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Rework the Boon System

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@FOX.3582 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Makes post about wanting boons to be reworked but offers no suggestions. About par for these forums.

Boon output is fine with the exception of maybe FB but it's a support spec.

Actually, no one should ever give suggestions about this game. The Arenanet development team is all about “look at us and how good we are and everything created is because of us”. If you have a good idea they will never implement it just because it’s not their own idea, simple as that. Yes they are that sad, look at the history. They almost never listen to great ideas and let their game become an utter joke (useless chairs so people can show of how baddæss they look, raids that only a couple of people play, and creating visual chaos while they think it’s challenging content, etc). NEVER write down your good ideas in the forum, or else you know for sure they will never be implemented.Not really true they implement some good suggestions, like for example the rental mounts now have bundle item which lets you get on it when ever you want as long as you have the bundle, that was suggested few months ago. It seems they do read some stuff but it takes a lot of time to make.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Makes post about wanting boons to be reworked but offers no suggestions. About par for these forums.

Boon output is fine with the exception of maybe FB but it's a support spec.

Actually, no one should ever give suggestions about this game. The Arenanet development team is all about “look at us and how good we are and everything created is because of us”. If you have a good idea they will never implement it just because it’s not their own idea, simple as that. Yes they are that sad, look at the history. They almost never listen to great ideas and let their game become an utter joke (useless chairs so people can show of how baddæss they look, raids that only a couple of people play, and creating visual chaos while they think it’s challenging content, etc). NEVER write down your good ideas in the forum, or else you know for sure they will never be implemented.Not really true they implement some good suggestions, like for example the rental mounts now have bundle item which lets you get on it when ever you want as long as you have the bundle, that was suggested few months ago. It seems they do read some stuff but it takes a lot of time to make.

That’s why I said they “ALMOST” never listen. But hey, defend them if you want, I know better.

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@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@"phokus.8934" said:Makes post about wanting boons to be reworked but offers no suggestions. About par for these forums.

Boon output is fine with the exception of maybe FB but it's a support spec.

Actually, no one should ever give suggestions about this game. The Arenanet development team is all about “look at us and how good we are and everything created is because of us”. If you have a good idea they will never implement it just because it’s not their own idea, simple as that. Yes they are that sad, look at the history. They almost never listen to great ideas and let their game become an utter joke (useless chairs so people can show of how baddæss they look, raids that only a couple of people play, and creating visual chaos while they think it’s challenging content, etc). NEVER write down your good ideas in the forum, or else you know for sure they will never be implemented.Not really true they implement some good suggestions, like for example the rental mounts now have bundle item which lets you get on it when ever you want as long as you have the bundle, that was suggested few months ago. It seems they do read some stuff but it takes a lot of time to make.

That’s why I said they “ALMOST” never listen. But hey, defend them if you want, I know better.I'm not defending them i'm saying good suggestions sometimes make it into the game you just have to sell it. I have pitched in some threads that i'm sorry about , like for example i said something like "self cc skills should ignore stability", but they implemented it only for Berserker which annoys me cause it is inconsistent which is Anet's slogan i think "Consistently inconsistent".So don't be Debby Downer it is not all doom and gloom.
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@Vancho.8750 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@"phokus.8934" said:Makes post about wanting boons to be reworked but offers no suggestions. About par for these forums.

Boon output is fine with the exception of maybe FB but it's a support spec.

Actually, no one should ever give suggestions about this game. The Arenanet development team is all about “look at us and how good we are and everything created is because of us”. If you have a good idea they will never implement it just because it’s not their own idea, simple as that. Yes they are that sad, look at the history. They almost never listen to great ideas and let their game become an utter joke (useless chairs so people can show of how baddæss they look, raids that only a couple of people play, and creating visual chaos while they think it’s challenging content, etc). NEVER write down your good ideas in the forum, or else you know for sure they will never be implemented.Not really true they implement some good suggestions, like for example the rental mounts now have bundle item which lets you get on it when ever you want as long as you have the bundle, that was suggested few months ago. It seems they do read some stuff but it takes a lot of time to make.

That’s why I said they “ALMOST” never listen. But hey, defend them if you want, I know better.I'm not defending them i'm saying good suggestions sometimes make it into the game you just have to sell it. I have pitched in some threads that i'm sorry about , like for example i said something like "self cc skills should ignore stability", but they implemented it only for Berserker which annoys me cause it is inconsistent which is Anet's slogan i think "Consistently inconsistent".So don't be Debby Downer it is not all doom and gloom.

I think the mount rental is something that goes along the QoL and the accessibilty of content - this kind of changes directly promote PoF.Don't get me wrong, I get what you mean. But the combat mechanics suggestions are actually very often (if not 99% odf time, even if great) ignored.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@FOX.3582 said:

@"phokus.8934" said:Makes post about wanting boons to be reworked but offers no suggestions. About par for these forums.

Boon output is fine with the exception of maybe FB but it's a support spec.

Actually, no one should ever give suggestions about this game. The Arenanet development team is all about “look at us and how good we are and everything created is because of us”. If you have a good idea they will never implement it just because it’s not their own idea, simple as that. Yes they are that sad, look at the history. They almost never listen to great ideas and let their game become an utter joke (useless chairs so people can show of how baddæss they look, raids that only a couple of people play, and creating visual chaos while they think it’s challenging content, etc). NEVER write down your good ideas in the forum, or else you know for sure they will never be implemented.Not really true they implement some good suggestions, like for example the rental mounts now have bundle item which lets you get on it when ever you want as long as you have the bundle, that was suggested few months ago. It seems they do read some stuff but it takes a lot of time to make.

That’s why I said they “ALMOST” never listen. But hey, defend them if you want, I know better.I'm not defending them i'm saying good suggestions sometimes make it into the game you just have to sell it. I have pitched in some threads that i'm sorry about , like for example i said something like "self cc skills should ignore stability", but they implemented it only for Berserker which annoys me cause it is inconsistent which is Anet's slogan i think "Consistently inconsistent".So don't be Debby Downer it is not all doom and gloom.

I think the mount rental is something that goes along the QoL and the accessibilty of content - this kind of changes directly promote PoF.Don't get me wrong, I get what you mean. But the combat mechanics suggestions are actually very often (if not 99% odf time, even if great) ignored.I think the changes come at such slow pace that suggestions that have been made might have become irrelevant, like for example the removal of the dodge on staff for druid might have been an issue 2 years ago, but not so much now. I think if their schedule for big changes overlaps with some large thread on the class forum they do look it up. The big rework on Berserker takes some of the ideas from there, even though it is not the best for pvp it is good enough (before it didn't really work at all), and it is good for pve power or condi and the new burst feel good when you press the button.If they gave a heads up on large reworks with their vision, there would be more current threads about it and people might pitch in some great ideas. Now it is too scattered the good ones just get buried under bullshit like the complete meltdown in pvp forum about the one degenerative gameplay trait. Even though the shit show threads might be mostly bullshit there is the fact that enough people find something is wrong, they might not be finding what is wrong but they do feel something is off. Most people are not objective they don't think what is good for the game , they think what is good for their favorite class even if it breaks the game.One "We are thinking about this and that what do you think?" would go a long way.
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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:Main question here. What happens to Herald Elite spec Revenant? Is it getting changed

See, your first mistake was assuming that OP thought this idea through before creating a new thread. Meanwhile all this thread contains is "I don't like it so it means it's bad".

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@zealex.9410 said:Inceonsistent as in pressing the button to grand the boon gives diff durations of said boon each time? Coz if not then i dont see how moving from ideally 100% to ideally 20% or smth uptime would be inconsistent.Because if you have 20% uptime, it doesn't mean that the effect of boons get reduced by 80%. Remember, that it would be important then when those 20% would happen.A group that would have only 10% boon uptime, but always managed to line up that uptime with dps bursts would get way more out of their boons than a group that had the perfect 20% uptime but would be unable to synchronize boons and burst together. The end result would be wildly inconsistent - you wouldn't be able to just look at the boon uptime percentage and know what the impact on the overall damage it would have. There would be much more variables than now.

For devs that would be a balancing nightmare. For players it would vastly increase organizational requirements.

Notice btw, that such a system would promote bursty dps builds over builds with more stable sustained damage, and might also affect the balance between power and condi dps builds.

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