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How to increase PvP population?


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@c space cowboy.2764 said:

@"Ziggityzog.7389" said:Gw2 is a dead game pvp wise since the creators have no intrest in improving it at all. My next game I've been waiting for just got announced for release so I can guarantee it will just get worse.

Ahes of creation comes out in 2 days ?.

The ones running the game have ruined pvp to the point where the only ones that are trying are bots, tryhards, and wintraders.

Time to move on sadly after being a dedicated fan since around he start of guild wars 1

What game?

https://ashesofcreation.com/apocalypse Cheers m8. Look up the videos on google they are amazing. Especially the castle siege pvp maps. They are starting out with like 3 or 4 pvp game modes

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:

@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Gw2 is a dead game pvp wise since the creators have no intrest in improving it at all. My next game I've been waiting for just got announced for release so I can guarantee it will just get worse.

Ahes of creation comes out in 2 days ?.

The ones running the game have ruined pvp to the point where the only ones that are trying are bots, tryhards, and wintraders.

Time to move on sadly after being a dedicated fan since around he start of guild wars 1

What game?

Cheers m8. Look up the videos on google they are amazing. Especially the castle siege pvp maps. They are starting out with like 3 or 4 pvp game modes

The mmo that became a battle royale?

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@Ryan.9387 said:

@Ziggityzog.7389 said:Gw2 is a dead game pvp wise since the creators have no intrest in improving it at all. My next game I've been waiting for just got announced for release so I can guarantee it will just get worse.

Ahes of creation comes out in 2 days ?.

The ones running the game have ruined pvp to the point where the only ones that are trying are bots, tryhards, and wintraders.

Time to move on sadly after being a dedicated fan since around he start of guild wars 1

What game?

Cheers m8. Look up the videos on google they are amazing. Especially the castle siege pvp maps. They are starting out with like 3 or 4 pvp game modes

The mmo that became a battle royale?

The battle royale is stand alone, the mmo is still in development, but you can register for early access.

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The only way to increase the population is to get rid of the conquest game mode and replace it with something that is actually created with random teams in mind. What people tend to forget about conquest mode is that its designed for a organized team with voice comm. In comparison to every other mmo, GW2 has some of the most rage quitters and toxic players.

Its not really hard to understand why, its that they are frustrated. Conquest mode DEMANDS that you communicate with one another. But Anet offers nothing other than map pings and target assists. So either you have to stop what you are doing to type out commands that either people won't read or some team mate will tell you to STFU and run off or you just hope everyone magically synergizes with the unspoken team strategy.

Anet needs to import the alliance battle game play mode from gw1 into gw2 and drop conquest or reserve conquest mode for automated tournaments. This would bring a lot more players into pvp. No one wants to be frustrated when playing a game, they want to have fun. And conquest is not a fun game mode for randoms.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:Just allow team queue before platinum.

Let us pugs play the game with friends at our own discretion and grind out that loot again in a semi-competitive and fun environment... Currently I load into the mists and see several yellow guild dots on the map, all of whom are doing it solo queue because we don't want to offend the odd number who misses out.

Mid population in my opinion is the area you want to grow the most.

it also comes down to numbers too, 5 is higher than 2. Those 5 will also network out for more players out of fear of getting some raging afk player on the team while the duo is the same 2 players most times. 5 mans allow the mode to grow.

Problem is, if the game mode grew attraction again, that would require more effort in PvP on the devs behalf and more focus and I don't think they can afford that man power with this Ice saga thingo which would result in more unhappy customers.

it's a lose - lose for us.

This guy right here has been on the forums and giving sound advice since day one. And this is no exception.

5 man team q g3 and below at least needs to happen.

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increase overall player population via gifting and getting rewards when player gets 80 / 100 played hours and explain how pvp is done i guess, i mean u got players playing it since launch and ppl just coming in placed in same place getting their ass kicked and the other team losing for having more new people and quitting as well and its an environment nobody wants to play in . Like you can't have people playing 8 years only pvp / wvw / pve with 10k + hrs and drop them in the same bucket with someone who plays weekends for 2hrs and make it enjoyable for both of those groups without having a large enough pool of people to sattisfy said requirements

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As a semi vet player of 9000 games. I think I quit permanently. I don't think anet can do anything to bring me back. Today's balance patch preview instilled no confidence going forward, and thus I have no confidence. Population is at a all time low, and matches are of abysmal quality. I didn't think it was possible to lose -20mmr in a 100 - 500 match as a Gold 2 player, but there it is.

If Anet can guarantee that at least 70% of my matches aren't clown fiesta's I'll be back, but currently it's 80-90% of my matches are clown fiestas.

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After playing off meta long enough, feels like the community is also at fault for expecting their builds to carry them. Lots of L2P issues as well as freedom of complaining at just about everything when you know by fact that perfect balance will never exist in such game without making it so homogenized that it won't be fun anymore. GW2 is special by relying on so many different skills and somewhat less on player input leaves people to forget about the whole "Get Good" aspect like would games with less dependency, or maybe people would just quit I don't know, what I know is, this community is extremely spoiled to not appreciate their own self and what they have by just coming here and blast everything without knowing that it's also in their own capacity to make changes and try different things instead of looking at it purely from an MMO perspective and that everything is broken (Which it isn't.). Feels like Anet got the wrong playerbase by calling this game an MMO even though it is but extremely unique, the term meta alone plagues this game mentality, it's horrible. Elitists are also horrible by not allowing other things that aren't so bad to flourish, fun is just genuinely disallowed by the community itself in every game mode with two extreme sides instead of a better middle.

Sure there are some things that can be broken sometimes, but that hasn't been the case in a while. CI on Mesmer though was a good example.

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It is too late for that. Even if Anet fix some of the balance glaring issues (and we have many of these), that would not be enough. Last expansion was 2 years ago. For me (and many others) the content ran its course. Unless there is something new on the table, my play time will continue to dwindle and at some point, I will probably stop playing all together.

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If you dont like game just f-ck off, will be less crying and bilions of new players on your place...\Well my idea of pvp playing is a 1-2 pvp games per day, because solo/duo ranked can be really unhealthy ( because of players like me or you, not because of dead game or bad mechanics )And my solution for the afk players or bad communication in team is very simple. Get your team and play with your friends [5vs5], isn't it easy? You can communicate with them and give your best TOGETHER<You have guarantee there wont be cry or afks in team, or just find better friends after.

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