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I've been playing a lot more lately, personally really happy for a shake up patch and to be able to queue for something outside conquest.

Looking forward to the follow up patch to address obvious balance issues such as Necro/Firebrand and others.

PMA post :smile:

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@toxic.3648 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:chaith make a holo sd build and lead the meta, you're born to it lad

I've wracked my brain and I'm unhappy with all Holo iterations that aren't really tanky. I've failed

u havent tried hard enough :) i made power holo build that kills condi rev, fb, necro 1v1 np.. no prot holo either

Power holo that beats Necro and Firebrand 1v1 NO PROBLEM, it may be true that I should continue theorcrafting Holo but it's 99% certain that you're talking out of your bum.

Edit: Feel free to have your build publicly tested or scrutinized, post it

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:chaith make a holo sd build and lead the meta, you're born to it lad

I've wracked my brain and I'm unhappy with all Holo iterations that aren't really tanky. I've failed

u havent tried hard enough :) i made power holo build that kills condi rev, fb, necro 1v1 np.. no prot holo either

Power holo that beats Necro and Firebrand 1v1 NO PROBLEM, it may be true that I should continue theorcrafting Holo but it's 99% certain that you're talking out of your bum.

Edit: Feel free to have your build publicly tested or scrutinized, post it

well im so sure of it i feel confident enough calling out the "legendary chaith" for not trying hard enough :) take that as u will

im not metabattle tho so u have to build craft urself. not handing out free candy here

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@"toxic.3648" said:im not metabattle tho so u have to build craft urself. not handing out free candy here

That's what I thought :+1:

ye why in the world should i hand out a build that works? nets me 400-500k dmg a game and can go toe2toe with the current "broken" builds?if u of all ppl in the engi playerbase hasnt come up with something workable yet im def not gonna hand it out for free doing all the work for u guys xD

but ill give u a tidbit. try mortar and ditch the rifle.pengu out o/

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@toxic.3648 said:

@toxic.3648 said:im not metabattle tho so u have to build craft urself. not handing out free candy here

That's what I thought :+1:

ye why in the world should i hand out a build that works? nets me 400-500k dmg a game and can go toe2toe with the current "broken" builds?if u of all ppl in the engi playerbase hasnt come up with something workable yet im def not gonna hand it out for free doing all the work for u guys xD

but ill give u a tidbit. try mortar and ditch the rifle.pengu out o/

A bit annoying that you are doing mic drops and looking down on others, yet you're only beating equally skilled broken bunker Necro and Firebrand in your dreams.

Edit: name checks out :smile:

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If you don't mind me interjecting, I'm sure the two of you can come to a binding agreement as to how to go about this build testing exchange without making it publicly available. From where I stand, @toxic.3648 has to PM @Chaith.8256 who will be required to enter a binding agreement not to stream, discuss said build. And Test it if he so wishes (doubtful). Unless @toxic.3648 is full of toxic blowing hot steam that is.

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