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The next mini season should be core only!

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Pre-Mega Balance Core Necro, Thief, Ranger, Mesmer, Warrior and maybe Guard would all be good. Rev would be just okay and Engineer and Ele would be pretty bad.

Post mega balance it'd be just Rev, Necro, Ranger and Thief. Engie and Guard would be okay. Warrior and Mesmer Ele would be bad.

I do think a core only mini season would be cool to see. I think I'd rather see No Downstate season first tho

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:This will show which core classes are garb, ok, and god tier.

I think build and balance around that with what you think they should be doing versus what they are, and then consider the elites later.

We all know which are the garbage core specs already, even the devs know exactly that :





A core only season would be just rangers, necros, revenants with the occasional guardian and core engi, I would not even expect core war to show up....maybe just maybe couple of one shot mesmers once in a blue moon and definitely 0 core eles

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