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"shared inventory slots"


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Quickslots? Why tie them to shared slots? If ANet went the route of quickslots, I'd rather have individual slots on the hero panel that allow me to reference any useable item in that character's (or shared) inventory. That way I can use them for food for example, without the need to dedicate a dozend shared slots to a dozend different types of food only used by one or two of my characters each.

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yeah> @Rasimir.6239 said:

Quickslots? Why tie them to shared slots? If ANet went the route of quickslots, I'd rather have individual slots on the hero panel that allow me to reference any useable item in that character's (or shared) inventory. That way I can use them for food for example, without the need to dedicate a dozend shared slots to a dozend different types of food only used by one or two of my characters each.

I rather they add more Hotbar buttons like other MMOs already do. Can have more than just the 10 skill hotbar. a few slots for Items and environmental weapons in our inventory.

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I had similar idea long time ago before the game came out.https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Feedback:User/Knighthonor/more_slot_categories_for_the_GW2_Skill_Deck_Action_Bar_SystemUser_Knighthonor_GW2_Action_Bar_idea.jpgBut obvious not in this same manner. Would be our normal Weapon, Heal, Utility, Elite, and Class Mechanic skills

But somewhere on the screen will also be additional slots for items in inventory to be placed in it to activate without opening inventory to use.

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@DOT.2437 said:Additional panel contradicts the concept of game design. My idea is to make money on these slots.But not by mixing up two different purposes in one slot. That will lead to a lot of annoyed customers (like the one that bought shared slot to place items in them useful for most characters and now has to choose between that purpose and using them for quality of life reasons for individual characters), which isn't good for business.

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A theory of mine

One possibility as to why they can’t or won’t, the shared inventory slots might each be like one slot personal guild banks. If they are like one slot guild banks that would explain why they can be in each inventory and accessible by all your characters as it’s the same as moving items in and out of a guild bank. In that case making changes to how they are accessed, such as by a keybind, would affect all guild banks and would be incompatible with regular multi slot guild banks accessible by many people.

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If they did add quick slots I would prefer it not to be linked to shared inventory slots. I want to use different food and utility items on each of my characters so I'd have to either swap them each time I logged into a new character or fill all my slots with things only 1 character will use. I'd prefer dedicated spaces or normal inventory spaces used for quick slot items.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:A theory of mine

One possibility as to why they can’t or won’t, the shared inventory slots might each be like one slot personal guild banks. If they are like one slot guild banks that would explain why they can be in each inventory and accessible by all your characters as it’s the same as moving items in and out of a guild bank. In that case making changes to how they are accessed, such as by a keybind, would affect all guild banks and would be incompatible with regular multi slot guild banks accessible by many people.It might be a normal bank space, but definitely not a guild bank - you can tell by the fact that you can stack things in those slots directly. In a guild bank, you can't - you have to take the item out, stack, and return to guild bank pane.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:A theory of mine

One possibility as to why they can’t or won’t, the shared inventory slots might each be like one slot personal guild banks. If they are like one slot guild banks that would explain why they can be in each inventory and accessible by all your characters as it’s the same as moving items in and out of a guild bank. In that case making changes to how they are accessed, such as by a keybind, would affect all guild banks and would be incompatible with regular multi slot guild banks accessible by many people.It might be a normal bank space, but definitely not a guild bank - you can tell by the fact that you can stack things in those slots directly. In a guild bank, you can't - you have to take the item out, stack, and return to guild bank pane.

I think you're right here - materials are spent in crafting from shared slots before material storage but after regular inventory, iirc, similar to bank slots.

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