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With regards to the latest patch


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@Supreme.3164 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

he didnt share any statistics.rev has X% pickrate at plat 1+ and Y% pickrate and plat 1 and below.rev has Z% winrate overall, but it gets higher with the ranking by c% from gold to plat.those are statistics, what he said was clown statement and nothing else.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

Is that why teams stacks revs during monthly?

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"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

he didnt share any statistics.rev has X% pickrate at plat 1+ and Y% pickrate and plat 1 and below.rev has Z% winrate overall, but it gets higher with the ranking by c% from gold to plat.those are statistics, what he said was clown statement and nothing else.

What he shared was a statement based off of statistics. Same as when he said "If we were going to balanced based on win rate we would nerf DH". He never say x% this or y% that but he doesn't need to. Look at all the threads that popped up because of that statement. A lot of people can't get the inference with the sentence. Even if we did have the exact stats the likelihood of people using them correctly on this forum is close to 0.

Could he have worded it better, probably.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

The same devs stated before that when a classed get stacked during tournaments is an indication of imbalance, I don't particularly care about PvP now so I am not asking for nerfs, however I wonder if I'd see the same talk if it was another class being stacked during tournaments and not yours....shall I assume you'd think differently?

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

however I wonder if I'd see the same talk if it was another class being stacked during tournaments and not yours....shall I assume you'd think differently?

You shouldn't assume at all. "You're only saying this because you play the class in question". Besides none of this is actually my point and the fact you're getting personal just goes to show.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

"Objective statement"


Rev was considered dead when Path of Fire launched. It was considered worse than Water weaver, which was the best Elementalist spec at that time and considered extremely sub optimal. No one was playing Revenant at the highest level of play. And then the Sword Offhand rework happened that super charged sword offhand and Glint+Shiro's damage potential. Also this coincided with PoF power creep and meta being brought down to a level that left the HoT meta level Glint+Shiro with super charged Sword offhand extremely attractive.

Rev was seeing massive use not because high level players largely really like Revenant and were really really loyal to revenant. Revenant was almost completely abandoned for high level play throughout the first year and a half of PoF. Rev usage exploded because of a one two punch of revenant being buffed and the meta around Glint+Shiro Herald were nerfed enough to leave Glint+Shiro as by any objective analysis one of the best builds in the game for the rest of Path of Fire. When the monthly happened we were seeing Double Firebrand+Double Glint+Shiro for both finals. That was his response.

"Good players are attracted to rev because rev is attractive to the best players and that's why it sees a lot of usage" was and still is nonsense because the most competitive players have been shown to multiclass and roll whatever is most effective. Misha mains mesmer but he'll play revenant when revenant is meta. Sindriner mains thief but will play revenant when revenant is meta. Naru mains necromancer but he'll play guardian/firebrand when that is prefered. Helio likes Spellbreaker and Revenant but he swapped to Boonbeast when Boonbeast was too strong to ignore.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

however I wonder if I'd see the same talk if it was another class being stacked during tournaments and not yours....shall I assume you'd think differently?

You shouldn't assume at all. "You're only saying this because you play the class in question". Besides none of this is actually my point and the fact you're getting personal just goes to show.

Again I am not advocating for nerfs..on the contrary I believe that revenant represent a good example of design choice and I'd like to see the same approach applied to other professions , if the devs rightly modify professions based on the level of effort required then why ...don't they change the functionality of what they consider "too easy" while maintaining the scope?

For example: we take a melee spec being considered too effective for the effort required to play it, the devs should nerf the spec in a way that it's harder to play while keeping the same level of efficiency more or less, but right now the devs simply "delete" what is considered too easy to play to a point that there is no point using it and that brings me to another point I made in another thread : "there is no correlation between difficulty and performance in GW2 " , something could be hard to play and not perform at all and viceversa.

What Cmc said is correct in principle but the application is rather lacking overall

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It's a little dishonest to quote that post without at the very least adding the date. CMC's reply is from November 2019. At that time, every profession had at least one build that could be considered a monstrosity. Furthermore, no one possibly knew how the game would look like in May 2020.

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

Is that why teams stacks revs during monthly?

Last monthly final had 1 rev each team :)

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:


"rev is picked by the best players and best players tend to win monthly"...I just can't wrap my head around that comment, makes no sense whatsoever.....I am speechless

The way I would interpret it is that players who do well on Rev do well on whatever other classes they play. I'd say it's not surprising that Rev players will be on average both more experienced with the game in general and more inclined to multi-classing since it is an expansion class meaning that pretty much everyone who plays it has played other classes before it which gives a large advantage against the multitude of people who have no clue about classes other than the ones they main. You can call it bologna but CMC has some form of data to base that comment off of while us players only have speculation.

This is what happens when people apply their subjective views to what is, based on the data he has access to, a pretty objective statement. This happens pretty much every time they share any form of statistic with us.

however I wonder if I'd see the same talk if it was another class being stacked during tournaments and not yours....shall I assume you'd think differently?

You shouldn't assume at all. "You're only saying this because you play the class in question". Besides none of this is actually my point and the fact you're getting personal just goes to show.

Again I am not advocating for nerfs..on the contrary I believe that revenant represent a good example of design choice and I'd like to see the same approach applied to other professions , if the devs rightly modify professions based on the level of effort required then why ...don't they change the functionality of what they consider "too easy" while maintaining the scope?

For example: we take a melee spec being considered too effective for the effort required to play it, the devs should nerf the spec in a way that it's harder to play while keeping the same level of efficiency more or less, but right now the devs simply "delete" what is considered too easy to play to a point that there is no point using it and that brings me to another point I made in another thread : "there is no correlation between difficulty and performance in GW2 " , something could be hard to play and not perform at all and viceversa.

What Cmc said is correct in principle but the application is rather lacking overall

Still completely besides the point I am making but ok.

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