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MOTA being really enjoyable


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I think a tournament like MOTA really benefits the game. I would love to see more of it, maybe it becoming a yearly thing. And in other game modes as well (like the Raid tournament we saw a few months ago). And it really benefits the tournament that Anet officially supports it.

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@silklash.6154 said:A little offtopic but since it's related to MOTA I thought I'd post here.

I just realized that we have basically proof on video of a player hacking on a broadcasted event...and both anet as well as the community doesn't really give a kitten at all LOL.

Was it the one in the qualifiers? Just watched the finals

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@Lurana.7506 said:I think a tournament like MOTA really benefits the game. I would love to see more of it, maybe it becoming a yearly thing. And in other game modes as well (like the Raid tournament we saw a few months ago). And it really benefits the tournament that Anet officially supports it.Agree completely but really someone else needs to step up because Teapot shouldn't be carrying this entire community on his shoulders. I realize he had help, I know a lot of people jumped in with both time and money....I know Anet and some really generous fans of the game chipped in big time.But someone else needs to help generate the fan hype as well.

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@silklash.6154 said:A little offtopic but since it's related to MOTA I thought I'd post here.

I just realized that we have basically proof on video of a player hacking on a broadcasted event...and both anet as well as the community doesn't really give a kitten at all LOL.

did you mean that fb? I though thief shadowportalled him but once he just ported and didnt get stealth so got me susp, then again I didnt investigate since I dont care all that much

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