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Make EOTM great again


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Reduce current server numbers from 12 to 6. Only 2 tiers needed.

Make EOTM a Core class only map. No elite specs. No mounts. No gliding. Give pips to EOTM. Return classic vanilla gameplay to EOTM.

Players who prefer pre-Hot/POF gameplay can play in EOTM.Shouldn’t be hard to disable elite specs, mounts and gliding just for the map I think.

Players who prefer elite specs can now play in a more compact double tier 6 servers environment.

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@phokus.8934 said:It was never great. It was just a k-train when leveling characters was a thing and for people to quickly level their wvw rank.

My first day in Eotm, I destroyed four enemy zergs. They called me a troll. I called it strategic and sound combat ability of mass stupidity of a bunch of fools that stood under an operational oil....and refused to move out from under it. If i'm in a location, and I need to defend it, i'm going to defend it with what siege I have. Those Karma Train fools learned the hard way. But it's probably the best lesson they learned. Don't stand under siege.

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@KeyOrion.9506 said:

@phokus.8934 said:It was never great. It was just a k-train when leveling characters was a thing and for people to quickly level their wvw rank.

My first day in Eotm, I destroyed four enemy zergs. They called me a troll. I called it strategic and sound combat ability of mass stupidity of a bunch of fools that stood under an operational oil....and refused to move out from under it. If i'm in a location, and I need to defend it, i'm going to defend it with what siege I have. Those Karma Train fools learned the hard way. But it's probably the best lesson they learned. Don't stand under siege.

My greatest archievement is winning from people who fought back

Guess alot is possible in wvw/eotm

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