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how is ranger currently

kiritsugu emeya.3962

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@bighead.3465 said:

@"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

Arheundel, you can say whatever you want, but all changes were a nerf for GS. Yes the block now it is a proper block, better than before, but we lost an evade and 1 damage skill , a range skill.

YOU can say whatever you want. But GS AA evasion was a crutch exploit for "top" players. Who cares if a bug was in the game since launch. Now instead of having to engage opponents to earn evasion and having block easily counter by a melee hit that locks you into an vulnerable animation, you now can block completely and evade after at your own choice. In other words, linear players got nerfed. True rangers have seen the buffs for what they are.

I am glad that you are a true ranger and I am just a linear player. Really I am happy fo you. GL and HF.

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

You use it out of context btw. Nobody ever said the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

lol i laugh so loud when you saud abuse the evade . man just move from the ranger forum if your such an hater comon people need to be real for once sake

Wait, so you're seriously saying it wasn't being abused? :lol:

And what about taking "random dodge" out of context?Seriously, how about you actually answer to that post instead of trying to brush everything to "being a hater"?

Can you link me a thread about 3rd skill of GS being abused? I didn't hear ANYBODY complaining about this. I can bet with you that more than 95% of Rangers didn't know about this either. Please stop being a hater for nothing ...

Link you what thread? Since when does anyone need to show you a thread about an exploitive behavior for it to be an exploitive behavior? Multiple evade resets were undesired by anet and that's enough of an argument here.Also not only your "95%" pseudo-statistic is a number pulled out of thin air, but EVEN IF IT WAS in fact abused by 5% of ranger players, it doesn't make it any less abusable or undesired. It's clear that the "This attack restores endurance if it hits." change is aimed exactly at that.

How about you stop using "hurr durr hater!" as a substitute for an argument? It's clearly not working.

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@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:

@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

I am assuming that you don't play ranger based on your reply alone...

Well then -wrong.

98% of rangers don't even KNOW ABOUT this, so how can they abuse something they dont know about LMAO ?

Another person with his "high 90%" pseudo-statistic pulled literally out of nowhere, good job pretending you know what you're talking about. And again: how is it important for EVERYONE (or even just majority) to abuse something for it to be called an abuse? What kind of backwards logic is this, lmao?

i can literally count the rangers that know about the gs AA chain evade on both na and eu, you just can't predict the reason for the change based on the first thing that came into ur mind "abuse" when in FACT ITS NOT . not many knew about it and not one single person thought it was strong and hence deserves a removal.

You literally can't. As a fact you try to claim I'm not even playing ranger, so that alone proves you're wrong with your "literal promises". Stop making up random lies to pretend you have a point, because that's not how that works.

I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

You use it out of context btw.
Nobody ever said
the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

I recommend reading the notes of the class section that you're here for...
"We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges
that happens when fighting against it"I mean anet are contradicting what they implemented in the game from what they wrote, arent they?

I did read it and as I said you used it out of context. Even now, while trying to quote it you try to pull the attention to just one part of the sentence, lmao! Now read it within the full context and let it sink in:

"while removing some of the frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it."

As I already said, nobody ever claimed it "accidentally/randomly found its way into the game". Reread and understand instead of trying to bend the facts to match your opinion. You quote the whole sentence, but care only about half of it and try to tell me I didn't read it? Good job. :astonished:

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

I am assuming that you don't play ranger based on your reply alone...

Well then -wrong.

98% of rangers don't even KNOW ABOUT this, so how can they abuse something they dont know about LMAO ?

Another person with his "high 90%" pseudo-statistic pulled literally out of nowhere, good job pretending you know what you're talking about. And again: how is it important for EVERYONE (or even just majority) to abuse something for it to be called an abuse? What kind of backwards logic is this, lmao?

i can literally count the rangers that know about the gs AA chain evade on both na and eu, you just can't predict the reason for the change based on the first thing that came into ur mind "abuse" when in FACT ITS NOT . not many knew about it and not one single person thought it was strong and hence deserves a removal.

You literally can't. As a fact you try to claim I'm not even playing ranger, so that alone proves you're wrong with your "literal promises". Stop making up random lies to pretend you have a point, because that's not how that works.

I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

You use it out of context btw.
Nobody ever said
the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

I recommend reading the notes of the class section that you're here for...
"We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges
that happens when fighting against it"I mean anet are contradicting what they implemented in the game from what they wrote, arent they?

I did read it and as I said
you used it out of context
. Even now, while trying to quote it you try to pull the attention to just one part of the sentence, lmao! Now read it within the full context and let it sink in:

"while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it

As I
already said
, nobody ever claimed it "accidentally/randomly found its way into the game". Reread and understand instead of trying to bend the facts to match your opinion. You quote the whole sentence, but care only about half of it and try to tell me I didn't read it? Good job. :astonished:

Do yourself a favor and relax yourself. You'll never convince someone, who may prospectively crutch upon exploits like gs evasion, that they are indeed doing so. Theres no need to debate or quarrel. The evasion was a bug. It was removed for that reason. The resulting GS playstyle is now how it was intended. I will only miss the sword throw since it served an incredible utility of dealing decent filler damage from range.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

I am assuming that you don't play ranger based on your reply alone...

Well then -wrong.after reading my reply make sure you stick to thief and war

98% of rangers don't even KNOW ABOUT this, so how can they abuse something they dont know about LMAO ?

Another person with his "high 90%" pseudo-statistic pulled literally out of nowhere, good job pretending you know what you're talking about. And again: how is it important for EVERYONE (or even just majority) to abuse something for it to be called an abuse? What kind of backwards logic is this, lmao?

But ITS TRUe, for the past 8+ seasons that i have played, most of my games have been in plat 3, only players who kept using the GS AA chain are the same players since 2016 4-6 in na every other ranger that i have came across didnt use it not in a 1v1 1vx or in team fights. hence my high % and i do know what im talking about......

i can literally count the rangers that know about the gs AA chain evade on both na and eu, you just can't predict the reason for the change based on the first thing that came into ur mind "abuse" when in FACT ITS NOT . not many knew about it and not one single person thought it was strong and hence deserves a removal.

You literally can't. As a fact you try to claim I'm not even playing ranger, so that alone proves you're wrong with your "literal promises". Stop making up random lies to pretend you have a point, because that's not how that works.

but I can...

I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

You use it out of context btw.
Nobody ever said
the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

I recommend reading the notes of the class section that you're here for...
"We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges
that happens when fighting against it"I mean anet are contradicting what they implemented in the game from what they wrote, arent they?

I did read it and as I said
you used it out of context
. Even now, while trying to quote it you try to pull the attention to just one part of the sentence, lmao! Now read it within the full context and let it sink in:

"while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it

As I
already said
, nobody ever claimed it "accidentally/randomly found its way into the game". Reread and understand instead of trying to bend the facts to match your opinion. You quote the whole sentence, but care only about half of it and try to tell me I didn't read it? Good job. :astonished:

so let me get this straight, anet implements 3 auto skills on gs ranger, the 3rd skill supposed to make you evade, there is a "bug" where rangers can abuse it and evade twice every 3rd auto-attack. after 7 years anet notices the bug, notices that "ALOT" of rangers are abusing it, so they remove the evade and label the balance as "frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it" (they noticed a lot of players reporting there frustration when dealing with it even tho THAT'S NOT TRUE, not a single person that ik of ingame and in forums have cried about this). So they balance it by removing the evade on 3rd AA instead of fixing the "bug" of the 2 evades. LMFAO BRILLIANT THINKING

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@bighead.3465 said:

@kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

I am assuming that you don't play ranger based on your reply alone...

Well then -wrong.

98% of rangers don't even KNOW ABOUT this, so how can they abuse something they dont know about LMAO ?

Another person with his "high 90%" pseudo-statistic pulled literally out of nowhere, good job pretending you know what you're talking about. And again: how is it important for EVERYONE (or even just majority) to abuse something for it to be called an abuse? What kind of backwards logic is this, lmao?

i can literally count the rangers that know about the gs AA chain evade on both na and eu, you just can't predict the reason for the change based on the first thing that came into ur mind "abuse" when in FACT ITS NOT . not many knew about it and not one single person thought it was strong and hence deserves a removal.

You literally can't. As a fact you try to claim I'm not even playing ranger, so that alone proves you're wrong with your "literal promises". Stop making up random lies to pretend you have a point, because that's not how that works.

I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

You use it out of context btw.
Nobody ever said
the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

I recommend reading the notes of the class section that you're here for...
"We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges
that happens when fighting against it"I mean anet are contradicting what they implemented in the game from what they wrote, arent they?

I did read it and as I said
you used it out of context
. Even now, while trying to quote it you try to pull the attention to just one part of the sentence, lmao! Now read it within the full context and let it sink in:

"while removing some of the
frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it

As I
already said
, nobody ever claimed it "accidentally/randomly found its way into the game". Reread and understand instead of trying to bend the facts to match your opinion. You quote the whole sentence, but care only about half of it and try to tell me I didn't read it? Good job. :astonished:

Do yourself a favor and relax yourself. You'll never convince someone, who may prospectively crutch upon exploits like gs evasion, that they are indeed doing so. Theres no need to debate or quarrel. The evasion was a bug. It was removed for that reason. The resulting GS playstyle is now how it was intended. I will only miss the sword throw since it served an incredible utility of dealing decent filler damage from range.

Yeah, you're correct. They literally changed it to "This attack restores endurance if it hits.", but some people will still try to claim that the change didn't target the unintended evasion reset abuse. w/e :)

@kiritsugu emeya.3962 See... you start your response with "so let me get this straight" and then all you do is claim that anet wrote something they never did, try to base your argument around the fact that "it's not an abuse if not everyone is abusing it" and try to end with sidelining what I write because you went through my profile and assumed I don't play ranger, but just warrior and thief instead. You have nothing to say and nothing you wrote above is setting anything "straight".

So stop twisting words (both mine and anet's, but probably others as well lmao) or stop pretending you're even trying to discuss anything here. Because you're not, all you do is defend a skill that work like it wasn't intended to. But you can't, so you make up some ""facts"" and call me a [whatever class] main. Hilarious. I promise I'll start answering to your posts as soon as you stop lying.

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@kiritsugu emeya.3962 you are wasting your time and your energy with someone who doesn't need you or mine or other ranger attention.He is a simple warrior/thief who hates rangers. Simple like that. He argued with me on other thread, and I told him there that it is better for him and for us to go on warrior and thief sub-forums, instead of spreading his hate on Ranger forum. Ofc he denied there too, that his main is not warr or thief, but ranger. I bet all my gold that he is one of those 95-99% of players who played ranger, who didn't have a clue about cancelling of 3rd form of GS AA to have second and third evade.He isn't a PVP or WvW player either, mostly a PVE guy. Still, he is trying to convince and argue with experienced PVP players.

PS: @Sobx.1758 , because I don't want you to talk again all kind of .... things, try to understand me clearly, I agree that Anet should fix all bugs/glich/ or skills who give someone an advantage more than should be or was intended, but this DOESN'T mean Anet should Deleted! or replace it with something almost useless.

Still, it is a fact that you are not a main Ranger or a PVP/WvW player. Prove me I am wrong :D

@Sobx.1758 do you know that as a Ranger you can get 8s of invisibility by yourself? Do you know how? I am asking this now, just in case Anet will nerf that too ...Maybe if you try harder you can get more than 8s ... :)

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PvP: You can get on P1 - P2 without too many problems, on higher levels it will be more difficult, there is more synergy between the other professions and Holosmith and Guerriero are better than Ranger.

WvW: After removing unblockable attacks and the nerf to sickem the build is weaker .. but paying attention to the skills of reflecting projectiles and focusing mainly on opponents using DPS builds you can still one shot people, it's still as strong as a roamer.

The profession is not in a bad position, the problem is the times of Anet in fixing the rest of the professions, Holosmith for example has too much everything, but Anet seems not to be able to rework more than one profession at a time.

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@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:@"kiritsugu emeya.3962" you are wasting your time and your energy with someone who doesn't need you or mine or other ranger attention.

I agree, I don't need anyone's attention, but not sure how's that relevant here. :D

He is a simple warrior/thief who hates rangers. Simple like that.

Not only it's not true, because why would I "hate rangers" like you love to repeat for some reason (because I'm not crying about nerfs and begging for buffs, I assume?), I'm also not sure how it's relevant what you think I'm playing or not.

He argued with me on other thread, and I told him there that it is better for him and for us to go on warrior and thief sub-forums, instead of spreading his hate on Ranger forum. Ofc he denied there too, that his main is not warr or thief, but ranger. I bet all my gold that he is one of those 95-99% of players who played ranger, who didn't have a clue about cancelling of 3rd form of GS AA to have second and third evade.

Again, that's just not true and your made-up pseudo statistic help nobody. Especially not your side of the "argument", it just shows you have nothing of value to answer to what others write and you know it, so you have to lie about self-made percentages to pretend you have an argument at all. Even moreso, pretty sure (but not completely, because I don't care enough to check -feel free to check it yourself though) I'm the person that brought it up in this thread, so I'm not sure how at the same time I was supposed to "not know about it".And I didn't claim I'm "main anything", because I don't need to and it's irrelevant here. If you made a choice to play a single class, it's ok, but stop measuring others by your own behavior or playstyle.

He isn't a PVP or WvW player either, mostly a PVE guy. Still, he is trying to convince and argue with experienced PVP players.

Another empty claim that's simply false, because you literally just made it up as an attempt to undermine what I'm writing. If you want to undermine my posts (for any reason you want, w/e), start answering to their contents instead of trying to target me and hope something "sticks". Again, that just helps noone.

PS: @Sobx.1758 , because I don't want you to talk again all kind of .... things, try to understand me clearly, I agree that Anet should fix all bugs/glich/ or skills who give someone an advantage more than should be or was intended, but this DOESN'T mean Anet should Deleted! or replace it with something almost useless.

The skill was abused and used as it wasn't intended to gain an advantage. They changed it to match their idea of what the skill is supposed to do and while it doesn't completely match its past iteration, it still lets you evade more than you could without using it, while also removing the ability to deal dmg during the evade and at the same time removed the abusable part of it.Also that's not what you -or OP- wrote earlier, but I'm glad you started saying what exactly you mean after all the meaningless attempts at insulting me. :+1:

Still, it is a fact that you are not a main Ranger or a PVP/WvW player. Prove me I am wrong ::disappointed:

Not only it's 100% irrelevant, but also I have no intention to try to "prove" here any of your randomized and unsupported claims and you'll have to live with it. :)

@Sobx.1758 do you know that as a Ranger you can get 8s of invisibility by yourself? Do you know how? I am asking this now, just in case Anet will nerf that too ...Maybe if you try harder you can get more than 8s ... :)

Aww... someone's proud of finally understanding how combo fields work, good job. :)

If you actually want to talk about anything related to this thread, feel free to start answering to what I wrote in my earlier posts instead of trying to take cheap jabs at me for some reason. Otherwise... meh. o/

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In pvp ranger is okiesh . Its much weaker than before, other classes like thief, mesmer are better and faster for a +1. Boonbeast is the only actual choice now as a bruiser and to hold nodes. Sicem soulbeast although it is said its meta, it is not. Don't use it you will lack the pressure and the sustain.

In wvw the latest nerfs hit hard, unblockable is something the ranger needs in that gamemode where there is 100% uptime reflects for a full group and most weapons of that class are projectiles or have projectile based skills (6 of 8). The nerf to LB and GS AAs didnt help either. Lacks sustain to stay in group fight, the weapons are not designed to contribute in group fights either. We are still forced into one traitline as you need the cleanses.Core ranger or druid have no use in there.

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I am testing and testing GS. The weapon is still one of a must in WvW. That block is really good, but ... something is missing on skill 4. Many times (on duel mostly or small group fight) I have that feeling that I wasted skill 4. Because now, there are already many players when they see your block they are retreating. And you are staying for another 3 sec in block mode, and that's it, not kick, no nothing. I don't know if this is due to my ping, but many times I can't use the kick, because it seems I didn't block the attack, which means the enemy stopped to hit me before or in the same time I use skill 4. The kick is working most of the time in group fighting when are 2-3 enemies on you and after the first sec of block, you can use the kick, because they can't see it coming, at least 1 of them didn't and you can use it. Dam', I miss so much that throw ...

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@"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:I am testing and testing GS. The weapon is still one of a must in WvW.

Which is really not a surprise btw so there was no reason to complain about anyone "hating rangers" or say that the changes made it useless -because they didn't.

That block is really good, but ... something is missing on skill 4. Many times (on duel mostly or small group fight) I have that feeling that I wasted skill 4. Because now, there are already many players when they see your block they are retreating. And you are staying for another 3 sec in block mode, and that's it, not kick, no nothing.

It's ok (the block part) as long as you use it when it's actually needed -either as a response to a potentially strong attack OR when you need a breather because you're waiting for cds. I prefered the throw too, but at least now the enemy can respond somehow to the usage of the block, so at the very least it became that 'much more' interactive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Dragonzhunter.8506 said:I bet all my gold that he is one of those 95-99% of players who played ranger, who didn't have a clue about cancelling of 3rd form of GS AA to have second and third evade.He isn't a PVP or WvW player either, mostly a PVE guy. Still, he is trying to convince and argue with experienced PVP players.

Still waiting for my gold btw :heart:

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Oh man this thread, literally just came back to gw2,

Gs is still good, did i used to abuse gs auto double evade?yes, did it give GS flavor hell yes, should it be in the game? no.

Evades = Invulns aka I frames. They should not be on autos period, they should be attached to skills and have clear telegraphs just like any well respected combat game. Now on to GS 4, while I do really miss the throw, holy hell is the block waaaay more reliable now, just dueled a buddy of mine whos a disgustingly good warrior and I able to use GS 4 to crazy good effect, especially, when comboing it with the MoC trait.

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He's out of danger but still in intensive care. His longbow is weak but recovering. His druid ambitions are buried somewhere deep in the oceans. His soul's beast is now under control. Moreover, the masses still avoid him in eternal battlegrounds. He's still looking after his pet who keeps dying to skritts.

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@Revolution.5409 said:The ranger is balanced, other professions are OP.When the other professions have the right modifications Ranger will have more space.

Still some op builds with soulbeast..in a pvp setting demolished with mad King rune does crazy damage. Moa stance/plasma/smoke cloud/call of the wind/we are one heal/one wolf pack then just watch hunters call destroy their bar.Build has crazy damage and good survivability. So no soulbeast is not that balanced just like most classes are not.

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@Dajas.4715 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:The ranger is balanced, other professions are OP.When the other professions have the right modifications Ranger will have more space.

Still some op builds with soulbeast..in a pvp setting demolished with mad King rune does crazy damage. Moa stance/plasma/smoke cloud/call of the wind/we are one heal/one wolf pack then just watch hunters call destroy their bar.Build has crazy damage and good survivability. So no soulbeast is not that balanced just like most classes are not.

Yea since you can instagib people with basically everything including core engi in silver/gold. They double dodge/invuln/block/distort/elixir s. And after that you've used up every utility/heal/pet skills/elite CD available for the next 40+secs to gamble for a oneshot that's dealt over 2+ seconds. OP indeed, running rampant in ranked.There's a reason boonbeast is dead even after scourge nerfs which was it's bane.

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@Dajas.4715 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:The ranger is balanced, other professions are OP.When the other professions have the right modifications Ranger will have more space.

Still some op builds with soulbeast..in a pvp setting demolished with mad King rune does crazy damage. Moa stance/plasma/smoke cloud/call of the wind/we are one heal/one wolf pack then just watch hunters call destroy their bar.Build has crazy damage and good survivability. So no soulbeast is not that balanced just like most classes are not.

Nothing comparable to what a warrior an engineer or an elemetalist can do.

Each build ranger received heavy Nerfs from Sickem to Stance, removal of unlockable attacks, nerf auto atk longblow even our shouts were changed to commands to prevent them being used with soldier runes.

So what's the point here? Do you want a profession that hardly stays in p2 become completely useless? Every complaint concerning Ranger has been resolved.Do you know that this combination can be blocked by using Shield Stance if you are a warrior or simply standing near a Firebrand while using Valiant Bulark that can reflect everything, cure and give allies buffs? This is to give some examples.

We need to stop justifying what OP is, Ranger has received his part as Miraggio and some Necro builds, now it's up to Holosmith, warrior and FB and so on.

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