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With the major patch coming up, can Anet FINALLY update Hundred Blades please?


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@choovanski.5462 said:

@"lighter.2708" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to
reduce the damage accordingly
to the reduction of the channel time?

So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.

So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?

So you are arguing for a faster channel that does less damage, which results in roughly the same amount of damage landing as before... whats the point in changing the skill then?

Because it would feel better to use.

It's not just about the actual balance of the skill (which is very important), but also how good it feels on the player end to use it.If being stuck in one spot for such a long time in attempt to use the whole duration of the skill only to never see value on the tail end of it, it's a waste time.Reduce the channel, reduce the damage and you can go back to the flow of the fight sooner, which will feel better.

So basically, nerf the skill cap? Why? If there's something about warrior that
does have
skill display, it's optimizing your damage rotations. Calling having options (even if rare, but still having it) a waste of time seems like the opinion of a someone who just wants to mash their keys to gain most out of it.

wow, some one who agrees that faster the skill casts, lesser skill involved.rare to see in an era where people just spam insta casts and say it's skillful

I think u both are confusing skills being designed to promote skillful play with being being poorly designed and clunky to use with in a game meant to have a fast playstyle.

Is it poorly designed, though? Consider warrior's whole kit and traits alongside it, for a second. The whole contains a number of ways to 1) CC your opponent, 2) Take advantage of that by turning it into A) lockdown, or B) burst.

Hundred Blades fits into that design slot like bread 'n butter. Not to mention, well, quickness via sigils (I can't recall the traits warrior has, if any).

there are lots of young players who don't remember bulls charge frenzy 100b

can't blame em for thinking 100b looks bad amidst two expansions of powercreep. but it's not badly designed, people are just too used to overloaded badly designed skills that when they see a situational skill that synergizes with the kit- they think it's bad because you can't just spam it whenever. so they want to just make it arc divider lol

imagine having to set up a damage skill XD

That's the combo used by all not sure how anyone would forget it let alone players of 6 yrs such of myself. The fact that there's stability and stunbreaks readily available makes the combo unreliable and outside of the combo or downstate makes 100b useless hence the problem. If u getting hit with a full chain of 100 blades ur either in downstate or got hard cc'd and have no stability or stunbreaks left, or just a very bad player standing their eating it for some reason lol. A skills usefulness should not be that limited.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:A skill being of poor design does not inherently make it more skillful in use.The fact 100 blades needs certain limited situations to preform it's full chain does not make it a more skillful skill especially since those limited situations can be easily avoided or shutdown by good players. Just makes it garbage design :)

I don't think the skill is poorly designed. It is a very unique skill that can be very fun to play with, it requires the Warrior to really think about how he is going to best utilize the skill. However, from many many years of experience playing Warrior, I believe a 3.5s cast time is just too long for a channeled melee ability that requires you to stay stationary. It's not that skill is particularly weak in terms of the DPS payoff you get, its that a 3.5s channeled, stationary melee ability (or just about any ability with a 3.5 channel time) simply does not fit within the gameplay of GW2 PvP. The game is too movement based, too fast paced, with too short CC's and too many stun breaks for a 3.5s channeled melee ability to fit well and really feel good. Yes, it has the potential to do an insane amount of damage, but in some match ups the skill is quite literally useless. Now, I'm not saying the skill should loose its identity. I believe a very simple change, just reducing the cast time and damage to something like 2.5 or 2s with less damage POTENTIAL but roughly the same or potentially slightly more DPS (as the last hit would be landing more often), would make the skill FEEL so much better to use. It would feel very satisfying to land that final strike on an opponent when you do manage to land a good CC that isn't stun broken. Also, the skill could be better utilized without necessarily needing a hard CC. It just feels so clunky to use right now and I feel this would be worth trying to remedy that. Plus, I imagine this would be a super simply change for Anet to code, wouldn't require any fancy reworks or new animations. Just touch up some numbers to make the skill better fit into the current paradigm of GW2 PvP.

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@Girth.9731 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:A skill being of poor design does not inherently make it more skillful in use.The fact 100 blades needs certain limited situations to preform it's full chain does not make it a more skillful skill especially since those limited situations can be easily avoided or shutdown by good players. Just makes it garbage design :)

I don't think the skill is poorly designed. It is a very unique skill that can be very fun to play with, it requires the Warrior to really think about how he is going to best utilize the skill. However, from many many years of experience playing Warrior, I believe a 3.5s cast time is just too long for a channeled melee ability that requires you to stay stationary. It's not that skill is particularly weak in terms of the DPS payoff you get, its that a 3.5s channeled, stationary melee ability (or just about any ability with a 3.5 channel time) simply does not fit within the gameplay of GW2 PvP. The game is too movement based, too fast paced, with too short CC's and too many stun breaks for a 3.5s channeled melee ability to fit well and really feel good. Yes, it has the potential to do an insane amount of damage, but in some match ups the skill is quite literally useless. Now, I'm not saying the skill should loose its identity. I believe a very simple change, just reducing the cast time
and damage
to something like 2.5 or 2s with less damage POTENTIAL but roughly the same or potentially slightly more DPS (as the last hit would be landing more often), would make the skill FEEL so much better to use. It would feel very satisfying to land that final strike on an opponent when you do manage to land a good CC that isn't stun broken. Also, the skill could be better utilized without necessarily needing a hard CC. It just feels so clunky to use right now and I feel this would be worth trying to remedy that. Plus, I imagine this would be a super simply change for Anet to code, wouldn't require any fancy reworks or new animations. Just touch up some numbers to make the skill better fit into the current paradigm of GW2 PvP.

I agree I like the skill itself but when I say poorly designed I mean the cast time alone especially given the root effect.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?Almost every warrior use GS for a reason, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?Almost every warrior use GS for a reason, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

Cant have a weaponset with all insanely good skills need weak one for balance purposes as if all skills are insanely good but HB which they arnt was my point.Big deeps whirlwind under certain circumstances like having full boons up or if u can get all three off doesn't make a hard hitting skill as any skill under right circumstances can be but isn't the norm.Can generate might? So what most classes can to and yeah mmr is also a thing but pails in comparison to the healing of a lot of specs so point is? Also might is getting gutted, mmr and healing sig as well so those won't even be a significant factor.Remember most people that are talking about changes to their classes skills in recent post are thinking post patch.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?Almost every warrior use GS for a reason, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

Cant have a weaponset with all insanely good skills need weak one for balance purposes as if all skills are insanely good but HB which they arnt was my point.Big deeps whirlwind under certain circumstances like having full boons up or if u can get all three off doesn't make a hard hitting skill as any skill under right circumstances can be but isn't the norm.Can generate might? So what most classes can to and yeah mmr is also a thing but pails in comparison to the healing of a lot of specs so point is? Also might is getting gutted, mmr and healing sig as well so those won't even be a significant factor.Remember most people that are talking about changes to their classes skills in recent post are thinking post patch.

What makes you believe that after the patch 100blades will be more lackluster then it is now? IF anything due to lower ammouts of stab/stun removal. It might be much easier to stun into 100blades. and dmg nerf? instead of hitting for 25k it will hit for 18k, still 100%-0% people with full channel.Warrior doesnt have problems with big boon upkeep, it positively vomits might from everything, from attacking, switching weapons, doding...currently average gs3 tick hits for about 2-3k. you dont have to land all 4 to make this an insane ability. landing 2 ticks is already a huge deal, but when you land 4 its just ridiculous. This is why its damage got reduced my alot.

EDITMagebane Tether: Reduced the number of might stacks from 2 to 1Versatile Power: Reduced might duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds

From what I can see warrior wills till roll around with perma 15-20might.crit gs still has same might generation, frenzy still same might gen, dodge still same might gen. and mb 20 might signet becomes meta shrug

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?
Almost every warrior use GS for a reason
, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

The reason for this is because most of the other weapons are trash.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?
Almost every warrior use GS for a reason
, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

The reason for this is because most of the other weapons are trash.

lets go with that, why not buff trash weapons. and leave good weapons as they are ?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?
Almost every warrior use GS for a reason
, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

The reason for this is because most of the other weapons are trash.

lets go with that, why not buff trash weapons. and leave good weapons as they are ?

I’m wondering too. Why won’t they?

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?
Almost every warrior use GS for a reason
, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

The reason for this is because most of the other weapons are trash.

lets go with that, why not buff trash weapons. and leave good weapons as they are ?

I’m wondering too. Why won’t they?

becouse nobody asks for it, instead you have a guy asking for a buff for the strongest weapon, instead of asking for buff for the weakest ones.I dont play much warrior anymore so I dont care all that much, and even if I didnt I wouldnt know what to buff/fix and what role do specific weapons play for warrior other then what is meta.Every weapon set should have its niche, there shouldnt be a set thats better at everything and thats it. Unfortunately that is not the case in alot of classes, not just warrior.My hopes are that those things will get addressed one day. For example there was a guy that made a nice post with buff ideas for mesmer, the stuff that is not used becouse the stuff he mentioned are super bad. Maybe all classes should gather all the trash filler skills/traits/utilities and go from there.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?
Almost every warrior use GS for a reason
, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

The reason for this is because most of the other weapons are trash.

lets go with that, why not buff trash weapons. and leave good weapons as they are ?

I’m wondering too. Why won’t they?

becouse nobody asks for it, instead you have a guy asking for a buff for the strongest weapon, instead of asking for buff for the weakest ones.I dont play much warrior anymore so I dont care all that much, and even if I didnt I wouldnt know what to buff/fix and what role do specific weapons play for warrior other then what is meta.Every weapon set should have its niche, there shouldnt be a set thats better at everything and thats it. Unfortunately that is not the case in alot of classes, not just warrior.My hopes are that those things will get addressed one day. For example there was a guy that made a nice post with buff ideas for mesmer, the stuff that is not used becouse the stuff he mentioned are super bad. Maybe all classes should gather all the trash filler skills/traits/utilities and go from there.

Lmao dont even pretend like that's ur agenda. If we were on here asking for buffs to any warrior weapon or any weapon on any class other then mesmer or its especs ud be in the post discussion explaining why either it's fine or why it should in fact be nerfed.Look at this thread it's a warrior asking for a slight change to a skill that roots u and has a 3.5 sec cast time to make it feel better to use in combat and u not even a warrior player devotes his time and attention to shut down takes of how the skill could be improved, why?No skill is perfect and can always be improved in some way so why can't anyone other than a mesmer main discuss it?If a discussion was brought up regarding improving another warrior weapon the result would be the same I guarentee it. discussions are made more often about commonly used weapons or builds due to the fact their decent as is hence why their commonly used meaning the changes to improve them are smaller and if u kno the history of the changes in this game means more more chance of the changes happening. Calling for buff on unused weapons usually includes needing actual reworks which falls on def ears for years if changes are ever made in first place due to to scope of the changes needed so people pick the the weapons that have a higher chance to see changes.Also if a weapon set is used 10x more than others than the issues of those weapons will be brought up more frequently.I'd love to see more post about other warrior weapons in need of love just so players that dont play the class can flood that post to explaining why the weapons fine as is and it's the warriors error in not seeing their use lol.It's simple human behavior, no one wants seeing a class they fight against or don't play see improvements especially if their class isnt seeing any themselves lol.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im sorry to burst your bouble friends but HB is bad and its ment to be bad.you can have weapon with 5 insane good skills, you need some weak ones to balance it out.

Bladetrail is insanely good now? I must be using it wrong haha

I guess you are, its not amazing but its not bad. It does decent damage, easy to force dodges with it and its ranged on melee class.and if you get lucky and doubletap with it it can do some good numbers like 6-8k.Most warriors I meet just throw it max range, it gets sidestepped and thats it.

Hey look its Leo doing his rounds jumping into ever thread of classes he doesnt play to argue their either fine or need nerfs lol.Only his classes are underpowered and mistreated :)

Gs has 5 insanely good skills eh?Gs2 has a cast time requiring conditions to be met to complete the whole chain, most times even with quickness running and ur rooted on top.

Gs3 whirlwind spins three times throughout a range meaning unless a opponent is against a structure u at most hit 2 of three spins and a lot of times only one. The evade and mobility make up for this though. Notice gs2 has no real plus?

Gs4 slow blade throw that is very easy to evade, nuff said.

Gs5 gap closer that's easy to evade and a strike that slow at end also easy to dodge. Mobility and fact it tracks invisible targets kinda makes up for its downsides.

The only thing that makes greatsword good is its extra evade and mobility it provides. Far from 5 insanely good skills.

I could be wrong but I've read u saying ur not a pvp expert etc how long have u been pvping and how many hrs on these classes u claim are fine as is? I would hope all ur hrs arnt on mesmer and ur telling players how their own classes are fine and how they should be nerfed(in some cases)Just curious is all.

First of all, I never said GS had 5 amazing skills, nobody likes people that put words into others mouths, stop it.Sec of all, this " only 1 dodge and mobility " weapon hits awfully big numbers, you sure its just mobility and evade? and not also damage, healing, might and endurance generation ?
Almost every warrior use GS for a reason
, buffing one of its skills is not needed.

The reason for this is because most of the other weapons are trash.

lets go with that, why not buff trash weapons. and leave good weapons as they are ?

I’m wondering too. Why won’t they?

becouse nobody asks for it, instead you have a guy asking for a buff for the strongest weapon, instead of asking for buff for the weakest ones.I dont play much warrior anymore so I dont care all that much, and even if I didnt I wouldnt know what to buff/fix and what role do specific weapons play for warrior other then what is meta.Every weapon set should have its niche, there shouldnt be a set thats better at everything and thats it. Unfortunately that is not the case in alot of classes, not just warrior.My hopes are that those things will get addressed one day. For example there was a guy that made a nice post with buff ideas for mesmer, the stuff that is not used becouse the stuff he mentioned are super bad. Maybe all classes should gather all the trash filler skills/traits/utilities and go from there.

Lmao dont even pretend like that's ur agenda. If we were on here asking for buffs to any warrior weapon or any weapon on any class other then mesmer or its especs ud be in the post discussion explaining why either it's fine or why it should in fact be nerfed.Look at this thread it's a warrior asking for a slight change to a skill that roots u and has a 3.5 sec cast time to make it feel better to use in combat and u not even a warrior player devotes his time and attention to shut down takes of how the skill could be improved, why?No skill is perfect and can always be improved in some way so why can't anyone other than a mesmer main discuss it?If a discussion was brought up regarding improving another warrior weapon the result would be the same I guarentee it. discussions are made more often about commonly used weapons or builds due to the fact their decent as is hence why their commonly used meaning the changes to improve them are smaller and if u kno the history of the changes in this game means more more chance of the changes happening. Calling for buff on unused weapons usually includes needing actual reworks which falls on def ears for years if changes are ever made in first place due to to scope of the changes needed so people pick the the weapons that have a higher chance to see changes.Also if a weapon set is used 10x more than others than the issues of those weapons will be brought up more frequently.I'd love to see more post about other warrior weapons in need of love just so players that dont play the class can flood that post to explaining why the weapons fine as is and it's the warriors error in not seeing their use lol.It's simple human behavior, no one wants seeing a class they fight against or don't play see improvements especially if their class isnt seeing any themselves lol.

there is no point arguing then is there? you think im wrong, I think you are wrong.you go hawdy ho, beg for buffs to the strongest weapon, ill go hawdy lo and ask for buffs to the weakest weapons. o/

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I agree, 100b is outdated, horrible and clunky to use and makes you look like a total idiot slashing the air after they walked away.From a PvE side, the AI are dumb enough to stand infront of you as you do 100b, but WvW and PvP 100b is horrible to use, and forces the player to take a CC to use the skill.

The idea of having 100b dash around in an AOE area could make the skill quite fun to use and in a way... feel less static.The idea of having 100b allow the use of movement, could be interesting but the damage overall would have to go down, but maybe add a projectile block function to the skill (only active during the slash with gaps in between).

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