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berserker - the weakest class of game defining new term


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@Strider.7849 said:I want them to revert the berserker changes entirely, it's just too slow paced.. I would like them to keep the current arc divider though (even if it needs toning down) - it's really fun to use.

What isn't fun is having no F1 burst outside of berserker mode and the feeling like you're just kind of sitting there waiting for the cooldown to come off. In WvW I simply treat berserker like I do fighting a reaper - kite/range/be defensive when they enter berserker mode (shroud) and the second they pop out, go ham.

at least, reaper can run double defensive weapons to sustain while reaper form gives full offensive capabilitiesberserker only has the new primal burst that's it, you still have to reply to your weapon to do with fillers, and you end up with weapons on CD when going out of berserk

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Arkantos.7460 said:i think sb needs a serious nerf, so you can learn to love berserker more

Sadly that is the most likely scenario...

Yup that's the lazy anet way, just like with traits. One trait is used most often cuz the other two are useless so let's make the one decent trait useless so the other useless traits are of equal value lol. Teams awesome here at gw2.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:and I've won 80% of my fights roaming in wvw with full zerker pve gear on my thief while missing 2 rings <3

Not hard with stealth and multiple shadow steps.

i assume you have problem fighting thief?

Not really. Tank their opening burst and they are an easy kill.

From my experience, in PvP, thieves are not that hard to deal with, but in WvW, damn, it is near impossible to beat good thief that isn't greedy.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:There are some nice added damage mods in Tactics, and built in sustain.

Sure it's a very good choice. But here's the way I see it: You drop real world money in order to get access to the elites. They should always be better than core traits. If I'm changing back to core traits and doing better then it fails to be good value for money.

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@cryorion.9532 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:and I've won 80% of my fights roaming in wvw with full zerker pve gear on my thief while missing 2 rings <3

Not hard with stealth and multiple shadow steps.

i assume you have problem fighting thief?

Not really. Tank their opening burst and they are an easy kill.

From my experience, in PvP, thieves are not that hard to deal with, but in WvW, kitten, it is near impossible to beat good thief that isn't greedy.

Most of them, from my experience fighting them, blow their stunbreaks on repositioning for the opening burst or after the opening burst when it fails. A good CC followed by your own burst makes short work of those thieves (these are most thieves in WvW btw). The better thieves keep a port available and either run away, or try to re-engage. Use a mobility skill, CC, burst, repeat as necessary with any heals you need to use. Our CCs are on shorter cooldowns than their ports, so if you tank the opening burst it's only a matter of time before then get locked down, even in WvW. Eviscerate still does strong numbers in WvW. I've been left wondering why the fight ended so soon when their health was still so high only to remember that they don't have a whole lot of HP to begin with and my Eviscerate still does 8-10k in this meta.

@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:There are some nice added damage mods in Tactics, and built in sustain.

Sure it's a very good choice. But here's the way I see it: You drop real world money in order to get access to the elites.
They should always be better than core traits.
If I'm changing back to core traits and doing better then it fails to be good value for money.

They were stronger for a long time., Anet decided that they should instead be 'alternatives' not base class on muscle milk. Just look at the "drawbacks" that they are slowly rolling out. IMHO Berserker got to heavy of a drawback, while classes like Reaper, DH, and FB STILL do not have enough of a drawback (and I do play those specs mind you).

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:and I've won 80% of my fights roaming in wvw with full zerker pve gear on my thief while missing 2 rings <3

Not hard with stealth and multiple shadow steps.

i assume you have problem fighting thief?

Not really. Tank their opening burst and they are an easy kill.

literally contradict your own comment just so you can sound tough

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:and I've won 80% of my fights roaming in wvw with full zerker pve gear on my thief while missing 2 rings <3

Not hard with stealth and multiple shadow steps.

i assume you have problem fighting thief?

Not really. Tank their opening burst and they are an easy kill.

literally contradict your own comment just so you can sound tough

There is no contradiction. One statement is about Thief versus the general population which still runs a fair amount of glass setups and the other was about Thief versus one of the builds I ran post patch and my experiences. If you can tank the opening burst and CC them then you can more times than not down the typical glass thief. If you run full glass stats a thief will down you in the opening burst, which the stealths and ports help set up. If you don't run full glass then as the fight plays out the adds are greater that you will down the thief or they will run away rather than them downing you.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:There are some nice added damage mods in Tactics, and built in sustain.

Sure it's a very good choice. But here's the way I see it: You drop real world money in order to get access to the elites.
They should always be better than core traits.
If I'm changing back to core traits and doing better then it fails to be good value for money.

I think the way you see things isn't aligned to how Anet view and plan it ... Elite specs theoretically are just different flavours, no more or less powerful than the core build. Of course, there will always be differences because of the subjective way each person values different skills, but that at least Anet's target. The 'good value' you get for money here is simply more choice, not necessarily better choice.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:There are some nice added damage mods in Tactics, and built in sustain.

Sure it's a very good choice. But here's the way I see it: You drop real world money in order to get access to the elites.
They should always be better than core traits.
If I'm changing back to core traits and doing better then it fails to be good value for money.

Except anet from the beginning straight from the mouth on stream advertised elite specs to not be upgrades but just "another choice", or a "sidegrade". But then proceeded to make most of them OP anyways and thus now are implementing "tradeoffs"

but 3+ years after the fact and inconsistently.

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@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:There are some nice added damage mods in Tactics, and built in sustain.

Sure it's a very good choice. But here's the way I see it: You drop real world money in order to get access to the elites.
They should always be better than core traits.
If I'm changing back to core traits and doing better then it fails to be good value for money.

Except anet from the beginning straight from the mouth on stream advertised elite specs to not be upgrades but just "another choice", or a "sidegrade". But then proceeded to make most of them OP anyways and thus now are implementing "tradeoffs"

but 3+ years after the fact and inconsistently.

WAY inconsistently...

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@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:There are some nice added damage mods in Tactics, and built in sustain.

Sure it's a very good choice. But here's the way I see it: You drop real world money in order to get access to the elites.
They should always be better than core traits.
If I'm changing back to core traits and doing better then it fails to be good value for money.

Except anet from the beginning straight from the mouth on stream advertised elite specs to not be upgrades but just "another choice", or a "sidegrade". But then proceeded to make most of them OP anyways and thus now are implementing "tradeoffs"

but 3+ years after the fact and inconsistently.

...but the intention was clear and just because the execution failed doesn't mean especs should be direct upgrades. They definitely shouldn't be.

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