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Force of Will in WvW


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I have only deeper knowledge of wvw, so the things stated here only apply there. I would love, If anyone can add insights for other modes.


The trait "Force of Will" is extremely unhealthy in my opinion. Not for the gameplay as a whole but rather for the Guardian itself.

In WvW, the straight is unrivaled strong for a healing guard. I have come up with this reasons:

300 Vitality is very much for a tank. Almost 4000 LP. This alone is pretty strong.The increased healing counts, as opposed to most other traits increasing healing in guarding, for every kind of healing. Most other traits just focus on one aspect of the guarding, most of the time its not a "character" trait but rather a certain kind of abilities.

My point is: You can literally not take this trait if you are tank guard / heal guard. I think this is pretty sad because it leaves a lot of other traits and even complete traitlines completely unused.I would love this trait to be either nerfed or rather reworked for the sake of more diversity.

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It was nerfed in heal percentage already.

Writ of Persistence isn't used because symbols aren't reliable damage in WvW; Pure of Voice would be used if you had shouts other than Stand Your Ground worth using."Receive the Light!" might see some use after the mantra nerf"Hold the Line!" is unlikely to replace Mantra of Lore."Retreat!" is not compelling enough because swiftness is available on heralds , staff elementalists of all types, and warhorn warriors as well as tome 2 (resolve) skills"Save Yourselves!" is suicidal in a condi heavy meta"Feel My Wrath!" isn't worth taking over Mantra of Liberation or Renewed Focus unless you're a DPS power guardian

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@"Seffen.2875" said:I have only deeper knowledge of wvw, so the things stated here only apply there. I would love, If anyone can add insights for other modes.


The trait "Force of Will" is extremely unhealthy in my opinion. Not for the gameplay as a whole but rather for the Guardian itself.

In WvW, the straight is unrivaled strong for a healing guard. I have come up with this reasons:

300 Vitality is very much for a tank. Almost 4000 LP. This alone is pretty strong.The increased healing counts, as opposed to most other traits increasing healing in guarding, for every kind of healing. Most other traits just focus on one aspect of the guarding, most of the time its not a "character" trait but rather a certain kind of abilities.

My point is: You can literally not take this trait if you are tank guard / heal guard. I think this is pretty sad because it leaves a lot of other traits and even complete traitlines completely unused.I would love this trait to be either nerfed or rather reworked for the sake of more diversity.

That trait has existed for a very long time and and your numbers are inflatedTry identifying the actual problem here.

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Actually the health gain from this trait takes 11, 645 to 14, 645 which is still below baseline middle health pool tier which is 15,922 (without any traits) and nowhere near top health pool tier which 19,212 (also without traits) so to call this tankish is really pretty laughable. I would also strongly suggest that you check out the other classes traits that also give additional Vitality before you make comments as to if Force of Will is over powered ( note most of these are not even GrandMaster traits ).https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vitality

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@Aeolus.3615 said:Buff healing ticks from the spirit weapon bow XD

Force of will: drop to 150 vit plus better output modifier as compensation.

If they were to lower it to 150 Vitality they should also lower the trait from Grand Master to either Adept or Master being as there are already precedents with other traits in other classes giving either 120 as a Adept and 180 as a Master (note all of these other traits also give an additional beneficial bonus of some kind)and another option is to give a bonus to Vitality based off of a percentage value from another Stat instead of a flat base number which again there are existing examples of with other traits on other classes already in the game.

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@"Seffen.2875" said:I have only deeper knowledge of wvw, so the things stated here only apply there. I would love, If anyone can add insights for other modes.


The trait "Force of Will" is extremely unhealthy in my opinion. Not for the gameplay as a whole but rather for the Guardian itself.

In WvW, the straight is unrivaled strong for a healing guard. I have come up with this reasons:

300 Vitality is very much for a tank. Almost 4000 LP. This alone is pretty strong.The increased healing counts, as opposed to most other traits increasing healing in guarding, for every kind of healing. Most other traits just focus on one aspect of the guarding, most of the time its not a "character" trait but rather a certain kind of abilities.

My point is: You can literally not take this trait if you are tank guard / heal guard. I think this is pretty sad because it leaves a lot of other traits and even complete traitlines completely unused.I would love this trait to be either nerfed or rather reworked for the sake of more diversity.

Do you realize how many builds can 'literally not take' 1 specific trait when you designate a SPECIFIC role such as tank? If I say condi rev I name you two grandmaster traits that are a must have.

So this is misleading. Sure if you name the role you can make this case for any class. But every other style of guard possible is not taking this trait.

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