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Good core Revenant build


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I have a core revenant (and I seriously doubt he will ever have a specialization). I am messing around with his build but don't really know what is good. I got him up to 80 but have not warmed up to him at all (although he is much better than my Elementalist ha ha).

PvE only, lots of open world exploring, mostly solo.

Currently he has sword/axe with salvation, corruption, and devastation.Salvation: 1,1, 2 Vital blessing, words of censure, unyielding devotionCorruption: 1, 2, 1 replenishing despair, abyssal chill, diabolic infernoDevotion: 1, 3, 3 ferocious strike, assassin presence, assassin annhilation

I did pick a quarterstaff along the way but do not use it much.Also I have a hammer, and another one handed sword in my pack, if they are better. So far nothing has felt very good... Any tips for a core revenant?

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Rev as a class is designed around having an Espec. The few Meta level builds of Core Rev are usually the result of the Espec not being any good at the one thing you need it for, or in the wake of some kind of nerf.

If you're dorking around Open world and maybe Fractal/Dungons, then a straight forward power build is your best option. Zerks and/or Marauders, Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Shiro/Jalis. Sw/Sw main set, and either staff or hammer second set depending on what kind of boss you're fighting. Sometimes Shiro/Ventari for certain meta events where the Bubble is useful.

Something you have to understand out the gate is that Revs are designed a lot differently from other classes. They are made for long fights, have excellent sustain and generally high stable DPS, but have incredibly weak recovery, making them highly susceptible to burst damage landing, condition pressure, and mistakes in positioning. That might sound like a PvP only problem, but what I just said applies more to PvE then to PvP/WvW. This is because Rev defensive skills are made to counter Onslaughts/Bursts from enemies; but are so timing sensitive, that the 2 extremes of damage found in PvE [sporadic hits or piano drops] leads to a lot of resource waste. They also have to deeply spec into certain stats in order to get anywhere with them.

Offensively they can put out a LOT of damage.... but their design favors using their weapon skills as preemptive defensive tools, despite the implication that theres some kind of rotation you have to follow. Which is partly why Rev damage rotations are insanely long in Raids/Fractals, but aren't even listed as being a thing in any other game mode. Even without trying for rotations, Revs still put out substantial damage in their auto attacks, with heavy bursts in their 4 or 5 slot.

That said.... Shiro is basically your only good power damage option, and none of the core Legends offer strong self healing without building partially around it. Rev condition builds aren't even on the table outside of raids/CM-Fractals due to an incredibly long ramp up and easily disrupted rotation. Hybrid/Concept builds are possible, but they rarely get past the novelty phase and are rarely practical. Even Class specialists that come up with these builds will tell you that they have very clear weaknesses, and their success is mostly attributed to opponents having no idea how to fight it. Its not dissuade from the class...... just making it clear what you're getting into.

Fighting as a Rev in PvE demands you to be a lot more aware and knowledge able due to how difficult it is to reverse mistakes. Nearly all of the Rev's weapon and utility skills involve reading a situation to know when and how to use these skills for maximum effect. Trying to play purely reactive leads to a lot of wasted skill use and Energy to get out of trouble; but intelligent use skill effects is at the core their energy management scheme. In some builds, taking hits is even desirable.


Its recommended toward mixing Zerks and Marauders 50/50 since it helps force you learn how to carefully manage your defenses, without it getting you killed all the time. Key notes here is that Sw 3 is an evade, but slow to wind up..... but timed right, it lets you avoid very big hits without having to waste dodges. Sw 5 is a teleport and heavy damage. You can use it change positions, or get up ledges if you can find an enemy in range. Sw4 is mostly for Multi-target damage, and hits hard. Sw2 is mostly designed to prevent targets from running (PvP), but in PvE space its main value is minor break bar damage and whirl finisher.

Reposing Shadow on Shiro is an Evade, a Stun Break, and repositioning tool. This is you only get out of jail free card, but is put to equally good use for getting out of a spot BEFORE it becomes lethal. Phase Traversal is the polar opposite, teleporting to a target and giving you quickness. If its not obvious yet, these 2 skills are good for helping you weave in and out of boss fight when things get dicey. Impossible Odds is in a weird place after it got nerfed. The movement speed bonus is useful in or out of combat, but is ruined if you have any movement debuffs. The Doublestrike is only really effective if you can stand around doing auto attacks, or have some kind of effect that can benefit off of it. Jade wind is a powerful Breakbar hit, and is good for Stunning trash mobs around you to ease up pressure. The healing skill is more for extra damage then actual healing.... so in practice you use it to top off against minor damage, rather then try to use it to heal from low health. In fact, most of your healing from Shrio builds comes from life stealing traits.

Jalis's utilities are a lot more situational. The Healing skill has condi cleanse, but doesn't give you a whole lot of HP. Inspiring Reinforcement is mostly a PvP/WvW build, but you can benefit from the Weakness it inflicts, and can use it with Blast Finisher (on hammer or staff) to get swiftness. Forced Engagement (the chain) doesn't have much use beyond being another CC, since the duration isn't long enough to make a big difference. Vengeful Hammers is good for decent healing if you're surrounded, and in some cases is worth diving into a cluster fight with the added sustain. Rite of the Dwarf is currently awkward due to its high cost and cast time. Its main value is that of a stun break, but the damage reduction can be used to try and power through incoming damage if you don't have much choice. Stacks multiplicative with Vengeful hammer, but the math only yields 60% damage reduction.

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I get what you are saying about his health. I do ok slogging around... then... I get one shot killed... a lot. Big reason I never warmed up to him.

I assume sw/sw is swords, but what is shiro/jalis? Are they weapons? slang for stats? I will look at Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Not sure why I settled on salvation, corruption, and devastation, except that I think that is just what it happens to be on. I have seen no real difference switching them around, so far.

I tend to play necro or ranger, so I always have half my skills tied up in minions or pets. The revenant seems to have a lot of attack skills, but I am not getting the job done very well. And of course during an event - it is necro/minion master for sure. :)

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@Tukaram.8256 said:I get what you are saying about his health. I do ok slogging around... then... I get one shot killed... a lot. Big reason I never warmed up to him.

I assume sw/sw is swords, but what is shiro/jalis? Are they weapons? slang for stats? I will look at Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Not sure why I settled on salvation, corruption, and devastation, except that I think that is just what it happens to be on. I have seen no real difference switching them around, so far.

I tend to play necro or ranger, so I always have half my skills tied up in minions or pets. The revenant seems to have a lot of attack skills, but I am not getting the job done very well. And of course during an event - it is necro/minion master for sure. :)

Those are the Legends that define the utility skills. IE F1

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@starlinvf.1358 said:

@Tukaram.8256 said:I get what you are saying about his health. I do ok slogging around... then... I get one shot killed... a lot. Big reason I never warmed up to him.

I assume sw/sw is swords, but what is shiro/jalis? Are they weapons? slang for stats? I will look at Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Not sure why I settled on salvation, corruption, and devastation, except that I think that is just what it happens to be on. I have seen no real difference switching them around, so far.

I tend to play necro or ranger, so I always have half my skills tied up in minions or pets. The revenant seems to have a lot of attack skills, but I am not getting the job done very well. And of course during an event - it is necro/minion master for sure. :)

Those are the Legends that define the utility skills. IE F1

@Aeolus.3615 said:O would go plaguedoctor deamon/jalis for core XD

Thanks for the replies, but I honestly do not even know what language y'all are speaking ha ha...

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@Tukaram.8256 said:I get what you are saying about his health. I do ok slogging around... then... I get one shot killed... a lot. Big reason I never warmed up to him.

I assume sw/sw is swords, but what is shiro/jalis? Are they weapons? slang for stats? I will look at Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Not sure why I settled on salvation, corruption, and devastation, except that I think that is just what it happens to be on. I have seen no real difference switching them around, so far.

I tend to play necro or ranger, so I always have half my skills tied up in minions or pets. The revenant seems to have a lot of attack skills, but I am not getting the job done very well. And of course during an event - it is necro/minion master for sure. :)

Those are the Legends that define the utility skills. IE F1

@Aeolus.3615 said:O would go plaguedoctor deamon/jalis for core XD

Thanks for the replies, but I honestly do not even know what language y'all are speaking ha ha...

Probably non native English/ “Engrish”.

Stats from plaguedoctor armor and trinkets.Legends: deamon / jalis

I’ll get the build link later.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@Tukaram.8256 said:I get what you are saying about his health. I do ok slogging around... then... I get one shot killed... a lot. Big reason I never warmed up to him.

I assume sw/sw is swords, but what is shiro/jalis? Are they weapons? slang for stats? I will look at Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Not sure why I settled on salvation, corruption, and devastation, except that I think that is just what it happens to be on. I have seen no real difference switching them around, so far.

I tend to play necro or ranger, so I always have half my skills tied up in minions or pets. The revenant seems to have a lot of attack skills, but I am not getting the job done very well. And of course during an event - it is necro/minion master for sure. :)

Those are the Legends that define the utility skills. IE F1

@Aeolus.3615 said:O would go plaguedoctor deamon/jalis for core XD

Thanks for the replies, but I honestly do not even know what language y'all are speaking ha ha...

Probably non native English/ “Engrish”.

Well, a jali is a cement lattice work (in the real world). If it means anything in GW2, I have no idea. "shiro" "jali" "plaguedoctor" "deamon" [sic] - I have no clue what these mean. As for 'legends' I kind of assume it would a legendary weapon, but how that applies to the topic... no idea... I do not know the GW2 slang, it would seem.

I was just looking for some tips on a good solo PvE build, because I am looking forward to the new build system, and was going to play with it, and see if I can make my revenant playable. :)

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The whole Revanent concept is channeling the power of Legendary figures in Tyrian History.



The Rev's skills and traits are directly modeled after them, and is meant to craft a play style that takes after their personalities. Shiro was legendary assassin and Body guard to the Canthan Emperor...... but in a fit of paranoia, murdered the emperor in cold blood in a the heart of a sacred shrine during a festivel ritual, and stole immense magic power in his place. Shiro was cut down minutes later by 3 Champions trying to come to the Emperor's aid. Mortally wounded, the magical energy escaped his body, and the resulting shockwave turned the surrounding seas to Jade, and the nearby forest to Stone.

As a Rev legend, Revs learn to use his signature dual sword combat style, skills which allow him to rapidly move around the battle field, and can cast a small version of the Jade Wind that turns enemies into solid Jade. His Devastation trait line is all about enhancing damage through vulnerability, bypassing defenses, life steal, and raw damage bonuses.

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@Tukaram.8256 said:I have a core revenant (and I seriously doubt he will ever have a specialization). I am messing around with his build but don't really know what is good. I got him up to 80 but have not warmed up to him at all (although he is much better than my Elementalist ha ha).

PvE only, lots of open world exploring, mostly solo.

Currently he has sword/axe with salvation, corruption, and devastation.Salvation: 1,1, 2 Vital blessing, words of censure, unyielding devotionCorruption: 1, 2, 1 replenishing despair, abyssal chill, diabolic infernoDevotion: 1, 3, 3 ferocious strike, assassin presence, assassin annhilation

I did pick a quarterstaff along the way but do not use it much.Also I have a hammer, and another one handed sword in my pack, if they are better. So far nothing has felt very good... Any tips for a core revenant?

When I played core rev with mall and jails a while back and it was pretty good then, plus you have to use a core build to get enough points for your your elite specs to begin with.

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I brought out my original Rev for labyrinth running, again, during Halloween, and decided it was time to overhaul his build since there's been plenty of "balance" since last year. As luck would have it, all of his armor reset it's stats, as well, so I get to experiment a bit more.Here's the build I came up with : http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAIZWcParNA-zRQYfUhxwOBLOLXPsB-eIt leans heavy on stat maxing, so Salvation for Concentration based on Healing power, and Retribution for Power based on Toughness. That made Jalis / Ventari an easy pick for Legendaries. Defender runes may be a bit costly (Sheets of Charged Ambrite are currently cheaper to buy in just material cost, never mind bypassing the time gating, at the moment.)I wasn't sure what to do for the third trait line, so Devestation can be swapped out if you prefer. For sigils, I guess On Interupt types would work well, though I really didn't have anything particular in mind.Lots of Blocks, Heals, Cleanses, Knockdowns and Knockbacks, Alacrity, and some Vulnerability. Certainly more Toughness than makes sense, and possibl more Healing Power than Barrier can make use of.Is see this as Primarily using Tablet, so it is a bit of a learning curve (I remember hating it on Rev day one.)

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@"DrakoRoma.4167" said:I brought out my original Rev for labyrinth running, again, during Halloween, and decided it was time to overhaul his build since there's been plenty of "balance" since last year. As luck would have it, all of his armor reset it's stats, as well, so I get to experiment a bit more.Here's the build I came up with : http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAIZWcParNA-zRQYfUhxwOBLOLXPsB-eIt leans heavy on stat maxing, so Salvation for Concentration based on Healing power, and Retribution for Power based on Toughness. That made Jalis / Ventari an easy pick for Legendaries. Defender runes may be a bit costly (Sheets of Charged Ambrite are currently cheaper to buy in just material cost, never mind bypassing the time gating, at the moment.)I wasn't sure what to do for the third trait line, so Devestation can be swapped out if you prefer. For sigils, I guess On Interupt types would work well, though I really didn't have anything particular in mind.Lots of Blocks, Heals, Cleanses, Knockdowns and Knockbacks, Alacrity, and some Vulnerability. Certainly more Toughness than makes sense, and possibl more Healing Power than Barrier can make use of.Is see this as Primarily using Tablet, so it is a bit of a learning curve (I remember hating it on Rev day one.)

Thanks. That is exactly what I am looking for.

Judging from your answer it seems my original question should have been "What trait lines are good for core rev?" I do not speak gamer enough to even know what questions to ask ... but have been playing GW2 since launch, and GW for years before that ha ha

~~Except... jalis & ventari again. I looked on the trading post and they seem to be both weapons & armor - which are you talking about? I buy very little gear. I tend to use what the game drops. On all my other avatars it is enough. ~~

~Edit~Dude... I think I just figured what y'all mean... Dwarf, Assassin, Centaur, and Demon have like other names... who knew? So I think jali/ventari etc are actually meaning which stance to use? Let me reread this thread and see if it makes more sense now :) (when I say I do not speak gamer, I am not kidding) I mostly play demon. I switch between assassin and dwarf. Never warmed up to the centaur. Now to go look at their names...

Thanks :)

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i would take ,if i had to play core, Devastation233, Invocation233, Retribution233That played with Sword/Sword and Staff or Hammer (depends) with the Dwarf & Demon (or shiro if traveling much)

For gear it would be "Knightly"-Armor with the Rune of Scholar/Ogretogether with Berserk Weapons&Trinkets

Thats (kinda) the way i like to play sometimes. It makes you to a powerhouse with amazing sustain

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@Tukaram.8256 said:I have a core revenant (and I seriously doubt he will ever have a specialization). I am messing around with his build but don't really know what is good. I got him up to 80 but have not warmed up to him at all (although he is much better than my Elementalist ha ha).

PvE only, lots of open world exploring, mostly solo.

Currently he has sword/axe with salvation, corruption, and devastation.Salvation: 1,1, 2 Vital blessing, words of censure, unyielding devotionCorruption: 1, 2, 1 replenishing despair, abyssal chill, diabolic infernoDevotion: 1, 3, 3 ferocious strike, assassin presence, assassin annhilation

I did pick a quarterstaff along the way but do not use it much.Also I have a hammer, and another one handed sword in my pack, if they are better. So far nothing has felt very good... Any tips for a core revenant?

I suggest never using Hammer without Shiro or Glint. As Core weapon its trash without them.

I run Core Build in WvW a lot.

Here my buildRet, 3, 2, 2Corrupt 2,1, 3Salvation 1-2-1

Dwarf/DemonSword/Sword + Staff

Power Zerk Gear with some Toughness and Vitality mixed in.

As core I found it incredibly difficult to deal damage without Dual Swords. It became my main weapon and thats when I saw more success soloing and in group this build is good for support and team defense. You have Echo for more energy and its side effect.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

...As core I found it incredibly difficult to deal damage without Dual Swords. It became my main weapon and thats when I saw more success soloing and in group this build is good for support and team defense. You have Echo for more energy and its side effect.

I was using sword/axe but switched to sword/sword because of all the recommendations. Have not used it much yet, as I have been playing with the hammer. I mostly use the dwarf stance (don't have the game on to look up the name ha ha). Not digging the hammer so far, will try swords tonight.

Been playing with the build and really starting to like the revenant. He was one of my least played for a long time (nothing is played less than my elemtalist!). :)

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I have leveled 2 revs: power and condi.Condi is slow ramp up but it is exceptional to gather mobs with demon leap, then nuke them all with mace and elite.Sword is clearly lacking in cleave potential. It often leads you to difficult situations because healing is low.Something condi doesn't suffer because it does all damage from close distance.

I would say that condi is more fun and safe.

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