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Post patch Scrapper


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Post patch scrapper has many problems :

* Damage nerf :

Electro-Whirl (hammer 2) and Thunderclap (hammer 5) damage reduced by 44%, compared to the 33% of the patchElectro-Whirl and Rocket Charge (hammer 3) cooldown increased by 33% et 50% respecitvelyScrapper was underperforming last patch, relatively to other classes, and was nerfed more than most. The nerfed CD on Rocket Blast reduced mobility on an already low mobility melee class. Many classes can just decide to walk/tp away from a scrapper if the fight isn't in their favor, and there is nothing scrapper can do to chase them.

* Heal nerf :

Healing Turret and Medic Gyro CD increased by 50%Instead of dynamic fights over time, you have 30 secs of almost no heal, into a heal burst. Long CD on heal feels bad, binary and gimmicky, instead of smooth. You have to play hide and seek too much to survive. Other heals have too many trade-offs.

* trade-offs :

You can't have enough anti-CC, condi cleanse, and damage potential. If you take enough condi cleanse (Purge Gyro for instance), you lose break-stuns/stability/offensive utilities. If you take the break-stuns, you don't have enough condi cleanse. If you take both you have no damage. Considering that in conquest you face a plurality of players (playing condis, power or support). This means you'll be decent against some, and hard countered by others. You can't efficiently prepare for all. That is simply not fun and interactive.I know it's the same for many classes post patch, and that is why there should be, imo, more access to anti-CC/condi cleanse. Currently, anti-CC and condi cleanse are very unevenly distributed between classes.

* Overall patch problems

There is currently too much CC / not enough anti CC.Condi cleanse uneven between classesSome builds simply disappearedIncreased CD are really not fun and interactive.

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i used to play hammer war in pvp (unranked) it was niche but fun.it suffers from the same symptoms as scrapper, the nerf to cc skills damage has caused a large number of their skills to do no damage,Hammer may aswell be removed from the game at this point.

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@Exedore.6320 said:Ran into Chaith playing scrapper this weekend. Nearly impossible to kill. Seems like it's working pretty well to me!

Yeah I just read this thread and logged on Scrapper. It's in a decent spot, I would consider it pretty balanced.

It's probably the best Engi has to offer - around equal to Prot Holo, they both do pretty much the same thing except Scrapper has Stability and less aggressive damage.

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Yes, you have to pick one or the other, damage or tank. That's how it works.

I've seen tanky scrappers that will be incredibly important once 5v5 is ranked again. They'll hold nodes forever.And I've seen dps scrappers that burst damage.

Why should you do both?

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@Chaith.8256 said:Yeah I just read this thread and logged on Scrapper. It's in a decent spot, I would consider it pretty balanced.I agree, scrapper actually seems balanced. My problem is rather that the increased CDs make it less fun to play (which is subjective). Playing with fields was something I enjoyed, and you can do less of that now. Rocket Charge was great in many situations (gap closing, escaping, combo leap, evade, damage), which is also probably the reason it was nerfed like it was.

@Stallic.2397 said:Yes, you have to pick one or the other, damage or tank. That's how it works.I've seen tanky scrappers that will be incredibly important once 5v5 is ranked again. They'll hold nodes forever.And I've seen dps scrappers that burst damage.Why should you do both?I agree, you shouldn' t be a bunker and a big damage dealer. That is a logical trade-off.What I want, optimally, is for duels to be decided by player skill. However, if you play as a side noder, you can encounter power/condi/support based duelist. Auto losing vs a high condi class, or a high power class (hypothetically) isn't fun. Soft counter > hard counter.In game, this is balanced around the fact that Conquest is a team match. If you have an unfavorable match-up, you can either let another player fight, or wait for a +1.From an individual perspective though it means there are players you wont beat in 1v1 (assuming same skill level).Last I played was around 2016, and I could face every class, and every class could face me. It felt like skill was the deciding factor.

But the patch is new, maybe I just haven't adapted yet. The fact that conquest is only playable in unranked might be another reason, as skill disparity can be pretty high, and people are still trying to figure the patch out.

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