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The Silverwaste - Legendary Bosses

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Can we get an increase in the spawn rate for these rares? Rare is one thing but these are super super super rare. I've been trying for over two years to complete this map and get the masteries I need. How about a 51% chance to spawn at any one of the camps that is level 4? Rare doesn't have to mean 0.5% chance.

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I've played this game for little more than 2 years and i've had all 4 for a long time.

-Use LFG (default key is Y) and look in central tyria squads - look for SW farm / RIBA (may include "+ CT" in title too which just means chest train) and join that squad-Get into the farming map (right click on commander/most people who aren't in your map, indicated by non-coloured tiles in the squad window, and Join in -map name-)-Go to whatever fort you need the legendary for and wait. For silverwaste farming maps they die quickly so if you're super desperate do this, but i got all 4 while gold farming without needing to camp any of them. Note- it is rare more than 1 will spawn in the roughly-1 hour cycle of the meta, so it may take many cycles to get what you need. I personally advise doing some chill gold farming - put a movie on the background or something - and getting them as you do so, focusing solely on this achievment and nothing else will be pretty miserable.

If you aren't on a SW farm map, then bosses will appear more slowly - they only appear in defence events, and IIRC have a higher chance to spawn the higher defence levels go. Or, at least i say that, but i don't have any data on it- some people think they only spawn at max defences, but i've certainly seen the husk spawn on the very first red defence, so i just say that to appease people who think it's impossible at low defences. - Eitherway, they'll appear slowly due to that most people don't defend the forts unless it's a farming map so the event usually fails quickly and nothing dies to clear spawns, providing the forts even get taken in the first place which is more frequent than a successful defence, but still uncommon.

*instruction included because i have known people who have played gw2 for longer and didn't know these things, so i apologise if it comes out as condescending.


As to the suggestion, i'm really indifferent. I don't think there's any major problem with how they currently spawn, but I wouldn't be opposed to an increase in appearance rate. Since you don't -need- the mastery points, nor the AP/title to do anything (though they are arguably, one of the easier sources of central tyria MP, the amount of MP without these included and discounting ls2 still exceeds that needed to max out masteries).

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I helped someone to get one of these bosses a few weeks ago, it requires some effort, to level up the keeps. All you need are 3 people (minimum) to do the important tasks fast. It was a small party of 3 people, one helping the dolyaks to get to the keep, one staying at the keep full time to not let it be taken by the mordrem and one helping the keep and killing the husks outside to not let them destroy the keeps. Our group made it spawn two times when the keep was at lvl 4.

Achievements aren't supposed to be all easy one shot tasks..

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I have seen always plenty of legendaries pop in riba maps. Thing is that they instantly die when attacked by people. Even if you were to shout in map that its up, its down before anyone arrives. When I went after them, stay at 1 camp and if you see the legendary say in map if theres nobody else near (which I doubt) and make sure you hit it. If you need to travel, if you have a raptor, go for it. If you don't, 99% its dead when you arrive there.

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I'm not so sure the keep lvl matters. I've seen them spawn on almost empty maps without any keep upgrades. I am still waiting for the the teragriff one for years now and it just doesn't spawn for me. Everytime I do RIBA I just defend that keep and do stuff in sight of it and haven't seen it yet.

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I'm not sure if really true but on Dulfy I found this:

"The spawning of any legendary is completely random, but the chance of a spawn will increase with the number of "bulls" that are escorted to that fort. So, be sure to escort the bulls to the fort where you hope for a legendary to spawn. You can also have multiple legendary spawns at different forts on the same map round, if people are escorting bulls there too."

Oh and wiki mentions "It spawn on the western side of Red Rock Bastion (anytime during the event at least level 3)." for the annihlator so I guess similar requirement applies for the other 3 legendaries as well, just different location.

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When I was going for these over the summer, for the last two I just camped out at the spawn point and waited till it showed up, jumping in on events as they came up.

If you let people know that you need a particular one, people are usually good about calling out the spawn in map chat.

I had the best success on the weekends. When you're waiting for that last one, it can seem like forever though. :)

One thing I heard or read, don't know if it's true, that you have to keep the NPC leader at the spawn points alive when they get swarmed or else the legendary doesn't spawn. I made sure to jump in and fight, not just sit there.

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@"Aaralyna.3104" said:I'm not sure if really true but on Dulfy I found this:

"The spawning of any legendary is completely random, but the chance of a spawn will increase with the number of "bulls" that are escorted to that fort. So, be sure to escort the bulls to the fort where you hope for a legendary to spawn. You can also have multiple legendary spawns at different forts on the same map round, if people are escorting bulls there too."

Oh and wiki mentions "It spawn on the western side of Red Rock Bastion (anytime during the event at least level 3)." for the annihlator so I guess similar requirement applies for the other 3 legendaries as well, just different location.

The legendaries can spawn at any fort level. However, they appear to spawn more frequently the higher level. Levels are determined by supplies by the bulls, so running bulls is thus needed. But I don't think it tracks the bull amount itself - just the fort level.

I see the legendaries spawn relatively frequently in farm maps. So it isn't "super super super rare" like OP says, though I can see that being the viewpoint. Keep forts defended, raise their level to the highest, and remain at the fort you need it for (as they do die fast, sometimes before even being called out).

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