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Would you be inclined to purchase more Outfits if you were able to wear a custom helmet on top?

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My bad , badly understood the question. So.. the helmet we have outside of outfit with the rest of the outfit? Plainly stupid. If I want something is an helmet from an outfit as a normal helmet armor skin. So basically what is said above about having more customization. So my vote is NO in fact.

Many outfit have a part I hate: Shoulders, Chest, Gloves or Helmet... so I prefer having them in parts like aetherblade or magitech ones.What I can tell, if outfits were armor part skins I would be more inclined to buy them. But currently many are a no.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@waxx.3619 said:I hate the concept of outfits. If I were Anet I would sell armor pieces instead of outfits. Same price as an outfit but they come in chest, boots, gloves etc. skin. So you can mix and match them and create your own unique set.

Armor sets same price as outfits? That's unrealistic. The resources involved are vastly different.

Full armour sets used to be 800 gems and outfits are 700 gems (except the wedding smudge, which is 1000 gems).I'd gladly pay 100 gems more, if Arenanet went the extra effort and I like parts of the design.As it stands now, I don't pay a single gem on further outfits, because every outfit (except the monk dress) has irremovable parts that I can't stand.

Don't forget, that's 800gems for a single armor class

That's still 2400 gems for 18 parts (six per weight) that can be mixed with other parts of the same armour weight.That's effectively more value then than one part that can't be mixed.Outfits can't even hide their gloves and shoulders, so it's another advantage for armours.

yep, but 2400vs700 is different from 800vs700, that's the correction that i am pointing out, wrt to your original post

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@casualkenny.9817 said:yep, but 2400vs700 is different from 800vs700, that's the correction that i am pointing out, wrt to your original post

But if I were to buy only one version with six parts, rather than all three versions (assuming it's the same design on all three armour weights), it's 800 gems.For people who would wear it on all different weights, it'd be more.But I only consider buying such things for only one character.

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I usually never see anyone rocking outfits. Most people like collecting skins and mix and match their own armor set. IMO Anet would profit a lot of more if they stopped focusing on outfits and release armor pieces. So many of these outfits are soo cool but they are all or nothing. I bet many i mean many would love to have pieces of those outfits and create their own custom set. Let players display their creativity. Don't sell them premade stuff.

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My biggest gripe so far is that I can't wear a monocle with my Noble Count outfit, which I bought with that in mind, totally forgetting it couldn't be done. My fault, I own it, but it still annoys me and I see no legitimate reason why it must be this way. Headgear's generally detached from the rest, anyway, and we have clipping issues with all sorts of mix-n-match (and even properly matched) sets, so that isn't a valid reason, IMO. I guess it was a logistical/technical choice, since it makes no sense to restrict when there's no benefit to that restriction, but even so it would probably have been better to allow this from the very beginning. They had to know it would be preferable.

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