to my satisfaction

So what is this magic build?

It's called the "anything is viable in open world PvE if you go slow enough" build.

Actually it doesnt have a name. Involves DPS Axe/Torch and GS and some utilities that not many DPS Mirages use.And it does less dps than support chrono? xD

No idea. I don't do benchmarks. I get my kills and can typically fight outnumbered. Got good combat mobility. def not a zerg build tho (more solo/havok)

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@Yoci.2481 said:Please post your build.

Cant fully remember the sigils (I am at work atm). I know at least 1 on each set is right. Was debating on testing different stat set on weps (maybe knights). This is primarily a solo/duo/havok build as thats all I do (aside from JP's in PvE ofc and the occasional dungeon). Its been doing me great despite a couple nerfs and some slight buffs since the builds inception.

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