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Suggestion to make Gliders less obsolete


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Not to mention, you can't Stealth as a griffon. You can on a glider. I wonder if those Mordem Sharpshooters are good at one-shotting griffons? :p

@Game of Bones.8975 said:Not everyone will own, or want to own, a griffon. I still use gliding as much as I did before because it is convenient, easy, and can be used in combat.Let the player modify the way they change play the game instead of having ANET change the mounts or gliders to suit a few.

This describes me. I'm on the fence about the griffon. I love my Wings of Zephyr and the griffon requires a lot more work than the other mounts to obtain.

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@runeblade.7514 said:

@TheGrimm.5624 said:Will counter with another idea, never allow Griffon to use ley-lines and updrafts and layer these into the new maps over time. Griffon still be superior to other mounts as all-terrain mount, but gliding still has distinct advantages in other ways. Personally air=glider and mounts = land, but they didn't go that way and a lot of people have now worked for and like their griffon.

I didn't buy glider skins just to be able to look cool while only usable during updrafts and leyline.

Nope, you (probably) bought glider skins to look good while gliding.

They still serve that purpose.

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@Irreverent.3594 said:Dismounting in air and gliding are intentionally not possible. Anet said so.

Where is this stated? Just curious. I really find it hard... no, I find it impossible to believe that dismounting in air isn't possible. Preferred, perhaps not, but your character state can be changed in any other way while you're in mid-flight.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@runeblade.7514 said:

@TheGrimm.5624 said:Will counter with another idea, never allow Griffon to use ley-lines and updrafts and layer these into the new maps over time. Griffon still be superior to other mounts as all-terrain mount, but gliding still has distinct advantages in other ways. Personally air=glider and mounts = land, but they didn't go that way and a lot of people have now worked for and like their griffon.

I didn't buy glider skins just to be able to look cool while only usable during updrafts and leyline.

Nope, you (probably) bought glider skins to look good while gliding.

They still serve that purpose.

I used to, but that is no longer the purpose anymore. That is what Griffon made glider obsolete for.

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@AegisRunestone.8672 said:Not to mention, you can't Stealth as a griffon. You can on a glider. I wonder if those Mordem Sharpshooters are good at one-shotting griffons? :p

I can just skip them with my griffon instead because of how fast Griffons are.

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@PopeUrban.2578 said:

@runeblade.7514 said:

@Castitalus.6359 said:Gliding isn't obsolete, but it's now niche. There's a good chance the updraft/ley line masteries won't be seen in future content and the gliders use is reduced to what many in this thread have pointed out. In combat escape and precision landing. Quite niche if you ask me.

Those reason aren't enough for me to justify the amount of money I spent on gliders. In combat escape is limited to cliffs, and precision landing is useful only to jumping puzzle. It is as niche as you say.

Maybe now you've learned your lesson about rewarding arenanet for putting rewards in the gem store in stead of in the game. All the ones you can earn without arenanet pocketing ten more bucks from someone are also backpacks.

Remember this lesson when they start selling mount skins.

Right, this lesson will definitely teach people to not support ANet with their money.

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@Cameryn.5310 said:

@Irreverent.3594 said:Dismounting in air and gliding are intentionally not possible. Anet said so.

Where is this stated? Just curious. I really find it hard... no, I find it
to believe that dismounting in air isn't possible. Preferred, perhaps not, but your character state can be changed in any other way while you're in mid-flight.

Its true. it also prevents you from hopping off a mount and swapping it for your griffon midair. Its not that its impossible to implement. its that they chose deliberately to prevent these kinds of interactions to prevent stuff like springer>glide/griffon for getting instant massive glide times from a flat surface or raptor>glide/griffon to prevent extending the rapid pace of a raptor leap in to a glide.

They did a LOT of work on the griffon to control the specific circumstances under which you can move that fast, namely you have to have a costly mount, and you have to have a high cliff to dive down from and a low enough floor to keep flying over. This prevents the griffon and glider from allowing you to skip everything everywhere as arenanet controls these interactions through map design. if they don't want you covering ground to rapidly, it allows them to build sections of a map in such a way that griffon speedboosting doesn't work, or that the ledges are such that you can't make it in a single flap. Or jump up to it from below with a springer.

Allowing it wouldn't just let mounts sort of break maps in a way anet intends. It would allow mounts to break every map from here forward. The only other option would be banning mounts in a LOT more areas, in which case they'd be single use gimmicks like mushrooms or the LS movement skills that you never see again after you're done with the map.

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griffon imo is more specialized then the glider. griffon can easily out do it in distance and speed as well as well as height management. however gliding does have some significant advantages-ability to glide midcombat/bloodstonefen gliding combat(please make those powers available everywhere); also stealth gliding when you are trying to get away for some disengage.-more precision when landing, even with the griffon able to go backwards slightly it still pretty fast and has a wider turn radius so your better off leangliding down.-smaller size, cant tell you how manytimes i crashed into an object on a griffon trying to navigate small areas.-Updraft/leylines, griffons cant use them so in areas like bloodstone fen glider>griffon.

considering PoF maps have no updrafts or leylines, griffon wins imo. it's a more close comparison in HoT maps such as verdant brink where you can get the height needed to maximize the griffons mobility and you have updrafts for gliders.

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It's as obsolete as swiftness is now sure it has it purpose however that purpose has become smaller with the inclusion on mounts. You're not going to find tons of uses for gliding in path of fire because the content was based off of the use for mounts. Chances are when next expansion comes out mounts may not even be that useful to get round as they might have a newer method of travel.

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@Cyprien.4208 said:It's as obsolete as swiftness is now sure it has it purpose however that purpose has become smaller with the inclusion on mounts. You're not going to find tons of uses for gliding in path of fire because the content was based off of the use for mounts. Chances are when next expansion comes out mounts may not even be that useful to get round as they might have a newer method of travel.

I honestly hope we're done with movement based mastries. We I think we've successfuly explored every single upgrade there is short of long range instant teleportation at will. I've been bounced, pulled, pushed, buried, teleported, vaulted, flung, carried, dangled, and exploded. I think we're done. I'd like to see Anet explore more in the way of combat based mastries similar to the HoT stealth sight and chak acid immunity or GW1's armor imbues.

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