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Transmutation charge in pve

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@Hannelore.8153 said:The problem is that removing the system would remove a huge chunk of the reason that people play PvP/WvW. The system is intentionally sparse in PvE to encourage playing those game modes for the rewards instead (Transmutation Charges, stat-select armor, etc.).

Doing those things in PvE is alot harder, but PvE is overall far more lucrative, which is the balance of it.

I really doubt many players play pvp/wvw for Transmute charges. Sure you will eventually pile loads of them but if you don't like the mode it will probably be a pain in the ass and feel painfully slow. Also I think average pvp players are a different breed and care less about the looks compared to an average player. At least I would prefer to have an option to disable all the flashy skins and effects for a better game play. If a game has a standard skin option where we all look alike I turn it on for a better visual clarity during fights.

In the end fashion is what funds this game.

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@Makuragee.3058 said:Its kind of sad that the main reward in this game is skin but I cant use them cause I did my map completion a while back and I dont have any left. Dont tell me to go in wvw or pvp I hate those game mode and could care less about them (frankly do you really want some, dont care, afk farm in your game mode?) Why not give us 1 charge every level up after level 80? Its not normal that pvp, wvw player are flood with them and pve its a dry desert of charge, only a fiew drop here and there... And no reroll an alt to fashion my main is not a solution, its mainly a band aid and its not fun...

They probably just want to give a reason to participate in those game modes. They didn't prevent you from earning transmute charges in PvE. They just make it worth your while to earn them via PvP/WvW instead. They also probably want you to feel that transmute charges are valuable, since this is a game that I gather has a large casual PvE demographic that, like you, doesn't typically participate in PvP/WvW. After all, they sell them in the gemshop and PvE players make far more gold than PvP/WvW players do.

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@Cuks.8241 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:The problem is that removing the system would remove a huge chunk of the reason that people play PvP/WvW. The system is intentionally sparse in PvE to encourage playing those game modes for the rewards instead (Transmutation Charges, stat-select armor, etc.).

Doing those things in PvE is alot harder, but PvE is overall far more lucrative, which is the balance of it.

I really doubt many players play pvp/wvw for Transmute charges. Sure you will eventually pile loads of them but if you don't like the mode it will probably be a pain in the kitten and feel painfully slow. Also I think average pvp players are a different breed and care less about the looks compared to an average player. At least I would prefer to have an option to disable all the flashy skins and effects for a better game play. If a game has a standard skin option where we all look alike I turn it on for a better visual clarity during fights.

In the end fashion is what funds this game.

Perhaps I'm atypical, but I consider it a nice perk that transmute charges are so easily acquired via WvW/PvP. I love the fashion wars almost as much as I love fighting other players! And I hate farming and map completion, though I otherwise enjoy GW2 open world play. So this system is perfect for me!

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@Ashantara.8731 said:You get a couple (or one?) per month as rewards from the Daily Login reward chest. :)

I wish they were tradeable. I have over 2,000 and would gladly put half of them on the Trading Post. :/

I have over 2000 as well, and I'd be happy to just give them away...also, the majority of mine came out of Black Lion Chests as I think most do vs actually being purchased directly from the Gem Store.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:You get a couple (or one?) per month as rewards from the Daily Login reward chest. :)

I wish they were tradeable. I have over 2,000 and would gladly put half of them on the Trading Post. :/

It's three per month on the log in rewards. When they become tradable I'll happily buy all of yours ;) I have zero on average cause I use them as fast as I get them.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:You get a couple (or one?) per month as rewards from the Daily Login reward chest. :)

I wish they were tradeable. I have over 2,000 and would gladly put half of them on the Trading Post. :/

I have over 2000 as well, and I'd be happy to just give them away...also, the majority of mine came out of Black Lion Chests as I think most do vs actually being purchased directly from the Gem Store.

Oooo, I want yours too ?

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@Makuragee.3058 said:Its kind of sad that the main reward in this game is skin but I cant use them cause I did my map completion a while back and I dont have any left. Dont tell me to go in wvw or pvp I hate those game mode and could care less about them (frankly do you really want some, dont care, afk farm in your game mode?) Why not give us 1 charge every level up after level 80? Its not normal that pvp, wvw player are flood with them and pve its a dry desert of charge, only a fiew drop here and there... And no reroll an alt to fashion my main is not a solution, its mainly a band aid and its not fun...

An age-old redundancy for GW 2. Just one of many. If they do eliminate it, they will likely do so by weaving the solution into a new feature that changes several other aspects in the game. In other words, don't expect it to be changed any time soon.

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