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Dragon Banner has not been weakened


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yeah, let's make everything hit like a wet noodle! great! ... how about applying that to thieves, rangers, mesmers and every condi option? make condi-dmg deal [current dmg per tick]0,001 ... limit quick characters attack dmg in equality to nerf of high dps cc effects. then we'd have balance, the balance of the wet noodle! stripe dps of everything, i heard golems do dmg too, better make that 0,00001337 since they are siege weapons and only should hurt doors?


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Whatever dragonbanner was supposed to do for the weaker teams, it is absolutely being abused by the larger dominant teams that don't need them in the first place. So not only do you have to fight outnumbered under siege, you are forced to eat multiple dragonbanners, making the already lopsided fights ridiculous and not fun. There are no checks and balances to dragonbanners. They were already being abused pre-patch, but now post-patch when everybody's doing less damage, dragonbanners seem completely out of place.

Just avoid the huge red marks? Yes after you've already burned your double dodges (sometimes triple) when fighting the actual zerg so you can have a fighting chance, the red carpets come out marking the whole ground red. And more often than not it's being abused by the dominant side with the larger presence on the map. The teams that do not need them are using them, that's part of the larger problem along with the damage it deals.

Please anet...

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Really, they should have taken action long ago. It does not take a balance expert to tell you that it would be OP when they nerf all other damage sources. It was already OP before they nerfed everything. Now relative to all these weaker skills, it's a new level of OP. TAKE ACTION. What is there to mull over?

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Try hards will always have these. And poor pugs will always step and be killed. Because not all got good comp or connection to see the fire and lag etc. Or sustain

Unless your stapple food and run is - condition duration x melandru or anti toxin or hoelbrak. It will eat you up fast.

Dragon banner is anti casual players.

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If you think the problem is the condi ticks you completely misunderstand how to use Dragon Banner. Its power spike is unrivaled. You can easily hit PvE benchmark numbers just by dropping the 5 skill in the right place at the right time. Not to mention it has 2 types of CC both which do massive power damage. One of those CCs is something like 3000 range and can hit a stupidly high number of targets (something like 20 or more). The other CC has virtually no cooldown at all. It's ridiculously OP.

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Yep, dragon banner needs nerfs. It isn't even a discussion which banner to put in a tower/keep. At least turtle was indirectly nerfed by nerfing people who you were supporting.

just make the 5 skill deal no damage and pulse weakness+might+quickness instead.

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