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Small area AOE attacks


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Really wonder how that'd play out these days. Besides how you'd instantly die to retaliation.

Overall with a very small area a zerg would just spread a little bit more. I would imagine there are other ways of encouraging less stacking, like somehow making smaller groups a bit more viable...

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@blp.3489 said:I think this game mode really needs some aoe attacks that work on a small area but affect everything in that area. Something that can be used on zergs that crazy stack.

They also need to unnerf meteor shower. Even with a target cap, when it did full damage to all targets it hit, it would quickly split up groups that were stacked tightly.

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@Strider.7849 said:

@blp.3489 said:I think this game mode really needs some aoe attacks that work on a small area but affect everything in that area. Something that can be used on zergs that crazy stack.

They also need to unnerf meteor shower. Even with a target cap, when it did full damage to all targets it hit, it would quickly split up groups that were stacked tightly.

I would say less AOE's but better ones :P, the game has actually loads of small aoes and cleave gameplay its actually everything....

@lodjur.1284 said:Just remove aoe caps altogether. Would reduce lag and remove some very dumb gameplay

Servers cant handle, the lag is already the server processin all the small aoes/conditions/boons(quickness mostly f** up desync when used in masses)....... its already a problem with the splashy nature of the game itself, altough i would agree with very wide target skills if most of the game were single to cleave with real aoe skills, meteors 15-20 targets for example, blizzard skills, etc.

One thing that game doesnt lack is small aoes.... it has actually to many, thats actually all the wvw builds are builded for ._. !!!

@blp.3489 said:I think this game mode really needs some aoe attacks that work on a small area but affect everything in that area. Something that can be used on zergs that crazy stack.TDLR: Burn Guards stack as many ur server can.

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