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Trading Post Gold Transaction Limit

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@"Cuks.8241" said:I can't understand how you would scam them if you agreed to the middle man. Or are they afraid you obtained item illegitimately since you can't prove it dropped to you?

If the "neutral" middle man actually works with one or the other party, they can scam someone.

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@Cuks.8241 said:I can't understand how you would scam them if you agreed to the middle man. Or are they afraid you obtained item illegitimately since you can't prove it dropped to you?

yeah they are not sure If I got the item legitimately or not and they also made me a offer that if I can do a successful trade in gw2echange they will take me back in to their trading group. The thing is, I only joined because I wanted to trade the egg not to trade stack of ectos like they do xD

But as I have said they ware respectful and polite with their answers and Its their group they can choose who can trade there or not. They have no reason to trust me and typically they do not want a scandal related to their group I assume.

Also I am in support for the trading post As it drains gold from the economy and I have seen many games where gold becomes irrelevant like Diablo 3 or By now cost of gems would be like 2k gold for 2k gems and would be unfair to fresh players. So here I am asking to ANET to lift the limit. It hurts no one.If someone wants to sell 1 ecto for 50k gold, let him put it there keep your listing fee and trade fee. > @Daddicus.6128 said:

@Cuks.8241 said:I can't understand how you would scam them if you agreed to the middle man. Or are they afraid you obtained item illegitimately since you can't prove it dropped to you?

If the "neutral" middle man actually works with one or the other party, they can scam someone.

I asked them to bring middle men as I did not knew any, so I was in risk not them

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A lot of these high priced items will be bought to keep the prices high.. bit like de beers used to do with diamonds. They used to buy he majority of the worlds diamonds and then choose what price they could be sold at and how many would be released. This helps keep the prices artificially high.

Some GW2 TP traders have stockpiles of these to show off their wealth and have created a bit of a pyramid effect. Drop rates can change if anet chooses to - as they are the ones which choose the supply of the market. The people who it will affect most are those who have stockpiled them.

The average player is not affected, someone who has one or two may see a cut in their items value. Those who use them because they like the effect are not affected. The people who use them to flaunt their wealth are the most affected.

ANET has changed drop rates of items in the past - both increase and decreased for numerous items. (Halloween weapons for example - eg Revenge, and modified drop rates from silverwastes).

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@"crepuscular.9047" said:things that have those ridiculous prices are all manipulated by the gold barrons

10K TP limit means Anet does not intend for anything to worth over 10K to keep the economy in check

If they didn't intend for it then they shouldn't have given it a ludicrously low drop rate or done more to remove gold from the game coughbring back repair costscough

Forcing "le barons" to just side step the TP entirely actually has the opposite effect since there's now no longer any tax on the trade being sucked out of circulation

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