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Legends Rune Sets


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Hey there,

Instead of buffing Legends themselves, we could add some effects to the Rune sets that you would really benefit from using.

This could open up new Build possibilites. And we also have runes that are pretty much Spec-exclusive, so they don't really have to work outside of Revenant.

*(6) - these are the alternative versions.

Superior Rune of the Centaur:

  • (1): +25 Healing Power
  • (2): -1 Upkeep cost
  • (3): +50 Healing Power
  • (4): Protective Solace changes projectiles into heals.
  • (5): -1 Upkeep cost
  • (6): Puryfying Essence now Breaks Stun.

Superior Rune of the Assassin:

  • (1): +25 Ferocity
  • (2): +35 Precision
  • (3): +50 Feroctiy
  • (4): Gain Superspeed for 2s after performing a Shadowstep
  • (5): +100 Precision
  • (6): Upkeeps drain additional -2 energy and pulse 1s of Quickness (min. 3 Upkeeps on Herald)

Superior Rune of the Dwarf:

  • (1): +25 Toughness
  • (2): +35 Vitality
  • (3): +50 Toughness
  • (4): Increase Forced Engagement taunt duration by 50%
  • (5): +100 Vitality
  • (6): Gain 3 seconds of Shock Aura after using a Legend Elite Skill. (30s cooldown - 3 legend swaps.)
  • *(6): Daze for 0.5s nearby enemies when using Legend Elite Skill.
  • *(6): Gain Barrier while using Upkeep.
  • *(6): Inspiring Reinforcement stuns your foes for 1s.

Superior Rune of the Demon:

  • (1): +25 vitality
  • (2): +35 Condition Damage
  • (3): +50 vitality
  • (4): Banish Enchantment now Chills for 1.5s
  • (5): + 100 Condition Damage
  • (6): Resistance gives you small pulses of Barrier each second.
  • *(6): Transferring a Conditions (on you or enemy) gives you Barrier / heals you.
  • *(6): Call to Anguish leaves a pulsing Chill Area.

Here it is! What do you think?

What are your Rune Sets? Let's have some fun.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:That would be really nice, but those would be runes any one could use :/ maybe they could rebrand rev ones to that scheme.

But these runes give enhance specifaclly Core Legends' skills. See the Banish Enchantment, upkeep, energy costs.I think that actually some of the Traits' powers could be dragged to runes, so this is a trade-off when picking it. It's no longer a built-in mechanic. This way, Devs can go for something stronger since you mostly focus on one thing!There is no rune that would work as well outside of Revenant ^^.

What Runes would you want to see?

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Rune of centaur imo need to be arround heal mods similar to monk rune but it’s 6 effect could be abosrtion dome, pulses heals based on absorbed damage, I would put the 4 effect as the 6 rune.

Dwarf could have its 6 rune effect improving damage reducing duration on targets that were stun breaker.

Assassin could have its vampiric abilities improved or augmented maybe soma energy gain as well.

For deamon, well, something similar to torment runes but on usage of elite deamon skill gain heal on atacking.

Herald, imo this is hard cause herald is already good, maybe when using facets gain x% of energy, or improving damage for 5 sec.

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Anything that touches Upkeep is overpowered, that Demon one is beyond overkill and would power creep Mallyx hardcore, you can already apply twice the Torment which is extremely strong.

The only good thing I see is Ventari stunbreak but that should come with the skill anyway.

I can't say it's not interesting, but it would break Revenant in the game to have any of those runes.

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@Shao.7236 said:Anything that touches Upkeep is overpowered, that Demon one is beyond overkill and would power creep Mallyx hardcore, you can already apply twice the Torment which is extremely strong.

The only good thing I see is Ventari stunbreak but that should come with the skill anyway.

I can't say it's not interesting, but it would break Revenant in the game to have any of those runes.

Well. I think opposite as the runes allow to enhance the abilities only on a single legend. So you can’t go for all at once. I know the system would have its flaws but it could be a pretty fun concept.

Basically moving some of the traits power to runes. This is a real trade off.

Do you have any rune suggestions?

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Anything that touches Upkeep is overpowered, that Demon one is beyond overkill and would power creep Mallyx hardcore, you can already apply twice the Torment which is extremely strong.

The only good thing I see is Ventari stunbreak but that should come with the skill anyway.

I can't say it's not interesting, but it would break Revenant in the game to have any of those runes.

Well. I think opposite as the runes allow to enhance the abilities only on a single legend. So you can’t go for all at once. I know the system would have its flaws but it could be a pretty fun concept.

Basically moving some of the traits power to runes. This is a real trade off.

Do you have any rune suggestions?

If that's what you mean by spec-exclusive as in legend exclusive, that can surely make it less spicy a little but things like permanent projectile denial (Already possible with Ancient Echo if you don't do anything else) or outputting 3 torments per pulse is just way too much.

To admit I don't really have any rune ideas because most covers the basics and quirks, we need more runes that can reduce condition damage or improve incoming healing.

Should Dwarf play more around Barrier? Yes, already possible somewhat, I do remember someone suggested that the more conditions are removed with Soothing Stone, the more barrier, that's something I can stand behind for.

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@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I want versed in stone trait changed to make you immune to crits in Jalis stance. Thats all

We do not need another stone heart trait, one of thee lamest traits in game after the passive " i take no damage cause i no dodge" type traits. Maybe rolled onto RotGD idk might be too much op for zerging.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I want versed in stone trait changed to make you immune to crits in Jalis stance. Thats all

We do not need another stone heart trait, one of thee lamest traits in game after the passive " i take no damage cause i no dodge" type traits. Maybe rolled onto RotGD idk might be too much op for zerging.

I'd like to keep the focus on runes, not the Balance issues with the particular skills.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I want versed in stone trait changed to make you immune to crits in Jalis stance. Thats all

We do not need another stone heart trait, one of thee lamest traits in game after the passive " i take no damage cause i no dodge" type traits. Maybe rolled onto RotGD idk might be too much op for zerging.

I'd like to keep the focus on runes, not the Balance issues with the particular skills.

and yet you suggest runes affect skill balance.

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@narcx.3570 said:

@Aeolus.3615 said:That would be really nice, but those would be runes any one could use :/ maybe they could rebrand rev ones to that scheme.

What if they gave Runes of the Revenant the ole' Trident treatment, and had them change based on your legend...

That would probably be broken af, but it'd be cool.

It would be cool but it would not work, each legend prefers different stats depending the role since legends can fit several play styles and roles reason why rev is great and strong in what it does, ventari and herald are amazing with monk runes and healing power, shiro vampiric scales from healing power as well as any other vampiric heal its decent with assassin zerker and zealot mixtures, deamon uses condi similiar to renegade, at the moment there’s runes that kinda fit for the each possible roles on every legend ;/ imo would be difficult to benefit in a single rune to achieve the same, if stats as well would change depending the legend that... would be broken.

Maybe some celestial all stat rune where the 6th effect deepens the legend, that’s the best I can imagine that can be somewhat balanced.

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