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Thief Fashion Frustration


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My Thief is a Charr female. I would love to have a simple dark bodysuit type costume for her, like how the Sneakthief set fits on human females; no flappy coats, nothing glowy, and so on. After all, Thieves (and especially Daredevils) are supposed to be stealthy and agile. And therein lies the problem; I can't find anything in my wardrobe that doesn't have a long coat, glowy bits or shiny metal stuck all over it. I have seen a few other Charr in game who come close to what I'm looking for, but I have no idea how they're doing it. Can anyone offer any fashion tips for how to get that kind of look on a Charr? Any help much appreciated.

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imo, it's the medium armour frustration in general... everything is a trench coat or has a buttcape.

light armour and/or heavy armour classes may or may not have better options (depending on your taste)

as for a body suit i don't play char, but try the Elegy Set see if it works or the strider's set (gemstore) ... there maybe more but that's what i could recall for now

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Ahh yes... Medium armour AKA "Everythings a bloody trenchcoat!"

As far as armour sets that fit the theme you're going for, the closest I can find are the Triumphant set from WvW and the Viper's set from the gem store.

Also, as far as I know, the Vigil chestpiece is pretty much just a tunic, which can then be combined with one of various pairs of pants that are not so flashy (Most sets have standard pants to be honest, it's mostly the chestpieces all being trenchcoats that's the problem)

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:I can't find anything in my wardrobe that doesn't have a long coat, glowy bits or shiny metal stuck all over it.Try the Executioner's Outfit, it doesn't have "glowy bits" or "shiny metal stuck all over it" and it at least doesn't look like as if you're "wearing a dress".

Also, you can reduce "shininess" by wearing a Polysaturating Reverberating Infusion (Gray).

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This is a Medium Armor problem, Almost everything is bulky and has a skirt.It's why I don't bother with the armor wardrobe, I'd like to mix and match but I want something sleek and simple. Sadly, There just isn't enough to make a single set that I like.Personally I stick to outfits, a lot are bulky and have skirts/capes too but I've found that the Abyss stalker if you dye the glowing part black can pass as a nice outfit for a thief. The Bandit sniper is a good one too but that's it.

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I've never made a Charr so I don't know what they can wear.I stick with the White Mantle Elite Guard Mask, with a textured dye it can look like skin or fur.Metal Legion shirt.Corsair Leggings or Spearmarshal Leggings.Stalwart Shoulders or Racing ScarfPlenty of gloves that can look more everyday or unassuming.

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