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Eye of the North

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I believe they will want to keep there gem passes relevant. If they add everything to this, the gem passes lose value. Honestly, without a portal... I will keep using Myst or Bastion.

Note: As a reminder, we have anvils in the strike missions. This might be an oversight, but I hardly see it as a problem. Add the portal scroll and I would be happy.

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re: I believe they will want to keep there gem passes relevant & we have anvils in the strike missions - These two things especially taken together, may be the reason armor repair wasn't included. I thought I saw an anvil in the vendor list on the first day, but I may have just mistaken one of the other list icons for an anvil at that time. I guess we'll see what happens as far as adding armor repair to EotN. They replied pretty quickly about the lack of portal/gizmo access, so maybe this was an intended omission.

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@Elden Arnaas.4870 said:re: It's literally the smallest map on the world map, maybe altogether. - It isn't an open world map or city, though. It is a convenience area - so it should be compared to the other convenience areas in regard to size, spacing, layout, and other things that affect convenience.

Exactly. Compared to the other hubs like Mistlock Sanctuary, it falls flat because the room is too large. No mounts to fast cross, nor pact commander speedboost.I have unlocked everything, and so far I consider it a waste of effort. The other hubs are far superior in layout and accessability.

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