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Some QoL for necromancer


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Chilling Darkness remove the icdNecromancer have only 4 sources of blindness so icd is redundantDeath's Carapace renew when you gain a new one at max stackThat will help death magic alotMark of Evasion reduces icd to 4 secondsAs a power necromancer you'll never pick Blood Bond but now at least you canVampiric Mark increase duration to 10 secondsSoul Eater heal while in shroudHeal for 5% of your Attack in pve and 1%(or less) of your Attack in pvp and wvwLife Siphon Siphon heal nearby alliesheal from your foe and Heal nearby allies for a smal amount when you are bleeding. Damage increases if your foe is bleeding.Deathly Chill applying poison instead of bleed that will increase condition reaper dps in PvE and make condition reaper good in PvP and WvWScourge need a lot to make it good in PvE and not broken in PvP and WvW but what I don't know

That what I like to see for my necromancer what do you want for your necromancer?

EditPs . All of the above is mainly PvE or split from PvP

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Firstly, these aren't "Quality of Life" changes. They're buffs. Straight up.

Secondly, ICD on Chilling Darkness isn't redundant since one of the 4 sources of Blind that Necro has, is a pulsing well that ticks every second.

As far as what I'd like to see for Necro...

QoL changes:

  • Minions no longer being unsummoned upon changing zones
  • While gliding, minions are temporarily removed and come back after landing (Same as Ranger pet)
  • Lich Form skill 1 auto attacks by default
  • Minions that are unsummoned by going into water (While not having the minion skill equipped in your underwater set) no longer go on cooldown.


  • Minion skills cast times reduced to 1s
  • Chilling Scythe cast time reduced to 0.75s
  • Gravedigger cast time reduced to 1s
  • Grasping Darkness activation time reduced
  • Feast of Corruption replaced by Devouring Darkness
  • Blood Curse, Rending Curse and Putrid Curse Bleed durations increased to 6s
  • Lingering Curse now increases Condition Damage by 200 and converts 3% of your Precision and Condition Damage into Expertise instead of buffing Scepter.
  • Reaper now has 2 Shroud skills; Reaper's Shroud replaces your weapon skills with Reaper skills, but does not replace your health pool with Life Force. Dread Shroud replaces your health pool with Life Force but does not replace your skills (Certain Life Force/Health gain effects are changed while in this Shroud) causing a separation of the Offensive and Defensive properties of Shroud to allow for better balance (Also, to provide a different Shroud mechanic to Core)
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I agree with taril, those are buff not QoL, and from my point of view, none of them should make it to sPvP/WvW.

My opinion on what's been listed:

  • Chilling darkness: Ideally they would reduce the ICD to 1s (PvE only).
  • Death carapace: The issue of this effect is how traits effects are placed into Death magic (which isn't a new thing since it was already an issue before they introduced death carapace.)
  • Mark of evasion: 4s should be fine but again, PvE only change.
  • Vampiric mark: The heal is balanced around the idea that the necromancer can only trigger the mark 5 time. I'm not sure it's a good idea to break this balance.
  • Soul eater: Nope! The trait effect is already over the top in itself, there is no way something like that could be allowed.
  • Life siphon: Ultimately I think it's a bad idea, especially in the current PvP context.
  • Deathly chill: Poison is way stronger than bleed so it's a no-no.

    What I'd like to see as QoL:General:Defiance is now affected by boon ripping effect, dealing some amount of damage to the break bar. (Boon ripping effects are always considered as successful when used against a foe with defiance.)

Core necromancer:

  • Weapon skills that corrupt boons no boon rip instead (also apply to traits using those skills).
  • Dark path now naturally rip 2 boons, Death charge now naturally rip 1 boon.
  • Path of corruption: Whenever you successfully rip a boon with a boon ripping effect (do not apply to boon corrupting effects), apply a condition based on your specialization (Core: Bleed (8s), Reaper: Chill (1/2s), Scourge: Torment (5s) )
  • Soul grasp and Locust swarm's damage effect now can critically hit foes.
  • Summon bone minion: This skill now summon 2 Jagged horrors. Putrid explosion has been removed. You cannot have more than 5 jagged horror at once. (This would give the necromancer a good source of minions that he need to summon regularly.)
  • Rigor mortis: this skill now daze instead of immobilizing.
  • Death magic: Armored shroud now replaced by Lich aura. Lich aura summon a jagged horror whenever you enter shroud. Deadly strength now remove the toughness bonus from death carapace. Beyond the veil switch place with corruptor's fervor. Corruptor's fervor now only grant carapace whenever you apply a condition (with no other effect). Beyond the veil now additionally grant 3 second of protection and 5 stacks of carapace whenever you exit shroud.
  • Quickening thirst: reduce health threshold needed for movement speed to above 50% health from above 75% health.


  • Reduce chilling nova ICD to 5 seconds in PvE.
  • Augury of death no longer siphon life but instead grant barrier per foe struck by the necromancer's shouts.


  • Skill F2-F3-F4 no longer proc manifest sand shade.
  • Desert shroud changed to pulse a buff reducing incoming damage (power and condition) by 10% instead of dealing damage. CD reduced to 20 seconds in all gamemodes.
  • Shade skills effect now happen on both the scourge and it's shades.
  • Herald of sorrow: Drain life whenever you rip or convert a boon.
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The main QoL that needs to be made is on reaperRemove quickness from Reapers OnslaughtReduce cast times on reaper skills 1-5 by about 33%

Make them faster at base but not quickness level fastOpen up all 3 grand masters again much more equal value.

Anything else is more or less going to have to be an out right buff or reworkScourge - full on reworkCore - gonna be out right buffs

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@DragonFury.6243 said:Chilling Darkness remove the icdNecromancer have only 4 sources of blindness so icd is redundant2 of these 4 are pulsing and the reason why the ICD exists in the first place.

Death's Carapace renew when you gain a new one at max stackThat will help death magic alotToo strong.

Mark of Evasion reduces icd to 4 secondsAs a power necromancer you'll never pick Blood Bond but now at least you canToo strong.

Vampiric Mark increase duration to 10 secondsToo strong. In a 1v1 that's a 5k heal over time on top of the 5k instant heal additionally to the passive heal when it is off cooldown.

Soul Eater heal while in shroudHeal for 5% of your Attack in pve and 1%(or less) of your Attack in pvp and wvwThe other way around! 5% in the competitive modes and 1% in PvE. The shroud heal has been too strong in PvE and not PvP. That's the reason why it was nerfed.

Life Siphon Siphon heal nearby alliesheal from your foe and Heal nearby allies for a smal amount when you are bleeding. Damage increases if your foe is bleeding.Too strong. Think about 5 teamed up necros.

Deathly Chill applying poison instead of bleed that will increase condition reaper dps in PvE and make condition reaper good in PvP and WvWWe've discussed that a lot and no! Condi Reaper is an AOE bleeding machine and perma poison (33% less healing) for the whole opposite team is not fun.The DPS increase itself won't even be that great as poison is a quite weak damage over time.

Scourge need a lot to make it good in PvE and not broken in PvP and WvW but what I don't knowIt needs less cleave and more mobility - in fact a complete redesign.

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@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:

@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:Add mini life bars above minion skills so you can keep track of your minions health.We have asked for this since day 1.

I'm pretty sure it's already available as an option in the UI parameter.

I see no such thing :-(

From the wiki.

Unless a character is selected, only the name and guild tag portion of their nameplate is displayed. Holding Left Alt displays the whole nameplates of nearby allies. Holding Left Ctrl displays the whole nameplates of nearby enemies. Options exist to have nameplates be shown all the time for enemies or allies.

F11 -> user interface -> show all NPC names. (If I recall properly it also show health bar at the same time).

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:Add mini life bars above minion skills so you can keep track of your minions health.We have asked for this since day 1.

I'm pretty sure it's already available as an option in the UI parameter.

I see no such thing :-(

From the wiki.

Unless a character is selected, only the name and guild tag portion of their nameplate is displayed. Holding Left Alt displays the whole nameplates of nearby allies. Holding Left Ctrl displays the whole nameplates of nearby enemies.
Options exist to have nameplates be shown all the time for enemies or allies

F11 -> user interface -> show all NPC names. (If I recall properly it also show health bar at the same time).

No that doesn't do what I'm saying. Also you can only see their health bar when hovering your cursor over them individually which is hard to do and you can't keep constant track of them. We need health bars of the skill icon of each minion. Then we can see if we should explode bone minions or use blood fiends before they die, and also when to throw down a heal.

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QoL for necro? Give us the ability to control pets (all of them at once since there's just too many of them), and i don't mean like attack with this pet, or this pet, i mean like: stop attack, go there, stay here etc... once those guys find a target, i become a prisoner of combat, and bye bye insta mount until they're done with whoever got their ire.That's a QoL i would just cry tears of joy about, aside from them fading from existance once i change mounts too fast, that would be nice too.

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