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We getting a Balance Patch Tuesday?


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Last Patches ....

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103747/game-update-notes-april-28-2020#latest - touch up on some specs

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100269/game-update-notes-march-17-2020#latest - Very small touch up on some classes

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest - Big patch that changed / deleted some classes from being viable.

February 25th it is now June 16 and still not a single word or major patch drop yet. Within the 4 Months we had 2 touch up "balance" patches that didn't really do much at all or addressed the issue.

I'm expecting something today other wise if we don't I 100% lost confident in Cmc and what he could of brought to the table.

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@"zoopop.5630" said:Last Patches ....

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103747/game-update-notes-april-28-2020#latest - touch up on some specs

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100269/game-update-notes-march-17-2020#latest - Very small touch up on some classes

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest - Big patch that changed / deleted some classes from being viable.

February 25th it is now June 16 and still not a single word or major patch drop yet. Within the 4 Months we had 2 touch up "balance" patches that didn't really do much at all or addressed the issue.

I'm expecting something today other wise if we don't I 100% lost confident in Cmc and what he could of brought to the table.

Guarantee that nothing's dropping today.Honestly feel like anet might be just saying f it let's just focus entirely on pve development considering our limited resources.I think either the new team wasn't actually intended to be what was promised and the promises were just to try and hold retention of players and raise the morale or the new team is way over their head and are no where near up for the task of what it takes to continually balance a mmo like gw2.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"zoopop.5630" said:Last Patches ....

- touch up on some specs

- Very small touch up on some classes

- Big patch that changed / deleted some classes from being viable.

February 25th it is now June 16 and still not a single word or major patch drop yet. Within the 4 Months we had 2 touch up "balance" patches that didn't really do much at all or addressed the issue.

I'm expecting something today other wise if we don't I 100% lost confident in Cmc and what he could of brought to the table.

Guarantee that nothing's dropping today.Honestly feel like anet might be just saying f it let's just focus entirely on pve development considering our limited resources.I think either the new team wasn't actually intended to be what was promised and the promises were just to try and hold retention of players and raise the morale or the new team is way over their head and are no where near up for the task of what it takes to continually balance a mmo like gw2.

Sure, Whatever BUT at least fucking give us a heads up. Like anything would be OK.

Tagging them or Twitch, Forums, Discord or on FB doesn't seem to work so wtf the point in even making false promises ?

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:Last Patches ....

- touch up on some specs

- Very small touch up on some classes

- Big patch that changed / deleted some classes from being viable.

February 25th it is now June 16 and still not a single word or major patch drop yet. Within the 4 Months we had 2 touch up "balance" patches that didn't really do much at all or addressed the issue.

I'm expecting something today other wise if we don't I 100% lost confident in Cmc and what he could of brought to the table.

Guarantee that nothing's dropping today.Honestly feel like anet might be just saying f it let's just focus entirely on pve development considering our limited resources.I think either the new team wasn't actually intended to be what was promised and the promises were just to try and hold retention of players and raise the morale or the new team is way over their head and are no where near up for the task of what it takes to continually balance a mmo like gw2.

Sure, Whatever BUT at least kitten give us a heads up. Like anything would be OK.

Tagging them or Twitch, Forums, Discord or on FB doesn't seem to work so kitten the point in even making false promises ?

Been their mo for yrs now so highly doubt itl change no matter what words they throw at its community.

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