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Soulbeast will be strong after patch


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Tbh, it won't even hurt Soulbeast to not be able to swap.

Smokescale is all they need.It has Smokefield, Evade pressure, and a Knockdown tied into it.

I guess we will really see which Soulbeasts are the ones which have strong mechanical finesse over those who fallback on Gazelle.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Tbh, it won't even hurt Soulbeast to not be able to swap.

Smokescale is all they need.It has Smokefield, Evade pressure, and a Knockdown tied into it.

I guess we will really see which Soulbeasts are the ones which have strong mechanical finesse over those who fallback on Gazelle.

Exactly smokescale is the pet to go, you don't need more, especially when merge and de merge gives the swap buff

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They completely overlooked the fact that the on-swap traits are on longer cooldowns than the actual pet swaps. In other words, soulbeast is going to be pretty clunky after the patch as we can no longer choose when to merge for beastmode skills vs. needing the on-swap traits. And that they'd activate every 2 merges (merge -> unmerge -> merge) which is just going to feel super awkward and 100x less responsive.

They should just make the f4 activate pet swap traits (without actually swapping pets, cause we only have one now) and leave the option to merge separate and unrelated. Would make more sense.

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@"Avatar.3568" said:For every soulbeast out there, I bet soulbeast will be one of the strongest, if not the strongest dps after the patch.

You don't need a gazelle


Quickness application/uptime is dropping through the floor this next patch, which means landing Mauls & WIs "which were also nerfed in damage mind you" will now have to be done primarily without quickness.

It's not going to be the consistent damage dealer that you are imagining.

Lack of quickness doesn't effect the viable application of naturally fast to mid speed attacks, it just slows the amount that land. But naturally slow animation attacks like Maul, WI, Earthshaker, Mighty Blow, ect ect, that kind of stuff becomes pretty impractical to land without leading in with a 2s or more hard CC first. Especially after this recent meta now that everyone's reflexes have been acclimated to high quickness uptime, people gonna be dodging Maul/Wi left & right man.

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  • Ranger Greatsword had the cooldowns for Maul increased from 4s to 6s, Swoop increased from 12s to 15s, and Counterattack from 15s to 25s.
  • In other words, instead of being able to Maul 15x per minute, Swoop 5x per minute, and Counterattack 4x per minute... it's now 10 Mauls, 4 Swoops, and 2 Counterattacks.
  • Traited, it went from 18 Mauls, 6 Swoops, and 5 Counterattacks to 12 Mauls, 5 Swoops, and 3 Counterattacks.

So, we've lost 3-9 skills per minute on Greatsword alone. And we don't have the quickness uptime to make our longer cooldown Mauls easier to land.

Anyways, it'll still be usable maybe but the timers not matching up is just going to feel like garbage. Core ranger will be better than soulbeast imo.

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Tbh, it won't even hurt Soulbeast to not be able to swap.

Smokescale is all they need.It has Smokefield, Evade pressure, and a Knockdown tied into it.

I guess we will really see which Soulbeasts are the ones which have strong mechanical finesse over those who fallback on Gazelle.

Exactly smokescale is the pet to go, you don't need more, especially when merge and de merge gives the swap buff

Using smokescale makes the soulbeast static as a post. I don't think smoke will be used that much although sure people will try.

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I don't see any reason why Soulbeasts would be any better after this patch. They're getting the same steady stream of damage and boon nerfs that everyone else is getting in addition to the massive nerf to their mobility.

The nerf to mobility alone is huge. Soulbeasts lose swoop and their greatsword leap is nerfed. Warriors will have the same damage and CC nerfs, but their greatsword mobility is untouched. Mobility of most other specs as well is either lightly impacted or not really impacted at all.

The Clarion/Zephyr's buff will be fine for lower level PvP, but Soulbeasts lost too many mobility and defense tools to handle being targeted like they used to.

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