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"I can use my flamethrower to meld them - you have an own flamethrower?"

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I love when they do things like this, especially when it acknowledges the weapons the player has. There's a few hearts where you have to go and pick up a torch for some of the activities and it always irritates me when I'm playing my ranger because I'm already holding a torch but somehow I have to go and get their torch instead. It's much nicer when the NPCs recognise what your character has available and what they can do, and seems more realistic too. :)

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Reminds me a bit of that ls3 episode where we infiltrate Caudecus' estate from Lake Doric. As a thief main, it was very nice that I could just pick the lock on the door and sneak in instead of kicking it down. I heard there were other options throughout that instance for different jobs. Definitely hope these little differences appear more in upcoming content. Theres just something a bit satisfying about being true to my toon's job.

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@Aru.4156 said:Reminds me a bit of that ls3 episode where we infiltrate Caudecus' estate from Lake Doric. As a thief main, it was very nice that I could just pick the lock on the door and sneak in instead of kicking it down. I heard there were other options throughout that instance for different jobs. Definitely hope these little differences appear more in upcoming content. Theres just something a bit satisfying about being true to my toon's job.

I think that one has at least one option for each profession. I don't remember all of them but I know there's a part where dogs attack you and my ranger was able to turn them to our side instead of having to kill them.

I recently re-discovered an earlier example too. During Season 2 when you first find Scarlet's old inventions, with most characters Taimi will give a brief comment and then stop herself, effectively saying you wouldn't understand but my norn engineer and asuran guardian both got extra dialogue options where they reminded Taimi that actually they did understand and had a brief conversation about her inventions. It didn't mean much to me but it was a nice touch.

I know it doesn't fit in everywhere, but I hope Anet continue to put those extra bits in when they can because it's a nice touch to make it feel like the NPCs actually recognise your character as more than a generic place-holder for the player.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

I recently re-discovered an earlier example too. During Season 2 when you first find Scarlet's old inventions, with most characters Taimi will give a brief comment and then stop herself, effectively saying you wouldn't understand but my norn engineer and asuran guardian both got extra dialogue options where they reminded Taimi that actually they did understand and had a brief conversation about her inventions. It didn't mean much to me but it was a nice touch.

Really? That's hillarious considering that another part of LS2 makes you (when sylvari) ask a random human ex-noble to arrange a meeting with your own mother.

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By sheer fluke I happened to be playing through the story for the first time on my Scrapper. I'm using an Open World build using the Juggernaut trait so I get permanent Stability using flamethrower. When I read this dialogue I was really surprised and very pleased =) that the NPC acknowledged that I didn't actually need his cache of flamethrowers. I recall another occasion elsewhere in the game (sorry can't remember exactly where) when my Scrapper was required to put down their Flamethrower in order to pick up a 'Flamethrower' to complete a task :/

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