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Why isn't there a proper friend request system?

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@casualkenny.9817 said:A plus point is, strangers can't ping you with bogus requests repeatedly to annoy you, as can be done in some other gamesThey can, however, stalk you within the game, and there's not much you can do about it. Sure, it doesn't happen very often, but it happens often enough - you can see posts about it every now and then. And no, unless they'll also do something that in itself is ban-worthy (like using sanctionable language), Anet support is generally not going to interfere at all.

@Ashantara.8731 said:The whole Friends/Block system is in need of an overhaul, but I guess it isn't high on the priority list.Unfortunately, that has been true ever since the launch day. And we're still not even a step closer to having a better system.

@Hashberry.4510 said:I think this is the kind of thing they had in mind when the system was made. People were not so obsessive about strangers then.The complains about the system (and the reasons for the complains) started from the very beginning of the game. It's no different today than it was those 7 years ago.

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@"zealex.9410" said:Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers.

On a lighter note, they prob thought being denied a friend request would be too much for some ppl so instead they gave us twitter's follower system but worse.

Why do you think that ArenaNet is fine with "ppl get chased off the game by stalkers."? Do you have any evidence for that claim? You should be very carefull with what you say and how you say that. Stalking and harassement is a reportable offence and punished by ArenaNet! (I first handendly heard of several cases where accounts got permanently banned)

Please show me evidence for what you just said. These are some serious allegations towards a gaming company who has a high reputation for social gaming. And no, the current friend/block system is no evidence for your claim.

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@Wubbbi.8172 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers.

On a lighter note, they prob thought being denied a friend request would be too much for some ppl so instead they gave us twitter's follower system but worse.

Why do you think that ArenaNet is fine with "ppl get chased off the game by stalkers."? Do you have any evidence for that claim? You should be very carefull with what you say and how you say that. Stalking and harassement is a reportable offence and punished by ArenaNet! (I first handendly heard of several cases where accounts got permanently banned)

Please show me evidence for what you just said. These are some serious allegations towards a gaming company who has a high reputation for social gaming. And no, the current friend/block system is no evidence for your claim.

First of all, i dont have any proof that anet wont ban someone if they get reports that said person is a stalker, the reason i say anet is fine withit its because they think its acceptable to go in after the dmg its done and offer bans and what not (which however effective may be i cant say without having proof that it happens all the time or fast enough)

The problem is the friendlist and the block function and the fact they havent adressed this for near 8 years speaks plenty about how important it is to them.

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You never have situation where you think someone is your friend and they don't consider you friend? I add people I like to my friend list all the time, it would be so much work to try to make friend first before you can add a person to your friend list. Also my friend list consist of PVE boss train commander, and WvW commander, do I need to make friends with them first to know where they are running a train? if that happen is the case, it would annoy me so much because then I have to re-plan how I play.

Some of my friend on the list are TROLL in PvP that I am trying to avoid, if they are online i just don't queue in PvP, do I really want to be friend with them, no! the friend list to me is a convenient for me not a place for making friends. My friends I see them everyday in WvW. I don't even need to add them.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers.

On a lighter note, they prob thought being denied a friend request would be too much for some ppl so instead they gave us twitter's follower system but worse.

Why do you think that ArenaNet is fine with "ppl get chased off the game by stalkers."? Do you have any evidence for that claim? You should be very carefull with what you say and how you say that. Stalking and harassement is a reportable offence and punished by ArenaNet! (I first handendly heard of several cases where accounts got permanently banned)

Please show me evidence for what you just said. These are some serious allegations towards a gaming company who has a high reputation for social gaming. And no, the current friend/block system is no evidence for your claim.

First of all, i dont have any proof that anet wont ban someone if they get reports that said person is a stalker, the reason i say anet is fine withit its because they think its acceptable to go in after the dmg its done and offer bans and what not (which however effective may be i cant say without having proof that it happens all the time or fast enough)

The problem is the friendlist and the block function and the fact they havent adressed this for near 8 years speaks plenty about how important it is to them.

Well you didn't say that in your first comment. I quote again : "Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers." and that is simply not true. And it's not what you say in your 2nd comment now.Also, you can ONLY punish people after the damage is done. That is how justice works. You can't say "Oh, I think he will harass people in 2 weeks, let's ban him now". (Unless you have valid proof that someone plans to do something against the rules (law) ofc!) That is not how any justice systems work. It's not ArenaNets job to assume that every player is a stalker or a bad person. I want you to keep in mind that we talk about a minority here.I am also not debating whether the system for friends/block is good or bad, this has nothing to do with this. I am talking about your unfounded allegations which are by the way still unfounded!

Let me give you an example: In most countrys, there is no law that you have to lock the door to your home. Does that mean that the government is fine with people breaking in other peoples homes? No, they are definetly not. -> Just because ArenaNet has this current system (good or bad) does not mean that they are fine with harassment and stalking. (Which is exactly what you said!)

Please refrain from making false allegations publicly. Thank you!

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@Wubbbi.8172 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers.

On a lighter note, they prob thought being denied a friend request would be too much for some ppl so instead they gave us twitter's follower system but worse.

Why do you think that ArenaNet is fine with "ppl get chased off the game by stalkers."? Do you have any evidence for that claim? You should be very carefull with what you say and how you say that. Stalking and harassement is a reportable offence and punished by ArenaNet! (I first handendly heard of several cases where accounts got permanently banned)

Please show me evidence for what you just said. These are some serious allegations towards a gaming company who has a high reputation for social gaming. And no, the current friend/block system is no evidence for your claim.

First of all, i dont have any proof that anet wont ban someone if they get reports that said person is a stalker, the reason i say anet is fine withit its because they think its acceptable to go in after the dmg its done and offer bans and what not (which however effective may be i cant say without having proof that it happens all the time or fast enough)

The problem is the friendlist and the block function and the fact they havent adressed this for near 8 years speaks plenty about how important it is to them.

Well you didn't say that in your first comment. I quote again : "Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers." and that is simply not true. And it's not what you say in your 2nd comment now.Also, you can ONLY punish people after the damage is done. That is how justice works. You can't say "Oh, I think he will harass people in 2 weeks, let's ban him now". (Unless you have valid proof that someone plans to do something against the rules (law) ofc!) That is not how any justice systems work. It's not ArenaNets job to assume that every player is a stalker or a bad person. I want you to keep in mind that we talk about a minority here.I am also not debating whether the system for friends/block is good or bad, this has nothing to do with this. I am talking about your unfounded allegations which are by the way still unfounded!

Let me give you an example: In most countrys, there is no law that you have to lock the door to your home. Does that mean that the government is fine with people breaking in other peoples homes? No, they are definetly not. -> Just because ArenaNet has this current system (good or bad) does not mean that they are fine with harassment and stalking. (Which is exactly what you said!)

Please refrain from making false allegations publicly. Thank you!

I repeat, this is not about whether anet does ban them (fast enough) or not, its about their problematic system allowing such harrasment to exist in the first place and them doing nothing to fix it.

Your example is flawed because unkike in gw2, in rl ppl can lock their doors, their windows, everything and be themselves prevent to prevent (to an extend) someone from breaking in.

In gw2 you work with what you have, and what you have is inherently flawed and broken.

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@zealex.9410 said:I repeat, this is not about whether anet does ban them (fast enough) or not, its about their problematic system allowing such harrasment to exist in the first place and them doing nothing to fix it.Anet never reveals any sanctions or results from account moderation. You have no basis of fact to state that they are doing nothing to fix it. No one other than Anet knows.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers.

On a lighter note, they prob thought being denied a friend request would be too much for some ppl so instead they gave us twitter's follower system but worse.

Why do you think that ArenaNet is fine with "ppl get chased off the game by stalkers."? Do you have any evidence for that claim? You should be very carefull with what you say and how you say that. Stalking and harassement is a reportable offence and punished by ArenaNet! (I first handendly heard of several cases where accounts got permanently banned)

Please show me evidence for what you just said. These are some serious allegations towards a gaming company who has a high reputation for social gaming. And no, the current friend/block system is no evidence for your claim.

First of all, i dont have any proof that anet wont ban someone if they get reports that said person is a stalker, the reason i say anet is fine withit its because they think its acceptable to go in after the dmg its done and offer bans and what not (which however effective may be i cant say without having proof that it happens all the time or fast enough)

The problem is the friendlist and the block function and the fact they havent adressed this for near 8 years speaks plenty about how important it is to them.

Well you didn't say that in your first comment. I quote again : "Bacause anet is fine letting ppl get chased off the game by stalkers." and that is simply not true. And it's not what you say in your 2nd comment now.Also, you can ONLY punish people after the damage is done. That is how justice works. You can't say "Oh, I think he will harass people in 2 weeks, let's ban him now". (Unless you have valid proof that someone plans to do something against the rules (law) ofc!) That is not how any justice systems work. It's not ArenaNets job to assume that every player is a stalker or a bad person. I want you to keep in mind that we talk about a minority here.I am also not debating whether the system for friends/block is good or bad, this has nothing to do with this. I am talking about your unfounded allegations which are by the way still unfounded!

Let me give you an example: In most countrys, there is no law that you have to lock the door to your home. Does that mean that the government is fine with people breaking in other peoples homes? No, they are definetly not. -> Just because ArenaNet has this current system (good or bad) does not mean that they are fine with harassment and stalking. (Which is exactly what you said!)

Please refrain from making false allegations publicly. Thank you!

I repeat, this is not about whether anet does ban them (fast enough) or not, its about their problematic system allowing such harrasment to exist in the first place and them doing nothing to fix it.

Your example is flawed because unkike in gw2, in rl ppl can lock their doors, their windows, everything and be themselves prevent to prevent (to an extend) someone from breaking in.

In gw2 you work with what you have, and what you have is inherently flawed and broken.

Yes and in gw2 you can play in offline mode=locked door.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Yes and in gw2 you can play in offline mode=locked door.

Spot the victim blamer.

Offline mode is
the answer to thwart harassment, sexual or otherwise.

Yea becouse locked door so noone can come inAnd offline so noone can whisper is not in the least similar.Then again if blocking so all you can do is see the person is enough to set you off then maybe permanent offline is the way to go to be honest.EditAnd if they send other persons after you kindly or not inform them why you have him/her/it blocked and if presistent block them too.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Yes and in gw2 you can play in offline mode=locked door.

Spot the victim blamer.

Offline mode is
the answer to thwart harassment, sexual or otherwise.

Yea becouse locked door so noone can come inAnd offline so noone can whisper is not in the least similar.Then again if blocking so all you can do is see the person is enough to set you off then maybe permanent offline is the way to go to be honest.

Wow.Blocking someone doesn't remove you (the person clicking 'block') from their (the offender) friend list either.Literally all that would need to happen would be the "follower" function to be an OPT IN option, but sure let's continue to victim blame.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Yes and in gw2 you can play in offline mode=locked door.

Spot the victim blamer.

Offline mode is
the answer to thwart harassment, sexual or otherwise.

Yea becouse locked door so noone can come inAnd offline so noone can whisper is not in the least similar.Then again if blocking so all you can do is see the person is enough to set you off then maybe permanent offline is the way to go to be honest.

Wow.Blocking someone doesn't remove you (the person clicking 'block') from their (the offender) friend list either.Literally all that would need to happen would be the "follower" function to be an
option, but sure let's continue to victim blame.

Why do it have to be removed, they cant do anything to you other then you might see them on the same meta maps.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Yes and in gw2 you can play in offline mode=locked door.

Spot the victim blamer.

Offline mode is
the answer to thwart harassment, sexual or otherwise.

Yea becouse locked door so noone can come inAnd offline so noone can whisper is not in the least similar.Then again if blocking so all you can do is see the person is enough to set you off then maybe permanent offline is the way to go to be honest.

Wow.Blocking someone doesn't remove you (the person clicking 'block') from their (the offender) friend list either.Literally all that would need to happen would be the "follower" function to be an
option, but sure let's continue to victim blame.

Why do it have to be removed, they cant do anything to you other then you might see them on the same meta maps.

I'm not going to continue this back and forth as you've obviously never experienced being stalked or harassed, nor do you actually care if it happens.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Yes and in gw2 you can play in offline mode=locked door.

Spot the victim blamer.

Offline mode is
the answer to thwart harassment, sexual or otherwise.

Yea becouse locked door so noone can come inAnd offline so noone can whisper is not in the least similar.Then again if blocking so all you can do is see the person is enough to set you off then maybe permanent offline is the way to go to be honest.

Wow.Blocking someone doesn't remove you (the person clicking 'block') from their (the offender) friend list either.Literally all that would need to happen would be the "follower" function to be an
option, but sure let's continue to victim blame.

Why do it have to be removed, they cant do anything to you other then you might see them on the same meta maps.

I'm not going to continue this back and forth as you've obviously never experienced being stalked or harassed, nor do you actually care if it happens.

I see your not able to clearly explain how and why so you opt out maybe you shouldent jump in with wild accusations then?

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What would be the harm in ANet changing the system to one in which a player has control of whose friend's list they appear on?

  • I remember on one much earlier thread on this subject, a self-identified streamer complained that he preferred not to have to accept the many follower requests he(?) would get.
  • It would mean ANet having to divert a coder or so to make the change.

I can't think of other legitimate reasons. I don't believe that, "It's not a problem for me, so it isn't a problem." is a legitimate reason for ANet not to emulate other social sites and put more control of players' in-game social experience in the hands of players.

As to the reasons above...

  • How many streamers are there doing GW2 these days? How many such would be inconvenienced (yes, that's what it would be)? Wasn't there a thread a month or three ago about streamers dropping off? If streamers continue to be an issue large enough to warrant concern, design the system to allow a user to opt out of the need to accept friend/follower requests.
  • How much coding would be involved? I don't know, but I have a hard time thinking this should be a non-trivial task for an experienced programmer.

It's just a thought.

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@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:What would be the harm in ANet changing the system to one in which a player has control of whose friend's list they appear on?

  • I remember on one much earlier thread on this subject, a self-identified streamer complained that he preferred not to have to accept the many follower requests he(?) would get.
  • It would mean ANet having to divert a coder or so to make the change.

I can't think of other legitimate reasons. I don't believe that, "It's not a problem for me, so it isn't a problem." is a legitimate reason for ANet not to emulate other social sites and put more control of players' in-game social experience in the hands of players.

As to the reasons above...

  • How many streamers are there doing GW2 these days? How many such would be inconvenienced (yes, that's what it would be)? Wasn't there a thread a month or three ago about streamers dropping off? If streamers continue to be an issue large enough to warrant concern, design the system to allow a user to opt out of the need to accept friend/follower requests.
  • How much coding would be involved? I don't know, but I have a hard time thinking this should be a non-trivial task for an experienced programmer.

It's just a thought.

Would happen to wvw commanders, pve meta commanders, hero point commanders really any person who command things for people and do a good jobb aswell.

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Hmm, when I wrote my first post, I wasn't aware that there were stalkers in game, or that they had any kind of effect.

That sounds like it should be actionable harassment. But considering my sole experience of some player who repeatedly disrupted multiple time slots of ab daily for weeks continuously, and Anet did not take any action despite many people reporting him every time slot, then yea, they should modify how block would interact with a follower, I guess

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