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Gen 3 leggies with the next expac?

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Ik full well that legendaries will lose alot of their value once legendary armory is out and ppl start making the weapon and armor types they still need but i still think that even for the cosmetic aspect that it would be nice to see a third gen of weapons.

i actually think the legendary armory will give greater value to have legendaries. it doesn't take away the value from them.

Look at it this way, the armory makes it so when you make a gs you will never need anoter greatsword because the armory will take care of the statswapping for all your characters, therefor any other greatsword has the value of a skin to you but with the same pricepoint.

It makes any legendaries past the first of a type way less lucrative so why i think a gen 3 would be overall less desired by most ppl.

Or it could get a lot of people who didn't want to bother with legendaries due to the hassle of switching them between characters the desire to actually do so.

Especially legendary armor. Even more so if skins are unique to the build and you don't have to reskin them each time you switch character.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i rather see them improve the game and focus on the expansion instead of yet more grind for rich players.

One person whose entire job is to design weapons is all that is needed to make legendary weapons. They aren't specialized to develop content.

it takes concept artists to design the weapon, scripting to get it in the game, a 3D modeler to make the weapon, a 2D artist to give it a skin and add effects, it needs to be approved by the lead artist for it to even get in the game, the weapon also needs several items in-game so the legendary crafting line goes well and stays unique.you're severely underestimating the progress just to get one single weapon in a game.

Whenever a dev talks about their process for making a legendary (Pharus for example), they pretty much state it in a way that they're the ones that make it themselves. It is entirely possible they do get some help here and there. You're severely overestimating how much dev time goes into one thing.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i rather see them improve the game and focus on the expansion instead of yet more grind for rich players.

One person whose entire job is to design weapons is all that is needed to make legendary weapons. They aren't specialized to develop content.

it takes concept artists to design the weapon, scripting to get it in the game, a 3D modeler to make the weapon, a 2D artist to give it a skin and add effects, it needs to be approved by the lead artist for it to even get in the game, the weapon also needs several items in-game so the legendary crafting line goes well and stays unique.you're severely underestimating the progress just to get one single weapon in a game.

Whenever a dev talks about their process for making a legendary (Pharus for example), they pretty much state it in a way that they're the ones that make it themselves. It is entirely possible they do get some help here and there. You're severely overestimating how much dev time goes into one thing.

of course they make it themselves, they have all what i stated, that doesn't remove the fact that there is quite some work behind it.it takes about 2 months to add a legendary weapon in the game, knowing that one weapon isn't the only thing they have to add.however, within the months of dev time to develop this one weapon they could improve parts of the game that might just take about 2 weeks, something i rather see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@SolidTx.3249 said:casting my vote for more legendaries. more weapons, more armor, more trinkets. more. it makes the game more fun. gives us more goals. its good for the longevity of the game.

This. Plus. Let's use shortbow as an example. Dreamer was og. Chuka years ago. I am tired of both at this point. Please more!

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There are sooooo many weapon skins that I honestly feel like it's wasted effort now. I rather they focus on making armor skins that go in a different direction for once since everything has generally been the same concept since release, even Elona skins followed the same overused GW2 style of things instead of GW1 Elona's. I hope the same doesn't happen to Cantha, I want them to bring back GW1 Assassin style to diversify the ocean of coats and buttflaps.

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@Doggie.3184 said:There are sooooo many weapon skins that I honestly feel like it's wasted effort now. I rather they focus on making armor skins that go in a different direction for once since everything has generally been the same concept since release, even Elona skins followed the same overused GW2 style of things instead of GW1 Elona's. I hope the same doesn't happen to Cantha, I want them to bring back GW1 Assassin style to diversify the ocean of coats and buttflaps.

Assassin armor in GW1 was honestly terrible.... just skin tight clothing with different shaped oversized blades sticking out everywhere. These designs honestly didn't make alot of sense, they just got gigantic fricking knives attached everywhere to look cool.

Cantha had some nice skins, especially the ritualist in my opinion. But assassin armor really hasn't been standing out as a good design. Can agree that we could use more medium armor which doesn't have trenchcoats, tho.

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